Napoli Vs City Post Match Discussion Thread

bluesimon said:
Mancio said:
bluesimon said:
For all of bobby mancs decision making in the past, the way he has put this team together, had total faith in their ability to bring it together, get the defense working first and then build forward followed by unleashing the kind of mesmeric footie we have been playing this season, for what ever reason, he totally bottles it in the Champions and Europa leagues.

Perhaps someone can confirm why Micah was not even on the bench, but based on how Napoli have played ALL of their champions league games, they rely on coming out - at speed - on the break (similar to spurs) and hurling it down the wings. So who on earth does Bobby think that Kolarov and Zab are going to be able to deal with that kind of pace! Don't get be wrong, I like both those players, but they are only suited to certain types of opposition but certainly not against the kind of pace that Napoli so obviously have.

For me, Clichy should have been a dead cert to start - great pace going forward and back and not afraid to get stuck in (can anyone let me know if Kolarov has ever made a successful tackle?).

Then, with being down 2-1 so quickly, why did he leave it until the 80th minute to bring on Kun and the 86th minute to bring on AJ? For that last 10 minutes, we battered them and also had some incredible luck ourselves not to go down another 2 goals. But, like in Munich, when he wanted to make changes and bring on CT at the 60th minute on the basis that there was still 30 minutes to make a difference, apart from Nasri who is a mirror for Silva, how did he really expect to draw one back, let alone try and win.

OK, so Yaya, Dzeko and Milner were not up to their usual standards, but we can surely forgive them for such a rare under performance. I beleive they were roundly hampered by a poor selection in the first place and more importantly, to bring in Zab (who cannot be fully match fit at the moment) and Kolarov who might have the mightiest left foot but can't run for shit - against total atheletes of the Napoli strike force, was the foundation of almost certain failure.

But, time and time again, Bobby keeps on making the most strange decisions in the european games with both selection and then leaving it until less than 9 minutes to go to bring on replacement strikers.............................dumfounded blue!

can you recall me who were our full backs at munich ?

We had the perfectly match fit (NOT) Kolo who was 80% responsible for both the Bayern goals in so much that he was within 3 yards of Gomez for both goals. Why on earth was Lescott not playing in Munich, I will never know - he has been on fire for all of this season...........

to be honest the true Question should be :why on the earth was lescott playng tonight.

and , if i recall correct , at munich ribery destroied richards , literally.
Mazzarri, please dont just lurk we need your wisdom on how to behave so we can be great supporters and not the feckless moraless bastards we are. I'm counting on you Mazzarri.
Hari84 said:
Do me a favor and sell Dzeko. Tired to hear your complaining about him. Once, not Messi could help you. City played over the wings and there was a post that was where it should. All played bad match. The worst I've seen of the city. Dzeko he is attacking. and he is the striker who do not create chances but they must be created for him. and knew the inside bought him. It should be served on him and then he'll score. But he will then be the right place at the right time! But again, just sell him we are many who will follow him. Many City fans are getting too smart for city club has received oil money. Take it easy and fall down. City will not be a great team at 1year just because you have money.

could you split that into sections, add some commars and full stops a bit more often and add in some linking connective words which make it easier to be understood and then we can under your Dzeko loving.
Mazzarri said:
For the record, I don't support Napoli. Having said that, City do look a carbon copy of Chelsea under Mourinho. In the 04-05 and 05-06 they were tremendous. Teams would be happy enough to just score against them. Their success couldn't buy them the CL though, and manager after manager has since gone. You can't spunk 100+ million quid every season. I just don't think spending wads of money can estalbish you as a force in Europe (or the Premier League) for years to come. As they say, form is temporary class is permanent.
Yeah we'd worked that on out, so go on who ? I'll guess Arsenal.

We won't be "spunking £100m" every season, we had to catch up those that have (apart from arsenal obviously ;o) ). No, we're building from the back (and I don't mean defence like Arsenal did), go on have look, search for the facts about what our owner intends to do.

We will break even in the next 2 years, and be well in profit in 5, this is not the the chelsea/abramovic model, and don't say we are like mourinhos team ffs, you're wasting bandwidth, we are nothing like it check the stats. Keep trying though.
If i'm honset I don't think we will come up against a better attacking side in the Premiership this season, and I thought we did OK whilst being under par ourselves.

I think Milner has really established himself, and also Barry's omission really showed. I would have played Barry over De Jong. Kolarov had a nightmare, and Dzeko was equally abysmal. I would have played Dzeko at the Barcodes and had Aguero on from the start.

The full backs as has been mentioned did not offer the width as we would have liked, and I think Micha more than Gael would have really made a difference. I understand why Bobby went for Zabs and Aleks though.

I did not expect us to advance, and have always seen this year as a testing of the water. For me its the domestic season we have to announce ourselves on, and then have another crack next season.

Saying that..........who's to say we can't beat Munich and Villarreal won't do us a favour. Plenty left to play for, and let's not forget most seasons we have nothing realistically to play for at this stage. We still have the possibility of winning one of four trophies!!

Let's murder Liverpool on Sunday, and then the Gunner's on Tuesday. CTID.
Mazzarri said:
cleavers said:
Mazzarri said:
Fair enough for allowing it. It doesn't bother me as much that you've bought your way to success as it does that most of your fans have forgotten where this club was just a few seasons ago.
You failed to answer my question, who is your team ?

Our fans have certainly not forgotten where we were a few years ago, in fact its this that makes many so insecure, they worry they might still be dreaming.

We will be disappointed to have to play in the europa this year, who wouldn't given the form we are in, in the league.

Your comment about our owner is so far from the mark though, and you know it. He is here for the very long term, there will be no boredom with him, just look at the plans that are public, we will easily make FFPR, and they know it.

For the record, I don't support Napoli. Having said that, City do look a carbon copy of Chelsea under Mourinho. In the 04-05 and 05-06 they were tremendous. Teams would be happy enough to just score against them. Their success couldn't buy them the CL though, and manager after manager has since gone. You can't spunk 100+ million quid every season. I just don't think spending wads of money can estalbish you as a force in Europe (or the Premier League) for years to come. As they say, form is temporary class is permanent.

Mate, you're talking out of your arse. City's style of play is nothing akin to Chelsea under Mourinho.

If money doesn't "estalbish (is this even a word) you as a force", then what does? What is the key ingredient? What do "form" and "class" have to do with it? Why is our perceived lack of domestic and European success relevant to our disappointment tonight and the underlying feeling that the Europa League is something of a consolation? Perhaps we would have once been thrilled at the prospect of the UEFA Cup but times change - like when you were thrilled that we let you share Maine Road after the Second World War. Would you want to share the Etihad now? Has your counselling finished after the 1-6 massacre the other week?

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