Muslim women must learn English

Fancy offering an ESOL course to someone who can't speak Her Majesties, with a view to eliminating a huge barrier to employment. I'm off to grab my
پچ کانٹا (pitch fork to you infidels)and storm parliament
Are there any figures which show how many people have attended an ESOL course and gained sustained employment upon completing the course?

My point was regarding more money being paid to private companies. Schools, prisons, healthcare services, high value security contracts (Olympic games), welfare to work programmes - all falling under the control of companies like A4E, Serco and G4S. This should be more of a concern to people than whether or not some Muslim women can speak English.

Although learning English is bound to help, I wouldn't imagine it's the be all and end all with helping those in this situation into employment.
It is, and has always been possible to gain employment in a place where you don't speak the national language.

When I was growing up my Mum worked as a machinist in a knitware factory. She worked alongside a workforce which was exclusively Pakistani (except my Mum and another white British woman). My Mum couldn't speak their various languages and very few of her colleagues could speak a word of English, including her boss who could manage a few words if needed.
Even without the ability to speak English the girls who my Mum worked with still managed to get and hold down a job. Her boss who spoke very little English still managed to arrive in a foreign country and set up a profitable business from scratch that employed well over a hundred people across several factories in Manchester for many years.

Put your pitchfork back in the shed. ;)
but we're already a lovely integrated multi-cultural society

It isn't.

It has nothing to do with Islam and affects both sexes equally.

Any spouse who won't or can't learn English could be deported under Cameron's proposals.

A good idea, but a better one would be to bar these spouses from entry until they can speak English.

Hmmm.......... so how do we and our news outlets react when the Spanish and the French decide to deport foreginers living there who haven't picked up the lingo? Bet call me Dave would be outraged.

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