Mr Bates vs the Post Office

On the subject if compensation the courts should give a deadline, look at the blood scandal, they are still waiting, like with the post they are hoping people die so they don’t have to pay out, they should be allowed to nominate a next of kin to get it. The fire service are waiting on compensation due to the pension debacle and they are now dragging that out after 4/5 years of been told to pay up. I don’t even think we wil get it, unless Labour win and just sort this shit out.
Saw the minister for the postal service on gmb today , tried to say that all of the victims had been given compensation , after some pushing he admits it is less than twenty but there has been offers put to all of them. Hmmm i thought of the covid tests and how they were counted when they were put in the post and not actually when they had been recieved back and tested , spin by this tired bunch of cunts
Saw the minister for the postal service on gmb today , tried to say that all of the victims had been given compensation , after some pushing he admits it is less than twenty but there has been offers put to all of them. Hmmm i thought of the covid tests and how they were counted when they were put in the post and not actually when they had been recieved back and tested , spin by this tired bunch of cunts

Read somewhere people involved got £600,000 each. I don’t know how much a local post office turns over but if you were running a business like that over numerous years and you lost it, plus your life savings, home, the stress of being branded a criminal is that really enough?
Decades ago, had an in law who was a postmaster, he disappeared abroad, with the story being he’d ’ripped off the Post Office and done a runner’.
Several years ago, he turns up again and within a couple of years committed suicide, general story being his past, and past debts, had finally caught up with him, got me wondering if there’s a link and he was actually a victim of this.
Read somewhere people involved got £600,000 each. I don’t know how much a local post office turns over but if you were running a business like that over numerous years and you lost it, plus your life savings, home, the stress of being branded a criminal is that really enough?
The main guy from the group said yesterday not everyone has had money and those who did got an interm payment of a few grand , also two ladies were on this morning yesterday saying they are still fighting on money front as well as having their sentances overturned . It is a complicated mess
The main guy from the group said yesterday not everyone has had money and those who did got an interm payment of a few grand , also two ladies were on this morning yesterday saying they are still fighting on money front as well as having their sentances overturned . It is a complicated mess
Thing is this doesn't even touch the sides plenty had unexplained shortages (we had a few in the £000's )and just made good the money POL have got away with stealing this money if you multiply that out across the network it comes in as millions of revenue that shouldn't be there surely that must show somewhere. Also we were oblivious all this was going on at the time neither the Post office or the Federation ever contacted us to see if we were affected I expect POL would already know as we had made calls to the helpline.

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