mr mancini I am 100% behind you

Commentators yesterday said one thing that I fully agree. They said that many people want Mancini sacked, but what then? Comes new manager and again spends 1M pounds in summers and everything starts again? Let the team gel and manager work for those years that are in his contract, it is not like new manger will come and suddenly we will destroy United with 5-0
aphex said:
PhuketBlue said:
To me it actually seems the opposite and that many of Mancini's biggest detractors were very much in the pro-Hughes camp.

Howdy said:
I have said this before, but I really wish Mancini stays for long time, his name just goes so well together with team, just like Arsene(Arsenal), we got Mancini(ManCity) :D
Anyways, 100% behind Mancini when he plays AJ, for now it's around 95%

sure these 2 posters have been mixed up



Not sure what you mean. My post was that many of the more vocal of the anti-Mancini posters (eg De Niro, Prestwich Blue, Billy Shears etc) were If I remember correctly very pro-Hughes.
PhuketBlue said:
aphex said:
sure these 2 posters have been mixed up



Not sure what you mean. My post was that many of the more vocal of the anti-Mancini posters (eg De Niro, Prestwich Blue, Billy Shears etc) were If I remember correctly very pro-Hughes.

it's just a play on words - lol

read yours and his..
I post this another site but I think it is appropriate on here:

Quote me if I'm wrong, but was it not all these so called pundit comments in the passed and present telling us with great delite that you can't buy a team of good players and enjoy success, they have to gel to be successfull.

Last night we sent a team of very good players individually at the moment, that have not played together for 12 months on to the same field as a team that have been playing together for years appart from the odd addition.

Give it time and stop feeding the media with information for gods sake we are forth and going in the right direction with a future, if you want to complain support that lot in red then you will have a problem.

Come On City.
Don't forget we have played last year's Top 4 plus the Dippers and apart from the Arse (10 men for 86+ minutes) none of them have scored against us.

You can't lose if the opposition don't score and once we get Balotelli and a fuuly-fit Kolarov back, just watch us go!

I hope Mancini brings us our first trophy in over 34 years. I can remember Wembley 1956, when I was just an 8 yesr old kid living in Bradford, Manchester 11, (would have been handy these days but sadly moved away!) hence user name, so I have seen a lot of managers come and go and I really think we have got a good 'un now - just give him a chance FFS!
Well said to the OP
... echo those sentiments exactly and entirely
... some City fans have become too impatient and want to throw the baby out with the bathwater
... they could do with listening to My old Mum who used to say
"If you can't think of anything nice to say then say nothing"
.... Come on City
... Forzano Mancini
Yeah, I think we have to be patient and give Mancini a chance. Chopping and changing managers in the past has got us nowhere.

Anyway, there aren't that many better managers about doing nothing. The Special One ain't going to come. We'd probably end up with Martin O'Neill.

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