MUTINY by players.Konspiracy??.... We will see

JohnMaddocksAxe"]Until the end of last season, when everyone has to admit that there were excpetional circumstances, these players have consistently been hardworking professional players, not scared of hard work and willing to put everything in for the shirt they are playing in.


Please remind me again about these "exceptional circumstances."
projectriver said:
Immaculate Pasta said:
Treating the training ground as a "football factory" or a boot camp is great for the likes of Blackburn and Bolton with the players they have, but when you have the likes of Robinho and Elano, talents this club has never ever seen you need a balance of hard work and enjoyment. Sadly that is something Hughes cannot seem to address. He has no balance in his management skills, no balance in his training methods and no balance in his team selection.

This isnt correct. As was said yesterday, each of the top four (perhaps Arsenal in a different) are both a boot camp AND an academy of excellence, skill and football. The ONLY way to play 70 top class games a season is to be schooled like this.

This is very true. However the balance has to be right between the boot camp mentality and an academy of excellence etc. It also needs to be varied and interesting as it keeps the players fresh and engaged but within tightly defined parameters so that those individuals (and there are always some) cannot get away with taking the piss. All managers will approach the balance differently. As an example I understand Man U do not go for the intense physical approach pre season which is why they always start slowly but then build to a peak of physical and mental fitness as the season progresses.

And my earlier question remains. Does anyone actually know if Hughes training regime is effective or not? And if no one knows what the hell is everyone arguing about?
BobKowalski said:
And my earlier question remains. Does anyone actually know if Hughes training regime is effective or not? And if no one knows what the hell is everyone arguing about?

I can confirm that Hughes training regime is effective, as I read that it was in the paper.
Blue Mooner said:
Not sure of the truth in this rumour but if Hughes is making the training hard I can't see any downside except for the shirkers who got used to the Butlins holiday camp under Sven.

Still, Sven made those holiday campers win matches. Hughes don't.

In fact, Sven has made his holiday campers win games wherever he has been. He made his holiday campers at IFK Gothenburg win the UEFA cup, he made the holiday campers at Benfica win the portuguese league and cup, he made the holiday campers at Lazio win the Scudetto and the UEFA Cup Winners' Cup - and he made the lazy bastards at City end up as a top ten team in the Premier League.

What I'm saying is that there is more to running a football team than just boot camp.
This feeling of the training ground being "like a prison" is totally spot on. The qoute btw is from one of the younger members who trains at carrington and has told me a lot of the players don't like the manager and that he doesn't help himself by being rude to the players especially the younger ones who he doesn't even acknowledge.
mackenzie said:
JohnMaddocksAxe"]Until the end of last season, when everyone has to admit that there were excpetional circumstances, these players have consistently been hardworking professional players, not scared of hard work and willing to put everything in for the shirt they are playing in.

Please remind me again about these "exceptional circumstances."[/quote]

They're all over the place this bunch. Bring on the bugles, sound the retreat. The most transparent and childish debating tactics I have witnessed in a long time. He thinks if he says something often enough it's gospel.

"Everyone has to admit"...that you and yours have made arses out of yourselves. You're a joke.
Brucie Bonus said:
mackenzie said:
Please remind me again about these "exceptional circumstances."

They're all over the place this bunch. Bring on the bugles, sound the retreat. The most transparent and childish debating tactics I have witnessed in a long time. He thinks if he says something often enough it's gospel.

"Everyone has to admit"...that you and yours have made arses out of yourselves. You're a joke.

So you don't think there was exception circumstances last spring?
It also adds credance to this article in the daily mail the other day, by ian ladyman who always seems to know what hes talking about with city: (sorry its so long)

The full extent of Mark Hughes's anger after Manchester City's capitulation to Nottingham Forest on Saturday was felt not in the dressing room but in the boardroom, it emerged last night.

Journalists who waited for an hour to talk with Hughes after the final whistle presumed the City manager was spelling out a few home truths to his players who had failed him so nakedly at Eastlands.

But Hughes had headed straight for an impromptu meeting with City executives, whom he believes need to act more promptly to get him the players he needs so badly.

Having introduced £12million left back Wayne Bridge to City fans before the game on Saturday, Hughes was frustrated that other prime targets Roque Santa Cruz, Scott Parker, Craig Bellamy and Kolo Toure were not there alongside the England defender.
Hughes understands the complexities of transfers but told executive chairman Garry Cook and chief operating officer Paul Aldridge weeks ago he needed his new players at the club in the first week of the transfer window as City's season continued to limp towards disaster.

He reinforced the message in blunt terms on Saturday, effectively telling his employers to do whatever is necessary to get him the players he wants to prop up a squad who continue to prove themselves so shockingly unfit for purpose.

With City in such a dire state and heading into a showdown at Portsmouth this weekend without the suspended Stephen Ireland and the injured Shaun Wright-Phillips, Hughes has told the club the time for finely-tuned negotiating is gone. And who can blame him?
Saturday's surrender against a game but limited Championship side served as final notice that this City squad are weak in mind, body and soul.

They cannot be allowed to exist in this state any longer. If the City board have the faith in Hughes they say they do, he has every right to expect them to show it in the only way that can help him.

It is understood Hughes did not even give his side a particularly noticeable rollicking on Saturday. The Welshman is fed up with talking to players who, aware that they have no long-term future at the club, just stare back at him with blank, emotionless faces.

On Saturday one player, who had played a major part in City's downfall, laughed with a team-mate as he took his post-match shower.

Only a fortnight previously, a group of players, prominently featuring Brazilian Elano and Israeli defender Tal Ben Haim, called a team meeting with the express purpose of denegrating Hughes's tactics.

One player - no longer in the squad - recently went to Cook to complain (unsuccessfully) about the manager.

Against this background, it is clear why Hughes feels the need to shake up his squad and isolate those who appear to have lost the desire to play for him.

Michael Ball, Didi Hamann, Elano and Jo would not figure in another Hughes team in his ideal world.

Hughes delivered his thoughts to those paid to do club transfers as the crowd drifted home with anger in their bellies - and the City boss also delivered his message to Simon Pearce, the influential right-hand man to chairman Khaldoon Al Mubarak, in a meeting last Tuesday.

Pearce had only good news to impart when he met Hughes. The message, primarily, was that Khaldoon and City owner Sheikh Monsour continue to appreciate the deficiencies in Hughes's squad and the need to address them.

For now, Hughes is escaping the blame. The fact that Khaldoon was also asking for information relating to Prozone statistics, though, also indicates how closely the chairman wishes to monitor individual player performances from now on.

For Hughes's sake, let's hope Bridge, Parker, Santa Cruz et al measure up in that department.

On Saturday, Eastlands was a desperate place to be… unless you supported Nottingham Forest.

The Midlands club have endured a dreadful time this season but, backed by 6,000 noisy fans, they destroyed City's fragile confidence and will with remarkable ease.

Coached by stand-in boss John Pemberton as new manager Billy Davies watched from the stands, Forest scored a superb opening goal through striker Nathan Tyson and were gifted two more as City imploded.

Pablo Zabaleta slipped up to allow Robert Earnshaw to score Forest's second and then, as City argued among themselves and shirked responsibility, Hamann threw the ball straight to Joe Garner to enable the visiting team to wrap the game up in the second half.

Later, as Hughes did his talking elsewhere, it was left to Tyson to contribute the most telling words.

He said: 'Our fans have been fantastic for the last couple of games. It is very hard for them with the credit crunch and everything but they have found the pennies to come and watch us and we really appreciate that and are glad we gave them some kind of reward today.

'It is fantastic as a footballer when people go out of their way to come and support you. They are always there. Instead of going to the pub they are there for us, and finally we have done them proud.'
Humlannitton said:
Blue Mooner said:
Not sure of the truth in this rumour but if Hughes is making the training hard I can't see any downside except for the shirkers who got used to the Butlins holiday camp under Sven.

Still, Sven made those holiday campers win matches. Hughes don't.

Come on we all know this isnt true. Im no fan of Hughes right now but we all know the results after the exceptional start were equally poor under Sven.
Immaculate Pasta said:
To be honest, i have heard similar "rumours" as said in the OP but didn't want to say anything because to be honest it really does smell like bullshit, i dismissed it as bullshit but if other people are saying they have heard it aswell there must be some element of truth in it.

To me Hughes is trying to force something he can't on the team. I said weeks ago that in today's modern day premier league football you need to discipline your side, give them boundaries they cannot cross and standards that you expect to maintain 100% but you also need to moddy cuddle some players as well. Footballers are at their best when they are enjoying it, they can express themselves and their ability will come through. If your treating it as army like boot camp and a place of work and no joy then players will hate coming into training.

I think Hughes does not have the respect of the players, they see him as the strict maths teacher who's lesson you hated and would do everything to wag instead of the cool Science teacher who made your lesson fun and respected you as a pupil which meant you learnt more.

Treating the training ground as a "football factory" or a boot camp is great for the likes of Blackburn and Bolton with the players they have, but when you have the likes of Robinho and Elano, talents this club has never ever seen you need a balance of hard work and enjoyment. Sadly that is something Hughes cannot seem to address. He has no balance in his management skills, no balance in his training methods and no balance in his team selection.

The club who are currently top of the league have the most unapproachable, dogmatic, cold, manager in the league. Step forward Rafa Benitez. In fact, I remember an interview with one his Spanish contingent where the player talked about being chewed out by Benitez in his first couple of training sessions so badly that the poor lad wanted away even before he'd played a game...

It's widely known that the reason Stevie G wanted away was because Rafa refused to treat him like a star. I don't buy this notion that modern day managers need to molly coddle professional footballers. Just look at Capello...listen to what the England players say about the difference between his regime and Sven's or McClaren's.

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