Munich songs.

fallowfield said:
Blue Blood CTID said:
To suggest that only a minority sing or use "munich" at local away games is absolute poppy bollocks. Shit loads sung who put the ball in the munichs net at the keller in munich. Every where i look people sing it. There's usually a handful that DONT. Don't delude yourselves that it's a minority. I have heard munich at every game since I was a kid, let's not pretend. There is nothing worse in life than a cowardly liar. I refer to united as munichs when when i see fit. Am I proud? no. Am I ashamed? no. The runway song is fucking sick. That is disgusting. But the amount of blues I know who say/sing munich is fucking ridiculous so why bullshit people?

Now if you want to be technical, 22,000 fans singing it at a full house at home is the minority, but some are talking as if it's just a "handful". It's a knocking bet I'm gonna get called a **** for this but the only thing worse is a lying ****.

Guess it depends if singing 'who put the ball in the munich net' is the same as singing the runway song.
I agree it's the vast majority if you count them as bad as each other. I was referring to specific Munich songs which def are a minority only.
I don't sing either btw - but like nearly all blues I have in the past

Yeah I agree the runway song is the minority. Some of my older family members used to refer to united as munichs, now it's rags. What really puzzles me about this fallowfield, is how many people on here claim not to say the word munich nor sing it. But I literally see/hear it every week and have done all my life. The only reasonable conclusion is that either people lie about it out of guilt, or that not many people on here go to to the games. Of course there are people who don't say it, of course there are. But I don't hear anybody admitting it, and lots of people go into a frenzy about it. Also I have never ever, ever been told to stop saying or singing it by any blue since my first game against Leicester in the coca cola cup. Not once.
eshiers1 said:
the songs are generally not heard at home matches, at least where i am in the 3rd tier, but i hear them all the time away, sung loudly by many of those around me

That is because your in the 3rd tier and they hardly cheer for a goal let alone sing to be fair, Jokes aside. I have a season ticket in the south stand and the words Munich and the odd song are sung every game. I myself when an ex united player or player is playing (example Phil Neville ) I will shout out Munich ******* instead of something else, It is wrong but its something of habit and it is something that I am trying my best not to say as it is wrong to do so and with the bad media it is giving our club ^^ but when you have been going to games for years and hearing it all the time when you get annoyed at a game it slips out now and then, but as I said I am making the effort and a lot of city fans should and are doing the same as I just think its a case of old habits die hard, but I refrain from singing Munich songs.
Thomas Woodworth said:
eshiers1 said:
the songs are generally not heard at home matches, at least where i am in the 3rd tier, but i hear them all the time away, sung loudly by many of those around me

That is because your in the 3rd tier and they hardly cheer for a goal let alone sing to be fair, Jokes aside. I have a season ticket in the south stand and the words Munich and the odd song are sung every game. I myself when an ex united player or player is playing (example Phil Neville ) I will shout out Munich ******* instead of something else, It is wrong but its something of habit and it is something that I am trying my best not to say as it is wrong to do so and with the bad media it is giving our club ^^ but when you have been going to games for years and hearing it all the time when you get annoyed at a game it slips out now and then, but as I said I am making the effort and a lot of city fans should and are doing the same as I just think its a case of old habits die hard, but I refrain from singing Munich songs.

Honest and fair post blue. Since the fury surrounding the Blackburn game last season, I have found myself saying/singing it less. I still do though. Largely when drunk and crowd are singing it, or against united. It is wrong, there's no two ways about it and I can't dress it up. Like you said old habits die hard.
baldmosher said:
eshiers1 said:
while i dont like it, a large marjority of city fans sing songs like this, i dont join in but there's nothing we can do as a fanbase to stop it unfortunately
"large majority"? wtf are you talking about? Have you been to many matches recently? These days it's invariably only sung on the concourse, and invariably only at local grounds like Wigan Blackburn and Bolton, where the tickets are on open sale and so every **** and his part-time knobhead mate comes down for a shit-stirring pissup. They used to slag us off but now they can't so they insult everyone else and there's simply enough knobheads there to get these chants going.

Those of us who are not thoughtless/antagonistic/cunts are usually numerous enough to quickly drown them out with a City song, and stop songs like this getting going on the stands and ruining our day. And we don't mean actually ruin our day, we mean spoil our enjoyment of the day. Which these songs certainly do. They don't last long though, and there's not really any need to bring it up again.

there is no need for a song to ruin your day, if you dont like the songs dont sing them, it will never end they are sung at most away games, just concentrate on getting behind city eh?<br /><br />-- Mon Oct 03, 2011 6:11 pm --<br /><br />
baldmosher said:
eshiers1 said:
while i dont like it, a large marjority of city fans sing songs like this, i dont join in but there's nothing we can do as a fanbase to stop it unfortunately
"large majority"? wtf are you talking about? Have you been to many matches recently? These days it's invariably only sung on the concourse, and invariably only at local grounds like Wigan Blackburn and Bolton, where the tickets are on open sale and so every **** and his part-time knobhead mate comes down for a shit-stirring pissup. They used to slag us off but now they can't so they insult everyone else and there's simply enough knobheads there to get these chants going.

Those of us who are not thoughtless/antagonistic/cunts are usually numerous enough to quickly drown them out with a City song, and stop songs like this getting going on the stands and ruining our day. And we don't mean actually ruin our day, we mean spoil our enjoyment of the day. Which these songs certainly do. They don't last long though, and there's not really any need to bring it up again.

there is no need for a song to ruin your day, if you dont like the songs dont sing them, it will never end they are sung at most away games, just concentrate on getting behind city eh?
One way to stop it, the club could run a short 30 second video saying something along the lines of:

The Munich Air disaster affected Manchester as a whole. City lost Frank Swift, United lost a squad. A minority of our fans use the term Munich as an insult, but we'd ask you to please respect Frank Swift and his family by ending it's use in this context.

Frank Swift and his family could attend ANY game unannounced and how would you feel if you heard that in their shoes?
More offensive than the occasional offensive chant (which incidentally, I don’t agree with but like most things, it’s a little overstated), is the insistence on continual standing at away games. I’ve got no problem with people wanting to stand, but with 2 daughters who go to the game who are 5’2” and a 71 year old uncle who isn’t great on his feet, standing all game is a pain in the arse. if you are a 17 year old hoolie wannabe, you probably want to stand - I did, but then again, I had the Kippax Street. For those of us who are vertically challenged or are no longer in the full flush of youth however, being on your feet for the duration (and then, strangely, sitting down at half time), becomes a bit tedious. In fact, it puts you off going, far more than the occasional offensive chant about a team, club, manager and group of supporters who most of us hate.
Blue Blood CTID said:
Honest and fair post blue. Since the fury surrounding the Blackburn game last season, I have found myself saying/singing it less. I still do though. Largely when drunk and crowd are singing it, or against united. It is wrong, there's no two ways about it and I can't dress it up. Like you said old habits die hard.

thank you for your comment, In all honesty as long as people show an effort to be less inclined to say Munich and sing songs then I am happy and so should every other blue as long as there trying, it is easy for people that have always been in seated quite section/family stand to say we should never ever say it but when you have been use to that atmosphere and never saying Munich then it can be done but not when it has been the other way round as I said in my post above, but nice to see somebody else like myself who does say it when annoyed/drunk but is making an effort (Y)
Royaloak said:
More offensive than the occasional offensive chant (which incidentally, I don’t agree with but like most things, it’s a little overstated), is the insistence on continual standing at away games. I’ve got no problem with people wanting to stand, but with 2 daughters who go to the game who are 5’2” and a 71 year old uncle who isn’t great on his feet, standing all game is a pain in the arse. if you are a 17 year old hoolie wannabe, you probably want to stand - I did, but then again, I had the Kippax Street. For those of us who are vertically challenged or are no longer in the full flush of youth however, being on your feet for the duration (and then, strangely, sitting down at half time), becomes a bit tedious. In fact, it puts you off going, far more than the occasional offensive chant about a team, club, manager and group of supporters who most of us hate.

For as long as ive been going to city (20 years) weve stood at away games, i take my 9 year old son to the odd away these days, i let him stand on his seat and i keep my arm around him so i know he wont fall, i do feel for your 71 year old uncle but its just one of them things im afraid.
Royaloak said:
if you are a 17 year old hoolie wannabe, you probably want to stand

I like to stand and I am 18 years old, standing and singing creates a massive atmosphere, so am I a football hooligan? I think not as I am on a pre-service course either to be a police officer or Join the armed forces. I am tired of people stereotyping the Youth of today.

Anyhow to your point, I understand it totally if you are not so tall have an uncle or take children to the game, this is why they have such areas like the family stand... and other parts of the ground.

I remember a time last year a woman took her two children to the south stand one was about 5 and the other about 8, the language is terrible and shocking and she was complaining about it, I was like you idiot fancy bringing them to this part of the ground.... that is why they have designated areas such as the family stand. They even warn you in the ticket office before hand if you go in the south stand? I believe.

EDIT: Did not read the away end piece of your post lol my bad, I don't know what you would do then? I guess just not go if you have issues... I know you should not be put off going to any game but standing is something which is just done :/
Royaloak said:
More offensive than the occasional offensive chant (which incidentally, I don’t agree with but like most things, it’s a little overstated), is the insistence on continual standing at away games. I’ve got no problem with people wanting to stand, but with 2 daughters who go to the game who are 5’2” and a 71 year old uncle who isn’t great on his feet, standing all game is a pain in the arse. if you are a 17 year old hoolie wannabe, you probably want to stand - I did, but then again, I had the Kippax Street. For those of us who are vertically challenged or are no longer in the full flush of youth however, being on your feet for the duration (and then, strangely, sitting down at half time), becomes a bit tedious. In fact, it puts you off going, far more than the occasional offensive chant about a team, club, manager and group of supporters who most of us hate.

Fantastic satire.

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