Napoli Fans Goal Celebration

I stand in 111 an there celebration was pretty good but so was ours when we equalised. The block went crazy, half of us almost fell into the away end. Think half of 110 invaded us in 111. It was class
adam123456 said:
I stand in 111 an there celebration was pretty good but so was ours when we equalised. The block went crazy, half of us almost fell into the away end. Think half of 110 invaded us in 111. It was class
me too mate, I ended up about 12 seats down from we I usually stand!
alblue said:
adam123456 said:
I stand in 111 an there celebration was pretty good but so was ours when we equalised. The block went crazy, half of us almost fell into the away end. Think half of 110 invaded us in 111. It was class
me too mate, I ended up about 12 seats down from we I usually stand!

im 15, about 4 foot and 3 stone piss wet through, in 111 last night and got crushed when we scored, i was getting stamped on and allsorts, didnt care tho cos i loved it
ForzaNapoli said:
The color red just doesn't sit well with us! I think you guys agree! ;)

Yes indeed!

I thought you lot were excellent last night, the roar when you scored was simply amazing, so damn loud!

See you again in Naples, and the knockout stages!
Bilboblue said:
ForzaNapoli said:
The color red just doesn't sit well with us! I think you guys agree! ;)

cant stand the colour ;)

your fans were brilliant, just curious to know what you thought of the atmosphere in the ground :D
bluebannana said:
Bilboblue said:
ForzaNapoli said:
The color red just doesn't sit well with us! I think you guys agree! ;)

cant stand the colour ;)

your fans were brilliant, just curious to know what you thought of the atmosphere in the ground :D
Great stadium! Great fans you guys! Should be electrifying at the San Paolo, hope there's no trouble from the non-fans who like to start shit. Our true fans and boys had a good welcome and will ensure the same. :) The Liverpool games were different as they came to Napoli to start trouble and then got some, same on the trip their. I know the people of Manchester are a lot more easy going, much like us. Liverpool fans are like Juve fans in Italy.
ForzaNapoli said:
bluebannana said:

cant stand the colour ;)

your fans were brilliant, just curious to know what you thought of the atmosphere in the ground :D
Great stadium! Great fans you guys! Should be electrifying at the San Paolo, hope there's no trouble from the non-fans who like to start shit. Our true fans and boys had a good welcome and will ensure the same. :) The Liverpool games were different as they came to Napoli to start trouble and then got some, same on the trip their. I know the people of Manchester are a lot more easy going, much like us. Liverpool fans are like Juve fans in Italy.

"liverpool fans are like juve fans" do you mean donkey wankers.

I joined this site just because this thread was brilliant, funny, and classy. I wanted to commend you gents for being such classy hosts and for your dawning appreciation of just how off the hook Napoli fan-dom is. Welcome to our world.

So, there were a couple thousand of our mates there the other night, right? Last game I was in San Paolo for we had basically 80,000. A good portion of the stadium was engulfed in smoke and fire most of the time. We sing love songs to our team. Seriously. Love songs. With all our hearts. There is nothing like it.

At the Vesuvio vocanic observatory seismologists recorded a tremor in Napoli at the moment of Cavani's goal. Seriously. It's not just San Paolo. It's group mind. It's kids, women, grannies. It's the world's hidden heart of soccer. When you guys come to town, we will go apesh*t. A whole city-state, apart from the world.

Your warm reception of us will be instantly absorbed into the group mind and you will be welcome. The word will go forth. To illustrate, a true story: Hamsik got his watch stolen out of a repair shop. Word went out to all the watch thieves, get Marechiaro's watch back, now. All stolen watches in Napoli were gone through, his watch was found, and returned. Quickly. It looks like sheer chaos, but there is order in the randomness.

You are going to a tough, beautiful, passionate part of the world, where the good things in life are what it's all about. Calcio is a huge part of it. Welcome aboard mates, you're in for a hell of a ride!

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