Nedum Onuoha noooooooooooooooo!!!

If it turns out to be true then they can have my season ticket back. Nedum is fantastic talent and a great ambassador for City, he played out of his skin for us last season. I like many are over the blue moon with some of the transfers this summer but i think we are losing track of who we are as a club. Nedum is the longest serving players at City - he has been here since he was 9, yet is still one of the lowest paid - rather than offering Terry a ridiculous contract we want to be keeping hold of our homegrown talent like Richards, Ireland, Neds & Johnson. In my opinion he will progress even more next season and could one day become club captain.

If this turns out to be true then i will be disgusted with Cook and Hughes. Nedum is blue through and through, unlike some of the mercenaries they are talking about buying. I want someone who plays for the club with there heart not because of their bank balance.
Can't believe the papers are always linking Ned in exchange deals.

He got linked with leaving in exchange for RSC in January and now for Lescott and Terry.

I believe Cook understands the importance of fans being able to relate to the club and that this can be best achieved by having a city fan performing at the highest level in the team.

Therefore it will never happen in my humble opinion.

ffan said:
I hope he leaves. He's not good enough for a top 3 team.

Are you for real? He's a talent, and still very young. It would be stupid to let him go.
amehh said:
ffan said:
I hope he leaves. He's not good enough for a top 3 team.

Are you for real? He's a talent, and still very young. It would be stupid to let him go.

Yep, especially for someone who isn't much better ( if at all) like Lescott.
I'm not placing much stock in that Mail paragraph because there's nothing to suggest they haven't just taken it from the Echo or the MEN. I refuse to believe that Hughes would be stupid enough to even consider this, but if it did happen, my estimation of him would go through the floor and I bet I wouldn't be alone. It would also show that the club weren't being completely truthful when talking about how important home-grown players were.

City can't fail to have noticed what an unpopular move this would be. Hearing that this story is rubbish, and that Ned will be staying where he belongs, would be just as good as any of the signings this summer.

a great ambassador for City

Exactly mate, intelligent, articulate, top sense of humour and humble and not only that he embodies what the club (to me) has always been about, young lads coming through the ranks and progressing.
Ned really started to push on last season and I see no reason why he can`t progress over the next few years and become one of the best in the Premier league.
bluemoon32 said:
amehh said:
Are you for real? He's a talent, and still very young. It would be stupid to let him go.

Yep, especially for someone who isn't much better ( if at all) like Lescott.
I am for real. If City want to become a top 2 team we don't have time to bring through youngters right now. We should just buy every player for the position that needs filling not waste time trying to nurture players through the stupid youth system.
ffan said:
bluemoon32 said:
Yep, especially for someone who isn't much better ( if at all) like Lescott.
I am for real. If City want to become a top 2 team we don't have time to bring through youngters right now. We should just buy every player for the position that needs filling not waste time trying to nurture players through the stupid youth system.

You Sir, are a tit, of the highest order. Blatant rag, not got the nouse to be subtle. It doesn't wash around here sunshine.


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