Mr Bates vs the Post Office

I’m playing catch up on this mornings session - it’s not looking very good for PV!! The tears were a nice caring touch though
Put your hand up if you haven't known forever that RM/POL has authority of prosecution?
Yes, I've always known this as well-Oliver fukin Cromwell knew-that's how long it goes back!
The Premier League seem to be operating as if they have the same powers?
The Premier League seem to be operating as if they have the same powers?
Well that's not criminal it concerns their own rules and regulations. The PL aren't as bad as UEFA in that the PL have an independent panel.
I don't buy the tears. I do believe in forgiveness but it sounds like there was more than enough chances for her to step in and stop it all while others were severely suffering, wrongly so.
This is likely completely irrelevant and I don't mean to infer anything by it but the complete Exec team during her time were Women.
CEO-Paula Vennels
General Counsel-Susan Crichton/Jane MacLeod
Peoples Director-Andela Van Den Bogard
Programme Director-Belinda Cortes-Martin
CIO-Lesley Sewell
Company Secretary-Alwen Lyons
Chair-Alice Perkins
Last week or the week before someone was asked if there was a “clique“ and I’m certain that it was
The document produced yesterday with the company secretary , Alwen Lyon, overstepping her job description by writing “I“ and “my” proves it as they were all up Vennels arse
Vennels is digging an ever-larger hole,now dragging as many colleagues in as possible,some of whom will surely be desrving of it,some not.She is a snake and the legal rep.for the claimants is ripping her to bits.

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