Muslim women must learn English

Most people on here don't have much positive - or negative - to say about Christians, Hindus, Jews, Mormons, Taoism devotees, Jehovah's Witnesses, Bhuddists etc.

Religion is not usually a hot topic because in nearly all cases a person's religion is a private matter which causes no bother to anyone else and so nobody mentions it.

First off I got you mixed up yesterday with the guy who moved house because his neighbours cooked curry. My apologies.

I don't like religion at all really but if people find solace in it and keep thy religion to thyself then fair fucks. When people are sound with then I'm sound with them. Each to their own.
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Give me an example of my negative comments about Muslims.

140308, member: 43716"]Give me an example of my negative comments about Muslims.[/QUOTE]

Never said you were negative just I notice anytime there is a thread regards Islam you are there in a flash with your views.

Just never read a post of yours that ever puts Muslims in a good light. If you can find one I will apologise whole heartedly.
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You need to get this fluent thing out of your head, it's incredibly rare to master fluency in a second language after the age of 14.

It's not that difficult to become good in a language at any age, good meaning you can have conversation about subjects you have an interest in.

Language learning is time consuming. Some languages are easier than others.

The secret to language learning is: repetitio mater studiorum est

One thing I find with speaking different languages is it's confusing. I was watching a film the other day and turned to the wife and asked her what the fuck was going on? She answered You should know it's in English: my brain was translating it into Spanish.

What's do you mean get the word fluent our of my head? Fluent doesn't mean knowing every single world or every single grammatical nuance. Neither you or I know that I English!

It's about being able to converse without issue in a foreign language. Something most are terrible at (I.e. our second definition). I think we're suggesting the same thing?
Haha this is true. you learn a language to the level that you require. In Benidorm and surrounding areas there are thousands up on thousands of ex-pats that have zero desire to learn any Spanish. They don't want to or they aren't able to (learning a language is not fucking easy. It's hard, expensive, time-consuming and frustrating). I think most people come to live in places like Spain with the intention of learning Spanish but the reality soon kicks in. I married an English woman and have had a job that mostly requires me to speak in English. Therefore it's not necessary for me to speak Spanish and nor is it easy (the best language speakers seem to be those who are surrounded by the language through work or family life, where it is sink or swim). That said I can speak, understand and read Spanish to quite a decent level. I can setup a bank account, ask the Town Hall where my fucking house plan are and call Movistar asking them to refund the three months they've been charging me for a premium TV account that I never signed up to.

I should be better after nearly 6 years of living here but my life dictates the level of Spanish that I need and I'm comfortable with where I'm at. My Spanish is certainly better than a lot of ex-pats I meet.

So is that acceptable for Muslim women in Bradford? Most of them never need to speak Arabic. They can probably order dinner in a restaurant.

Just because you're surrounded by brits doesn't mean you shouldn't be speaking Spanish. I mean you've effectively just created your own sub culture in Spain. An area where you don't need to go outside of, where everyone is the same as you, where the food is the same.

It's literally the same thing that people criticise immigrants into the uk for.

The truth is that migration needs two things (amongst many more i am sure) in order to be culturally successful 1) acceptance and inclusion by the indigenous 2) acceptance to interact and be inclusive by the migrants.

In a lot of cases there is neither.

How would most on here feel if a Syrian immigrant to the UK said: "I'll speak enough to get by, but am happy because everyone around me speaks Arabic this it's not necessary for me to become fluent in english".

They'd probably be outraged, no?

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