motorway idiots targeted

Challenger1978 said:
Gaylord du Bois said:
It's all about maintaining the status quo mate.
And ye can stick that lot up yer arse..

If their a lorry overtaking a crane doing 40? You really are a clueless ****

10cc were better than that fukn lot ;)

-- Wed Jun 05, 2013 10:52 pm --

Challenger1978 said:
That i do agree with is wrong.
Sorry mate,i'm confused,,,with or against me.

Anyone doing 55 in the middle lane is a ****.

-- Wed Jun 05, 2013 11:00 pm --

weeman19_89 said:
The problem that starts the middle lane lovers is the fact they don't teach motorway driving when learning to drive and then some people just don't know the rules of motorway driving.

There is pass plus scheme available but this is not mandatory, they should make it mandatory.

Traveling from Rochdale to Horwich everyday worries me at the amount of incompetent people who are actually out on the road.

The problem with the driving test is people are taught to pass a test and not actually how to drive. So when they past the test all the bullshit they're made to do goes out the window and they do what the fuck they want.
I cant say ive seen a lot of this,but this must tempt drivers to overtake on either side...
Challenger1978 said:
andyhinch said:
If their a lorry overtaking a crane doing 40? You really are a clueless ****

Are talking to me or chewing on a brick.

Can you chew bricks,i presume the mud type ones youll have a chance with...
weeman19_89 said:
The problem that starts the middle lane lovers is the fact they don't teach motorway driving when learning to drive and then some people just don't know the rules of motorway driving.

Yep,well said weeman ( u fae Glesgsa ).
The amount of fukn idiots that enter a motorway (say at 50mph),and head straight into the middle lane is unreal.
Also on a 3 laner,the left hand lane is a cut off junction (and also the inside lane),but they go into the middle lane then back in after the junction..WHY FFS
weeman19_89 said:
The problem that starts the middle lane lovers is the fact they don't teach motorway driving when learning to drive and then some people just don't know the rules of motorway driving.

Yep,well said weeman ( u fae Glesgsa ).
The amount of fukn idiots that enter a motorway (say at 50mph),and head straight into the middle lane is unreal.
Also on a 3 laner,the left hand lane is a cut off junction (and also the inside lane),but they go into the middle lane then back in after the junction..WHY FFS
Because they don't know how to drive? Just guessing
urmston said:
simonk said:
Blue Maverick said:
I took my lessons and test in Germany while in the RAF, part of the lessons were on the autobahns, as far as I know you can't go on the motorway over here until you pass your test, so basically no one is taught how to drive on motorways!!
If you can't pull out in time to overtake a vehicle I'd say you maybe need to get some advanced driving classes because your driving is not good enough, you should be able to anticipate these hazards and drive accordingly, it's called progressive driving.

These pricks arent the sole problem, its the fact they force other cars into the outside lane, who then get in mine and other peoples way.I dont drive like a prick but always sit in the outside lane at 80 or so. If the mway is clear then I will always move in, and if someone wants to get past I always move in aswell. But it generally isnt and these clueless twats havent got a clue what they cause.

The speed limit is 70.

As you are a law-breaker you a hardly in a strong position to complain about others not sticking to the rules.

get back in yer micra and get to the hair dressers. Your blue rinse is fading.<br /><br />-- Thu Jun 06, 2013 9:59 am --<br /><br />
The Pink Panther said:
urmston said:
Just where are these middle lane hogging car drivers?

I can't say I've ever noticed them or been held up by anyone driving like this.

Perhaps they exist mainly in the dismal imaginations of those aggressive and immature drivers who are constantly weaving in and out of traffic and tailgating to impress us with their driving skills and their 'sports' cars, and/or to ensure that they arrive at their destinations a minute or two earlier than they would otherwise have done.

The only middle lane hoggers I notice are HGV drivers overtaking another HGV driver while travelling at 0.1 mph faster than the lorry they are overtaking.

Not a middle lane hogger, but an outside lane hogger I was behind on the M62 yesterday almost, by his arrogance and refusal to move over, caused a mega pile up

Undertake...and then as you pass...stare at the **** doing the wanker sign.

Then offer him out as you drive past at a ton.
andyhinch said:
urmston said:
simonk said:
These pricks arent the sole problem, its the fact they force other cars into the outside lane, who then get in mine and other peoples way.I dont drive like a prick but always sit in the outside lane at 80 or so. If the mway is clear then I will always move in, and if someone wants to get past I always move in aswell. But it generally isnt and these clueless twats havent got a clue what they cause.

The speed limit is 70.

As you are a law-breaker you a hardly in a strong position to complain about others not sticking to the rules.
Never had a point or accident after driving approx 1,000,000 miles give or take, you satamonius ****, you've never broken the speed limit? Bollocks

You've never had points simply because you haven't been caught speeding.

There are plenty of people who haven't been fined or imprisoned for all sorts of crimes from dropping litter to watching dodgy stuff on the internet right through to murder.

They just haven't been caught.

That doesn't make them any less criminal.

You are a hypocrite to come on here moaning about how some drivers break the rules on the motorway by driving in the middle lane when the nearside one is more appropriate when you admit to breaking the motorway law yourself.

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