Munich Chants

Re: The club should start banning them..

masterwig said:
I don't like the Munich chants but that particular song isn't 'vile' at all. It's not needed but the song isn't 'about' Munich like it has been reported.

The sensitivity around the issue has got out of control. There are worse, more offensive things heard at football but for some reason any mention of this disaster that happened over 50 years ago is treated as a special case.

You know, I sort of agree. There are worse songs and it's not really about Munich either but it just doesn't matter.

It's a matter of public perception and the media etc won't stop and try to find the specifics in it all because at the end of the day its just looks bad. This small group of fans are making us all look bad. This just has to stop and go away I mean what are we, Leeds fans? I thought City had a higher standard.
Re: The club should start banning them..

The Fat el Hombre said:
Peter Spencer can fuck off, the victory wasn't tarnished at all. I heard fuck all Munich chants and can only assume it was a select bunch of dicks. Is every victory going to be supposedly tarnished from now on because a small minority sing Munich sons (just as they always have done). Lazy Shite journalism

Were you at the game? granted it was only sung once but it was the whole corner of the stadium next to the away fans, there's around 1000 people there.
It stopped pretty quickly, no doubt because the ones with any sense of belonging to our great club saw sense and made it known they were not happy.

Where I sit in the CBS there was complete disbelief....................

Probably the Mary D's lot, say no more, take your moronic ideas somewhere else, I'm 48 and have been attending games as a fan for 38 years, we don't need this now at a time when we are constantly in the media for good reasons and with a chance of history being made around the corner.

I hope you are individually singled out and banned, muppets......................
Re: The club should start banning them..

Stretford Born Blue said:
The Fat el Hombre said:
Peter Spencer can fuck off, the victory wasn't tarnished at all. I heard fuck all Munich chants and can only assume it was a select bunch of dicks. Is every victory going to be supposedly tarnished from now on because a small minority sing Munich sons (just as they always have done). Lazy Shite journalism

Were you at the game? granted it was only sung once but it was the whole corner of the stadium next to the away fans, there's around 1000 people there.
It stopped pretty quickly, no doubt because the ones with any sense of belonging to our great club saw sense and made it known they were not happy.

Where I sit in the CBS there was complete disbelief....................

Probably the Mary D's lot, say no more, take your moronic ideas somewhere else, I'm 48 and have been attending games as a fan for 38 years, we don't need this now at a time when we are constantly in the media for good reasons and with a chance of history being made around the corner.

I hope you are individually singled out and banned, muppets......................

why was it the Mary Ds lot some of u are worse than the journo's for sweeping generalizations

Re: The club should start banning them..

I heard plenty. At half time in the 118 block bar there were at least ten of them at it, singing "We'll sing what we want" (you sounded like the dirty rags there boys, pathetic) and 'Who's that lying on the runway".
Bleeding embarrassing, vile nonsense.
The stewards were swooping in just as I'd got my brew to tell them to STFU!
A mixture of young lads who aren't old enough to know better and probably their dads/big brothers who again aren't bright enough to realise that once and for bleeding all, stop singing about one of our own players dying.
They just don't get it, do they.

And I'm not listening to any whinging about how 'they do it'....'they sing about Hillsborough'.
Let them. Let them look the bunch of brain dead wankers that they really are.
We're better than them.
Re: The club should start banning them..


Re: The club should start banning them..

Stretford Born Blue said:
The Fat el Hombre said:
Peter Spencer can fuck off, the victory wasn't tarnished at all. I heard fuck all Munich chants and can only assume it was a select bunch of dicks. Is every victory going to be supposedly tarnished from now on because a small minority sing Munich sons (just as they always have done). Lazy Shite journalism

Were you at the game? granted it was only sung once but it was the whole corner of the stadium next to the away fans, there's around 1000 people there.
It stopped pretty quickly, no doubt because the ones with any sense of belonging to our great club saw sense and made it known they were not happy.

Where I sit in the CBS there was complete disbelief....................

Probably the Mary D's lot, say no more, take your moronic ideas somewhere else, I'm 48 and have been attending games as a fan for 38 years, we don't need this now at a time when we are constantly in the media for good reasons and with a chance of history being made around the corner.

I hope you are individually singled out and banned, muppets......................

It was on more than 1 occasion, 2 or 3 by my reckoning followed in an "oh aren't we funny" way with a bastardised version of United's "We do what we want" chant replacing the word "do" with the word "sing".

As I've said previously, the people who still sing these songs are the types of personalities that will NOT stop singing unless physically prevented from doing so. Persuassion, polite requests, explaining the rational behind stopping etc simply won't work. The only thing that will actively have an affect here is to start identifying and banning those responsible. Make it clear beforehand that the chants are unacceptable and anyone caught making them will be banned and see if that makes a difference, should anyone continue to chant about it then ban them. They can't then claim they weren't warned and, if you continue despite the threat of banning then it's your own idiotic fault if you miss matches. There shouldn't actually be any need to ban people, and no bans should happen as anyone with an iota of common sense or intelligence will stop chanting about Munich if threatened with being banned.
Re: The club should start banning them..

grim up north said:
Stretford Born Blue said:
Were you at the game? granted it was only sung once but it was the whole corner of the stadium next to the away fans, there's around 1000 people there.
It stopped pretty quickly, no doubt because the ones with any sense of belonging to our great club saw sense and made it known they were not happy.

Where I sit in the CBS there was complete disbelief....................

Probably the Mary D's lot, say no more, take your moronic ideas somewhere else, I'm 48 and have been attending games as a fan for 38 years, we don't need this now at a time when we are constantly in the media for good reasons and with a chance of history being made around the corner.

I hope you are individually singled out and banned, muppets......................

why was it the Mary Ds lot some of u are worse than the journo's for sweeping generalizations


Who cares.....................................
Re: The club should start banning them..

Jack74 said:

If you find it boring, don't click on the thread. Simple really.
Re: The club should start banning them..

The press are always going to highlight any little thing they can find about city now, they hate the thought that we're going to be a much bigger force in the future and they are scared shitless that we will over take Trafford Rangers to be the biggest club in the world. Jealous about the investments we've had and so on...

I agree, singing these songs isn't very grown up, but banning people is daft. If they are that offended and hurt by it then why are they still making money out of it 53 years later! Journo's are always going to be quick to criticise anyone who bullies their precious liccle United, because after all, their fans are perfect. They mustn't attack women and children because the papers don't report it... it was obviously the women and children that started it. They don't cause trouble at games, they don't break coach windows with missiles and they certainly don't sing songs about Foe. Because after all, United are perfect aren't they.

You're never going to get songs like this out of football, munich, hillsborough etc. No matter how hard you try it will always be there, you just have to be grown up about it. Calling fans nobheads isn't going to help anyone... it just cause more arguments.
I just hope our fans CAN do the mature thing and try and stamp it out.

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