Napoli Away

Well I was really sceptical. However the last few posters have convinced me to go. Reckon Spike's trip is the one. Sorrento is a expensive to drink, I went to a wedding last year there, but sounds good to me. That way you don't have to touch Naples apart from the holding area at the ground.
Stretford Born Blue said:
shadygiz said:

I assume they won that game....?!
Interesting, no colours being worn, if thats their ULTRA's then they have a fair few unless it's the same 200 or so going round in circles...........?!

lol...i did think that mate...i watched the vid again to make sure they weren't just running round in circles...they seem to have a fair few, but in rome most away fans travel on match i guess it was just the rome police rounding them up and getting them to the station
Once called there on a Med cruise. Took the train to Pompei and back walking from the port to the train station. Due to some muppetry on my part got off at the wrong stop on the way back and got dissoriented and very uncomfortable. I have travelled a fair bit and this is the only place that has ever really spooked me.
Cant forsee problems getting a ticket, the other 2 are far and away the popular ones at the moment, most people have said they are doing germany and spain(cant blame em) lol
Stretford Born Blue said:
shadygiz said:

I assume they won that game....?!
Interesting, no colours being worn, if thats their ULTRA's then they have a fair few unless it's the same 200 or so going round in circles...........?!

The game was actually a draw. I went to the return game in January 09 which Roma won 0-3

A bit of background to that vid. This day changed the face of Italian football forever. The day started with these boys arriving at the central station in Napoli for the journey to Rome. Most had tickets for the train but many didn't. Trenitalia decided they weren't gonna let any of them board the train. Police were called in and a stand off ensued, the fans complaining they had tickets.
They boarded the train and refused to get off. In the end the rail company was forced to take them.
The reason you see them running at the roma termini is that because of the stand off they were late for the game. They didn't actually get into the Olimpico till half time. You could say they were not in a happy mood. This is an important game in Italy known as 'Il Derby del Sole' (the Derby of the Sun)
After the game the press came out in huge condemnation of Napoli fans accusing them of hijacking the train and doing half a million euros of damage to the train. There were also incidents with Roma police when they got back to the termini for the return trip to Napoli. who began clubbing the sh*t out of them in revenge for disorder in Rome that day. As the Napoli fans will tell you Roma always get their police to do their dirty work.

Now here was the rub...2 independent journalists travelling on that train confirmed Tenitalia's claim as bs.....damage ran into a couple of 1000 euros a huge difference.

Now you will be pleased to know on matchday their will be 1400 cops on the street for your match plus many in plain clothes keeping an eye on you for your safety (thats probably 3 times the amount for a dippers v rags game).

They will protect you 100%..very different to the Roma fuzz. In fact nothing makes a Napoli copper happier than cracking a Napoli Ultras head...believe me this is a fact. Liverpool fans were very grateful to Naples police.
Anyway this game on the video was the 1st game of 2008/9 season and Napoli fans were immediately banned from all away travel for the whole season. At the start of the next season the much hated Tessera (fancard) was introduced. If you have a criminal record you cannot have one. If you don't have one you cannot go to away LEAGUE games. Being an Ultra is a life style and the Napoli Ultras have refused to conform and boycotted the now they are abscent from all away league games.
Even without them Napoli still have the best away following in Italy. I am not sure of the reason why Napoli mavericks (not ultras) picked on the scousers. Utrecht and Villareal visited Naples without problem.
I just think an outrageous statement in Il Mattino heightened tensions before the game with a scandalous headline. Rosa Russo Iervelino the lady mayor announced a huge security operation because "1000 Liverpool Hooligans are on their way".(she was stuck in a 1980's timewarp).
It made my blood boil because all the scousers I met there were proper fans and no way looking for trouble. Anyway this b*tch has long gone from her position of power and new new Mayor Luigi de Magistris is a man of the people.
Napoli police will issue guidlines that city will pass onto you...they are well organised police and will really look out for you.
I'll give you more info and tips nearer the matchday...but for now here is tip 1.
Don't get a hire car....unless you balls of steel!!!!
Anyway here is my 1st experience of San Paolo...those nets will be removed for your game on orders from Eufa
just booked my flight flying to rome £22.99 (ryanair),then the train to naples 14euros return ,and rome to manchester coming back £50 bargin
If we're welcomed without any trouble the same will be returned from our true fans. There's always idiots from all sides, the MU fans might pretend to be your fans and start trouble to make trouble in Napoli.
Booked Easyjet going out Tuesday morning from Gatwick and back Wednesday lunch. Not keen on spending any more time there than necessary so Hotel near train station looks best option.

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