Mr Bates vs the Post Office

Thing is this doesn't even touch the sides plenty had unexplained shortages (we had a few in the £000's )and just made good the money POL have got away with stealing this money if you multiply that out across the network it comes in as millions of revenue that shouldn't be there surely that must show somewhere.
I think the government are trying to low ball offers to settle instead of getting to the root of it and giving people a fair settlement when and you say we are talking a scam on a mega level

Not watched the series yet as the real people have been talking on the morning shows so i dont want to mix up the two, will watch the series at some point
Not watched the ITV series, but have seen some of the information floating about on the inquiry.

If you want a good demonstration of the calibre of people in senior positions at the Post Office at the time, I would encourage watching some of the shit show interviews.

Here’s just one example, a line manager who was in charge of somewhere between 27 and 112 post office sub-postmasters. I say somewhere between because she doesn’t remember how many (seriously). In fact she seemingly doesn’t remember providing an 80-page annotated and signed witness statement to the court. The worst part is, she seems so incapable of the most rudimentary rational thought that I 100% believe she didn’t provide half the content of her own statement. But it’s her signature at the bottom and her comments throughout.

There’s plenty more examples… how does anybody like this who can’t grasp really basic stuff get put in a position of such responsibility like being the official line manager for over 100 people? Boggles the mind.


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