Napoli Fans Goal Celebration

They do tend to have a more anything goes attitude over there in the stadiums, in this country we are too docile and we have the likes of Peter Fletcher and other jobsworths telling us how to conduct ourselves, lots of control freakery in this country esp at football grounds in Italy they have students but they are very passive whearas here we take everything.
Not going to lie i would have loved to have been in a celebration like that, it was like a huge mosh pit or something
I had a paulie D lookalike in front of me with an entourage don tomassino would be proud of - the gesticulation had me cracking up, every time a hand was waved or a chin flicked i just thought of this guy


quality support
felixbg said:
they were great however if our fans did the same and

a) smoked in stands
b) stood on seats
c) climed all over the balcony on 2nd tier
d) tried to get on to the pitch

we'd be banned within a matter of games.

Good call. When those that went over the barrier were grabbed by the Stewards they we kindly placed back over the barrier
allan harper said:
im_still_here said:
our celibration at villa park in the f.a cup shit all over theirs.

Nothing will better the swamp celebration when Curlys pen went in.

Yaya's at Wembley vs the Scum and Stoke deserve mentions.
bronco said:
one of them had a yernited hat on near city square b4 the match - i was going to walk up to him and shout "forza roma" - but as he was 6 ft 3 and 18 stone i thought better of it ! anyone near the away end notice how much "erb" was being smoked by the italians during the match ?
A lot. I was sat in the last seat near the Napoli fans and all I could smell for 90 mins was Ganja!
Keith Lemon said:
I thought they looked pretty mental in a way but they were more surging that going ballistic like we can. Were they actually stood on the seats throughout ?

To be honest though I think we have seen at least 7 better celebrations from away fans at etihad/coms

West Ham in QF, Forest in cup, Leicester in cup, Sheffield Wednesday in cup,
Liverpool in league when Riese scored, Everton with last minute winner, Hate to say in but Rags when scholes scored.

No chance. Pure passion from Napoli fans - all surging forward, going ballistic, trying to get on the pitch - it looked MEGA.

Fair fuck's to them - i heard a few of their English based supporters waxing lyrical about our support saying how impressed they were with us - very vocal they said..

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