Munich songs.

eshiers1 said:
while i dont like it, a large marjority of city fans sing songs like this, i dont join in but there's nothing we can do as a fanbase to stop it unfortunately
"large majority"? wtf are you talking about? Have you been to many matches recently? These days it's invariably only sung on the concourse, and invariably only at local grounds like Wigan Blackburn and Bolton, where the tickets are on open sale and so every **** and his part-time knobhead mate comes down for a shit-stirring pissup. They used to slag us off but now they can't so they insult everyone else and there's simply enough knobheads there to get these chants going.

Those of us who are not thoughtless/antagonistic/cunts are usually numerous enough to quickly drown them out with a City song, and stop songs like this getting going on the stands and ruining our day. And we don't mean actually ruin our day, we mean spoil our enjoyment of the day. Which these songs certainly do. They don't last long though, and there's not really any need to bring it up again.
baldmosher said:
"large majority"? wtf are you talking about? Have you been to many matches recently? These days it's invariably only sung on the concourse, and invariably only at local grounds like Wigan Blackburn and Bolton, where the tickets are on open sale and so every **** and his part-time knobhead mate comes down for a shit-stirring pissup. They used to slag us off but now they can't so they insult everyone else and there's simply enough knobheads there to get these chants going.

Those of us who are not thoughtless/antagonistic/cunts are usually numerous enough to quickly drown them out and stop songs like this getting going on the stands and ruining our day. And we don't mean actually ruin our day, we mean spoil our enjoyment of the day. Which these songs certainly do. They don't last long though.

Sorry but who put the ball in the munichs net is a recent song and song by the majority. Ryan giggs is illegiatimate, Hark now here is often followed by a chorus of "muuuunich", town full of munichs, dirty munich ba'tard - all regularly heard. Dont put the blinkers on
de niro said:
the singing of that song and the like is a disgrace, just children who just wont grow up.
Agreed. Most of the tools who chant the runway song weren't even born and probably haven't heard of Frank Swift. As for the clown passing that down to his son to sing, social services should try and find a proper home for the little fooker instead of him being brought up by a knuckle dragger.
Regardless of what Leeds fans do or the rags, if you can't see how bad it makes City fans look while singing songs about Munich, there's something seriously wrong with you.
eshiers1 said:
while i dont like it, a large marjority of city fans sing songs like this, i dont join in but there's nothing we can do as a fanbase to stop it unfortunately

I don't find this argument about "how many" City fans sing these songs relevant to the discussion of whether they should be sung at all ??

The number of City fans singing Munich songs is relevant to the scale of the problem we have in trying to cut them out...but has nothing to do with the argument for justifying them or not.

I'm glad some of you lot weren't around when reformers were trying to abolish slavery or combat racism etc...the arguments wouldn't have got very far.

"I think we should abolish's not right"
...but the majority of wealthy houses have slaves...
"...oh ...I'm sorry ...I didn't's perfectly ok then." Russia..."we should do something about abuse of black players"
...but everyone around me was making monkey noises...
"....oh ...okay ....let's just forget about it then..."

Far from having a pop at the OP for making a legitimate point...I would turn the argument around to the Munich singers... it impossible for you to enjoy a day out at the footie without resorting to songs + references that are in extremely poor taste?
its happened for years

Citizen52 said:
berger1985 said:
I think these threads irritate me more than the songs! Not a regular away gamer I take it?

I agree with you, not to condone it, but this has been happening for donkeys.
johnmc said:
Sorry but who put the ball in the munichs net is a recent song and song by the majority. Ryan giggs is illegiatimate, Hark now here is often followed by a chorus of "muuuunich", town full of munichs, dirty munich ba'tard - all regularly heard. Dont put the blinkers on
The majority don't sing "Munich", they either sing "utd" like me, or they just don't sing it at all because they don't want to lower themselves to that.

Not to mention, that's a different thing entirely, as well you know, you're being antagonistic :-P

Take your fluffy ear mufflers off. :-P

PS majority means more than 50% in case you didn't actually know. The percentage has dropped year-on-year since Terry Cooke was on TV after the 99 final.

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