Nasri taunts his critics, blasts Arsenal

Bravo Samir! well happy for him, Arsenal fans have been giving him shit all season and hes kept his composure till he got the perfect reply!
Hopefully this is the proverbial monkey off his back now. Hope he can carry on improving and come back even stronger next season.
I dont blame him. Arsenal supporters (not all of them) have been unfairly singling him out. But most club fans do that too. But whether they do or not, I understand his frustration. The rude songs, the constant goading by cunts like piers morganm the vile abuse he gets etc.

One note of warning, anything with translation, esp if the source is a partisian forum, should be taken with 5 gallons of salt.
It would have been fair from him to say that had he made some substantial contribution to the league victory, which is not the case. He was only a silent actor and I don't see Pantilimon jumping all over the place.

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