Mr Bates vs the Post Office

Post office accused a post office manager of fiddling the books and took action against the manager. Then transpires the PO accused many other managers of being on the take and again took appropriate action against them, who all pleaded innocence.
An investigation concludes it was a computer / technology issue within the PO system that was fucked.....
The sacked mangers took on the PO and won their case.
It wasn’t “appropriate action”
You know what? I binge watched it all on the first night and was fucking upset and angry and then watched ep by ep this week and tonight ......... yep ..... more upset and more angry .....whilst Vennels rightly takes the flak tonight Fujitsu have dodges it all and should be held to account.

Instead they got a new Govt contract this week.
You do seem to have a lot of confifendence that Labour will actually do somthing different?
The lyrics to The Jam's Eton Rifles say it all.
Indeed the most important player that actually got things done after Mr Bates was Tory MP James Arbuthnott (now in the House of Lords) who was pivotal in getting the initial inquiry moving.
Other Tory and Labour MPs were equally heavily subsequently involved in driving forward the Sub Post Masters claims for justice. But to make broad brush claims as to what the Torries wouldn't do is rediculous.
The Government/Big Business Blob is not contrlled by politicians it is a sellf serving organisation that protects it's own.

One of the key elements of this is that it isn't just a one political party issue. It started when we had a Labour Government, progressed through a Conservative/Lib Dem coalition (and in fact the current leader of the Lib Dems was Post Office Minister or some such title when he was in Government), it's continued on into a Tory one that we have now. None of them come out of it as being a shining light.

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