Mr Cook

TheLegendOfBerti said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
it's not THAT bad, besides, i think you'll find if we get to the final it'll be miles better on here, everyone's just desperate for wednesday to go well.

It's going to be psychotic in here on Wednesday, either way.
Bellamy's Caddy said:
The very fact that we're having this debate is due to Cook once again misreading a situation.

It could also be because he read it exactly right, and he wanted the media to be talking about City (again).

People seem to forget we're trying to build a world wide base, and both positive or negative press is contributes to that. To gain worlwide noteriety we need to be in the headlines all the time, you know like united, or chelsea, or arsenal....the teams we are wanting to overtake. Not all of their press is good, but I don't see their supporters complaining too much.

I don't agree with TMQ's stance (taken it too far, and claiming its 'everyone' does your cause no good, because its plainly not), but I do wish there would be a little less whinging. It does seem like there has to be somebody at City to complain about for people to be happy.

It is perfectly possible to enjoy what's happening at City without finding someone or something to complain about, and some of the protests about Cook in this thread are as over the top as TMQ's reaction to them.
I have no problem in slagging him off. Brash ,arrogant, Do not want my club associated with thi attitude, and the timing is so bad with such an important game on Weds. I am sure the owners wantpeople acting n their own image ie quiet , confident and assured, they will rule the world Cook will be out soon.
Clearly what he said was blown out of all proportion.

The media don't like Cook and never have, he is an arrogant man, has an inability to speak in front of the media, who let's face it don't like somebody who says outragesly over the top comments or something incredibly stupid everytime he speaks.

As for the arrogance, you need somebody like that at the top, how do you think he got there in the first place. Perhaps he should stay out of the media spotlight though, even though in this case he was talking to supporters and he is hardly going to say 'We might get through to the final and we could become good in the future, we'll try very hard.'

Personally I don't particularly like the guy because he seems a bit of an idiot, to put in nicely but he is liked by the majority of the supporters and does a good job behind the scenes so I can live with it, just worry about how much more shit he will drop us in that's all.
BobKowalski said:
You know try as I might, and trust me I have been trying, I just can't get worked up on this one. Its Cookie. It happens. I don't care.

And you don't care that much you come on and tell us!

m27 said:
sweep said:

I have no problem with him churning out a bit of spin for some pissed up fans to lap up, the fans have a laugh and Cookie gets his ego massaged a bit, no harm done. It becomes a different thing entirely when there's a TV crew present, then he has to present a professional image as opposed to looking like that embarrassing **** Mike Ashley pretending to be one of the lads.

I don't particularly want him out of the club, just keep him away from the press as he's a complete amateur when it comes to dealing with them.

Problem is fella, he's paid an awful lot of money to be our CEO and an integral part of that role is dealing with the media. This is why he isn't CEO material.

It's like buying a player for big money and then saying we have to keep him away from the pitch because he's a disaster on it. Basically, Garry Cook is Jo.
Yeah I know what you're saying and I suspect if he doesn't sort it out he will overstep the mark at some point and it will cost him his job, let's not forget they sacked Al Fahim because they didn't want to be fronted by some loudmouthed gobshite.
sweep said:
m27 said:
Problem is fella, he's paid an awful lot of money to be our CEO and an integral part of that role is dealing with the media. This is why he isn't CEO material.

It's like buying a player for big money and then saying we have to keep him away from the pitch because he's a disaster on it. Basically, Garry Cook is Jo.
Yeah I know what you're saying and I suspect if he doesn't sort it out he will overstep the mark at some point and it will cost him his job, let's not forget they sacked Al Fahim because they didn't want to be fronted by some loudmouthed gobshite.
If Baconface had have made such comments we'd all be calling him an arrogant rag.
SSN have live exclusive rights so they are hyping the build-up for all they are worth.

Cook made the comments at a supporters club mtg. It wasn't a public statement. And if a club official at the richest club in the world does not have private ambitions to be the best, then there's something wrong

The issue that's being made of this story tells you more about the media world, and vested interest than it does about Cook's acumen.
bizzbo said:
sorry, can't see how humility amounts to more than a social nicety. you do it for the sake of the feelings of others. this is sport, everything you do is designed to humiliate the opponent for 90 minutes. in a bitter rivalry it goes beyond the 90 minutes. there is a fine line but I don't see this as being a major transgression, more of a throw-away bit of banter, which is central to football. cmon, it's not to everyone's taste, but it's everywhere, people like it, like to give it, like to recieve it. I'll be honest, to me, modesty is pretty insubstantial in the grand scheme of things. It's important to many people but it's not as important as things like generosity, honesty and fairness. not bullying the officials, that is important. not trampling on people for the sake of it, important. not using your good fortune to destroy others, important. this..... trivial.

Totally agree. Me and Foe23 spoke about the derby on Monday and he was a little nervous. I was bigging up a 3-1, 4-1 win. Ok we won 2-1 and at the moment as it stands we are going to Wembley.

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