Nedum Onuoha

For the first time in a long time yesterday this forum really did my fucking head in to the point where I just had to leave it alone for a bit.

I've defended Mancini to the hilt on here because I think there's plenty more to come from him, especially when he has himself a new midfield, a genuine target man and a couple of top class full backs. I am dismayed at the stories coming out of the camp regarding player unrest, but I do believe it exists, but I'm not going to pin all the blame on Mancini because it's my opinion that the players have to shoulder just as much as the blame for being backbiting, sniping little bitches.

Notwithstanding this, I can take the opinions of Prestwich_Blue, Didsbury Dave and Billy on board and try and argue my case against them. Some of the shit on here yesterday was embarrasing though, and I actually think the above three did well not to lose their rag completely because I would have just told the worst offenders to fuck off to be honest.

Also, regarding 'ITKs'; why the fuck is it so incomprehensible to some people that there are certain people who post on here that do have genuine insider knowledge at the club? Is it jealousy? Personally, I like to hear these little snippets, but I don't go getting a tattoo of a certain player if I am told he is joining, I take it wth a pinch of salt and then watch with intrigue to see if it comes off. What's the problem? Do you honestly think they are making it up? It may not come off but that doesn't mean it wasn't in the offing, things change quickly in football and that's why I would never post anything I hear from sources, so fair play to those that do.

We also know that certain posters are friendly with certain City players. Now their views are always going to be a little bit blinkered by the frame of mind of a particular player. If that player is reported to be unhappy then it doesn't necessarily mean the whole squad is unhappy, but it does make for decent debate.

My personal favourite over the last week or so was Tolmie getting sarcastic stick on the Transfer Forum - what the fuck are you on the Transfer Forum for lads if you don't want to hear titbits from people who might know a few things? If you want concrete news then just log-off from here and go and sit in front of the OS all day.

Rant over.
Prestwich_Blue said:
Make no mistake jc, if the man from Inter had said "Yes", Mancini would have been on his way back to Italy. I don't know if you know this but Joe Mercer wasn't the first choice in 1965. I can't remember who was off the top of my head but Albert Alexander couldn't get hold of him to offer him the job so offered it to Joe instead. A happy accident.

I disagree with these points a little - the first point about the man from Inter is untrue and the second point about Mercer is not totally true.

There were 2 people in the running for the City job in 1965. The newspapers guessed that two of these were Peter Doherty & Bill Shankly. Shankly was never likely to take the job because all his hard work at Liverpool was just starting to succeed, while Doherty's name has been often quoted as the man City definitely wanted, though there's little evidence of that.

The third man was Mercer and his name was kept out of the 'papers, so it was a bit of a shock when he was appointed but not because he was 2nd choice. It was because his name had not been mentioned. Knowing the dignity of Mercer & Alexander I understand they kept it from the 'papers until Joe had been able to discuss it properly with his wife.

Similarly, people assume Allison was always lined up by Mercer to be his number 2 and arrived at the same time. The fact is that on the day of Mercer's appointment everyone assumed Johnny Hart would be City's number 2 and, again, Mercer & Alexander played their cards close to their chests as they sorted out how to bring Allison in.

The basic message here is... people with dignity let their actions speak rather than leaking rumours.
m27 said:
For the first time in a long time yesterday this forum really did my fucking head in to the point where I just had to leave it alone for a bit.

I've defended Mancini to the hilt on here because I think there's plenty more to come from him, especially when he has himself a new midfield, a genuine target man and a couple of top class full backs. I am dismayed at the stories coming out of the camp regarding player unrest, but I do believe it exists, but I'm not going to pin all the blame on Mancini because it's my opinion that the players have to shoulder just as much as the blame for being backbiting, sniping little bitches.

Notwithstanding this, I can take the opinions of Prestwich_Blue, Didsbury Dave and Billy on board and try and argue my case against them. Some of the shit on here yesterday was embarrasing though, and I actually think the above three did well not to lose their rag completely because I would have just told the worst offenders to fuck off to be honest.

Also, regarding 'ITKs'; why the fuck is it so incomprehensible to some people that there are certain people who post on here that do have genuine insider knowledge at the club? Is it jealousy? Personally, I like to hear these little snippets, but I don't go getting a tattoo of a certain player if I am told he is joining, I take it wth a pinch of salt and then watch with intrigue to see if it comes off. What's the problem? Do you honestly think they are making it up? It may not come off but that doesn't mean it wasn't in the offing, things change quickly in football and that's why I would never post anything I hear from sources, so fair play to those that do.

We also know that certain posters are friendly with certain City players. Now their views are always going to be a little bit blinkered by the frame of mind of a particular player. If that player is reported to be unhappy then it doesn't necessarily mean the whole squad is unhappy, but it does make for decent debate.

My personal favourite over the last week or so was Tolmie getting sarcastic stick on the Transfer Forum - what the fuck are you on the Transfer Forum for lads if you don't want to hear titbits from people who might know a few things? If you want concrete news then just log-off from here and go and sit in front of the OS all day.

Rant over.

WHat a good post, and thanks for the comments, m27.

Some of you need to read it and fucking learn something.

This is coming from a man who I continually disagree with about the team and the manager. Yet we have good debate and never resort to mudslinging. He uses facts and rational agrument to put his points across, and we regularly agree to disagree.

I have regularly felt like telling the likes of ST Coleridge and Immaculate Pasta to fuck off, with their know-nothing teenage opinions and playground fucking insults. "Bummer"? Fucking "pwned"? IF I wanted discussion at that level I'd go to my mate's house and play playstation with his lads.

But I actually believe, as your post illustrates, that the bright ones on the forum can see for themselves what is happening. With regards to Tolmie, I'm not even surprised he's had the piss taken out of him. If I were him I'd knock it on the head on here and go back to PMs like he used to. IF they met him face to face they'd sit mute behind their spots and replica shirts.

I'm going to give it a rest for a few days I think, too. The lunatics have taken over the asylum.

Fuck it, it's only a forum...
Gary James said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
Make no mistake jc, if the man from Inter had said "Yes", Mancini would have been on his way back to Italy. I don't know if you know this but Joe Mercer wasn't the first choice in 1965. I can't remember who was off the top of my head but Albert Alexander couldn't get hold of him to offer him the job so offered it to Joe instead. A happy accident.

I disagree with these points a little - the first point about the man from Inter is untrue and the second point about Mercer is not totally true.

There were 2 people in the running for the City job in 1965. The newspapers guessed that two of these were Peter Doherty & Bill Shankly. Shankly was never likely to take the job because all his hard work at Liverpool was just starting to succeed, while Doherty's name has been often quoted as the man City definitely wanted, though there's little evidence of that.

The third man was Mercer and his name was kept out of the 'papers, so it was a bit of a shock when he was appointed but not because he was 2nd choice. It was because his name had not been mentioned. Knowing the dignity of Mercer & Alexander I understand they kept it from the 'papers until Joe had been able to discuss it properly with his wife.

Similarly, people assume Allison was always lined up by Mercer to be his number 2 and arrived at the same time. The fact is that on the day of Mercer's appointment everyone assumed Johnny Hart would be City's number 2 and, again, Mercer & Alexander played their cards close to their chests as they sorted out how to bring Allison in.

The basic message here is... people with dignity let their actions speak rather than leaking rumours.
Appreciate the input Gary but I don't accept the Mourinho story is untrue. Some of us on here have shared our sources and either there was a massive disinformation campaign by senior people at or close to the club or they were telling the truth. Whatever, it's by the by, Mourinho won't be coming and we'll get the chance to see what Mancini can do.

The story about Mercer was in Eric Alexander's book iirc so I was entitled to believe it was true. It certainly sounded like a "typical City" story where we end with the right manager by accident.

As for your parting comment, dignity is certainly an admirable quality but this is an internet forum where rumour, heated exchanges and insults are the norm. It's part of the fun and I regularly exchange good natured pm's with some of the people who give me the most stick. That, combined with your always illuminating posts are what makes Bluemoon such great entertainment.
Prestwich_Blue said:
Appreciate the input Gary but I don't accept the Mourinho story is untrue. Some of us on here have shared our sources and either there was a massive disinformation campaign by senior people at or close to the club or they were telling the truth. Whatever, it's by the by, Mourinho won't be coming and we'll get the chance to see what Mancini can do.

The story about Mercer was in Eric Alexander's book iirc so I was entitled to believe it was true. It certainly sounded like a "typical City" story where we end with the right manager by accident.

As for your parting comment, dignity is certainly an admirable quality but this is an internet forum where rumour, heated exchanges and insults are the norm. It's part of the fun and I regularly exchange good natured pm's with some of the people who give me the most stick. That, combined with your always illuminating posts are what makes Bluemoon such great entertainment.

Thanks for the comments. Agree with the last para and will have to 'agree to disagree' with the first. I've spent a lot of time talking with Eric Alexander and others about Mercer and the Doherty story. In his book Eric says that Revie was also on the list, but that also feels unlikely for several reasons - Albert Alexander claimed 3 people and Shankly/Doherty/Mercer were the 3.

Doherty had been out of work since being sacked by Bristol City in 1960 (as they headed towards Div 3) and in all honesty was less likely to be first choice than Mercer. Peter Gardner in the MEN claimed Shankly was first choice. So there was a few red herrings out there. Obviously, Eric was closer to this than most, although he wasn't a City director at the time.
m27 said:
Notwithstanding this, I can take the opinions of Prestwich_Blue, Didsbury Dave and Billy on board and try and argue my case against them. Some of the shit on here yesterday was embarrasing though, and I actually think the above three did well not to lose their rag completely because I would have just told the worst offenders to fuck off to be honest.

Also, regarding 'ITKs'; why the fuck is it so incomprehensible to some people that there are certain people who post on here that do have genuine insider knowledge at the club? Is it jealousy? Personally, I like to hear these little snippets, but I don't go getting a tattoo of a certain player if I am told he is joining, I take it wth a pinch of salt and then watch with intrigue to see if it comes off. What's the problem? Do you honestly think they are making it up? It may not come off but that doesn't mean it wasn't in the offing, things change quickly in football and that's why I would never post anything I hear from sources, so fair play to those that do.

We also know that certain posters are friendly with certain City players. Now their views are always going to be a little bit blinkered by the frame of mind of a particular player. If that player is reported to be unhappy then it doesn't necessarily mean the whole squad is unhappy, but it does make for decent debate.

My personal favourite over the last week or so was Tolmie getting sarcastic stick on the Transfer Forum - what the fuck are you on the Transfer Forum for lads if you don't want to hear titbits from people who might know a few things? If you want concrete news then just log-off from here and go and sit in front of the OS all day.

Rant over.

Thanks for that m27 - it's much appreciated. Hopefully the people involved will take note and stick to discussing the issues and leave all the childish sniping alone...
m27 said:
For the first time in a long time yesterday this forum really did my fucking head in to the point where I just had to leave it alone for a bit.

I've defended Mancini to the hilt on here because I think there's plenty more to come from him, especially when he has himself a new midfield, a genuine target man and a couple of top class full backs. I am dismayed at the stories coming out of the camp regarding player unrest, but I do believe it exists, but I'm not going to pin all the blame on Mancini because it's my opinion that the players have to shoulder just as much as the blame for being backbiting, sniping little bitches.

Notwithstanding this, I can take the opinions of Prestwich_Blue, Didsbury Dave and Billy on board and try and argue my case against them. Some of the shit on here yesterday was embarrasing though, and I actually think the above three did well not to lose their rag completely because I would have just told the worst offenders to fuck off to be honest.

Also, regarding 'ITKs'; why the fuck is it so incomprehensible to some people that there are certain people who post on here that do have genuine insider knowledge at the club? Is it jealousy? Personally, I like to hear these little snippets, but I don't go getting a tattoo of a certain player if I am told he is joining, I take it wth a pinch of salt and then watch with intrigue to see if it comes off. What's the problem? Do you honestly think they are making it up? It may not come off but that doesn't mean it wasn't in the offing, things change quickly in football and that's why I would never post anything I hear from sources, so fair play to those that do.

We also know that certain posters are friendly with certain City players. Now their views are always going to be a little bit blinkered by the frame of mind of a particular player. If that player is reported to be unhappy then it doesn't necessarily mean the whole squad is unhappy, but it does make for decent debate.

My personal favourite over the last week or so was Tolmie getting sarcastic stick on the Transfer Forum - what the fuck are you on the Transfer Forum for lads if you don't want to hear titbits from people who might know a few things? If you want concrete news then just log-off from here and go and sit in front of the OS all day.

Rant over.

very good post mate
Didsbury Dave said:

I have regularly felt like telling the likes of ST Coleridge and Immaculate Pasta to fuck off, with their know-nothing teenage opinions and playground fucking insults.

Oh, please. Dave, I've tried to be constructive, but your continuously patronising approach (and self proclaimed status as an authority on all things football) makes you a terribly frustrating character to deal with.

In this instance, you took the Ned interview and beat Mancini with it, without any sense of objectivity. It was another opportunity for comments along the lines of 'Mancini is a poor man manager, and it scares me to death'.

Whatever. You never back up any of your negative assertions, and you ignore the posts of others if they don't suit your viewpoint.

As for childish? How about the claim that your dad 'hasn't been sure about Mancini for ages' (he's been here six months), an opinion you lend weight to with the fact that your dad 'is very knowledgeable about football'.

For all that, I was petty yesterday, and offer a genuine apology to you. I shall never again enter into a Mancini-based discussion with you, as it seems we are at quite polar extremes. Apologies to anyone else that took offence.
ST Coleridge said:
Didsbury Dave said:

I have regularly felt like telling the likes of ST Coleridge and Immaculate Pasta to fuck off, with their know-nothing teenage opinions and playground fucking insults.

Oh, please. Dave, I've tried to be constructive, but your continuously patronising approach (and self proclaimed status as an authority on all things football) makes you a terribly frustrating character to deal with.

In this instance, you took the Ned interview and beat Mancini with it, without any sense of objectivity. It was another opportunity for comments along the lines of 'Mancini is a poor man manager, and it scares me to death'.

Whatever. You never back up any of your negative assertions, and you ignore the posts of others if they don't suit your viewpoint.

As for childish? How about the claim that your dad 'hasn't been sure about Mancini for ages' (he's been here six months), an opinion you lend weight to with the fact that your dad 'is very knowledgeable about football'.

For all that, I was petty yesterday, and offer a genuine apology to you. I shall never again enter into a Mancini-based discussion with you, as it seems we are at quite polar extremes. Apologies to anyone else that took offence.

Personally I don't think you needed to apologise mate. I've trawled through yesterdays posts on here and there is very little that can be construed as offensive. It seems that what they refer to as abuse is actually disagreement and they find it hard to deal with.

Over the course of the last three months there has been plenty of banter re Mancini on here and I think very few have overstepped the mark.

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