Naomi Osaka refusing to speak to the media - Is she right or wrong?

Does anyone actually watch or read these things? All seems to be part of the media’s bloated sense of self importance. Free jolly around the world to ask the same questions.

I don’t need to hear Guardiola being interviewed or players questioned. I’ll occasionally listen to pundits analyse a game, but inane/fawning questioning to feed a 24-hour media industry and sponsors serves little positive purpose. Same is true in the film industry.
I appreciate the post as the job involved, but YOU are paid, literally, by the taxpayer, are you not?

Unless you're a private company being funded by the taxpayer which, essentially, amounts to the same thing one step removed.

Yes paid by the tax payers so that gives the tax payer the right to shout abuse at us threatened to punch our lights out, throw cans at us ? We are the minions not the councillors who make the rules, we are just doing a job ! So when in ramsgate Bigga feel free to come over and abuse and punch us etc ;)

The same as you have a right to abuse and attack nurses, doctors, teachers, ambulance, etc etc anyone who is paid by the state is free game ?
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And generate a backlash of negative articles about entitled Naomi Osaka from other members of the journalist trade.

Which is exactly what would happen, I agree.

I think there are many times when lines get crossed in those interviews - Konta had a particularly bad one a year or two back. I suspect some of it not just Osaka, but also other lower profile players, and the hacks being mostly men and behaving in a way they wouldn't dream of doing to a male player. We all remember Rob Harris going for Guardiola after the FA Cup win, and I see no reason to think that it wouldn't come across in the same way to the players.

Not knowing what else has gone on behind the scenes, this seems radical action, and it looks unfocussed in its aim.
As somebody who has used the media to help receive sponsorship from various companies then I feel she has a duty to speak. It provides exposure for their brands. It's just a part of the job at that level regardless of whether she enjoys doing it or not. Nobody can pick and choose the bits they want to do in other professions so why should she be any different?
I think she is within her rights, notwithstanding any contractual obligations she might already have entered. It might affect her future earnings, as sponsors might not want to back someone with a reduced public profile, but that's her choice.
Who knew Bluemoon had some many fucking experts on mental health, contractual obligations and advertisiing..?


You would think that the tennis association and her could come to some sort of agreement.
We know the press/media are mostly knobheads, I wouldnt want to deal with them.
Couldnt a manager or someone speak for her ?
I don't think it matters if he is a contractor or directly employed.

I wouldn't dream of confronting a council employee or any other professional working on the street about these issues because they aren't a spokesman for their organisation.

Yes, I get that, but a player playing under private earnings/ private competition has even less need to answer questions from journalists who have no direct contribution to that player's rise to the top through hard work and sacrifice.

Fuck most journalists.

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