Nedum signs new contract

Harry Godwin said:
Cambridgeblue said:
Since you clearly know nothing about football allow me to tell you exactly why this is such a good signing.

1) Nedum is one of the best defenders in his age bracket in the country which is why he played such a big part in the under 21 squad which has reached both a semi and a final in recent years, making him not just one of the best in the country but one of the best in europe too.

2) He was excellent for us last season when the rest of the defence looked decidedly wonky, which made his own performances all the more impressive.

3) He has a fantastic work ethic and is a terrific athlete... as his comments in the article shows he is aware he will have to fight for the shirt and he hasn't backed out of the challenge like Sturridge did.

4) He is an academy player and has the club in his heart... retaining players like him, micah and Ireland is absolutely crucial if we are to retain any sense of identity.

5) We are probably about to pay £20m for lescott who is 4 years older than Nedum, Nedum is in my opinion a far more experienced and superior player than lescott was at his age so we have got ourselves a bargain.

6) He's English and so if the nationality rule change does come in then it saves us paying silly money for another top english player.
Good points well made, agree 100% Cambridgeblue.

perfectly put.

save your fingers though. you could have just typed..

S,E,H = fart-talker.
The Fat el Hombre said:
Who the fuck is this S.E.H prick? What a fool

Must admit my heart sank when I saw Nedums name going across the yellow ticker on my way home from work, thought he might be on his way out initially. Chuffed to bits that he's signed a 5 year deal. Quality no-nonsense defender, great attitude and the best man at the club. He's been quality for City from day one, just been unlucky with injuries at time and I'm fucking well chuffed he's gonna be here for the long run

well said sir
Matty said:
The Fat el Hombre said:
Who the fuck is this S.E.H prick? What a fool

Must admit my heart sank when I saw Nedums name going across the yellow ticker on my way home from work, thought he might be on his way out initially. Chuffed to bits that he's signed a 5 year deal. Quality no-nonsense defender, great attitude and the best man at the club. He's been quality for City from day one, just been unlucky with injuries at time and I'm fucking well chuffed he's gonna be here for the long run

I think it's a toss up which is the better news today, Toure signing or Nedum.

S.E.H, nice to see you've been here since "the good old days" of the COMS open day and the Barca friendly!! Some of us have "enjoyed" 3 decades of City and, having struggled through watching David Brightwell, Kenny Clements, Alan Kernaghan and Laurent Charvet amongst others try and defend for us I can, with some authority, tell you your opinion on Onouha is shite.

nowt wrong with kenny clements mate
ShaunyWrightWright said:
BringBackSwales said:
yes and he was strongly rumoured to be being transferred to everton and now he aint so for me it is THE best transfer news of a great transfer news summer, get over it

Put it in any damn thread you want, its great news.

too right it is, nice to read a thread with so many positive vibes from proper City fans, SEH is the exception to that but it makes the pleasant comments stand out even more so well done SEH
Cambridgeblue said:
BringBackSwales said:
spot on post fella

Cheers mate... glad you agree. I am absolutely chuffed to bits about this - has finally blown the everton rumours to bits.

yes indeedy doodly, blackburn ticket in post today too, looking forward to thet big time
Really good news, the owners are sticking to their dual pledge of keeping faith & rewarding players who have come up through the ranks & also adding to the squad with new signings.

Nedum has stayed loyal to us through out the years & has proved if he stays injury free he is quality player who in my view could get a world cup place.

S.E.H said:
Dont get me wrong fellow blues, im happy Nedum's signed this contract, and he does have the potential to be a good player, but I just dont understand all the hype. People are saying getting Nedum on a new deal is more important than Kolo, Tevez, Barry, Ade etc, WHY?!?!

If anything, Nedum can now learn from a proper CB than the likes of Dunne.


oh shut up, putting CTID on your post does not stop you being a negative doom MONGer and it does not stop you being completely and utterly wrong
Banned Tosspot said:
Good news. He's a very good back up if we get Lescott in. I just have a doubt that he will be a very good player but hope I'm proven wrong.

you see SEH, it IS possible to disagree without spouting absolute shit; now personally I do not agree with Banned Tosspot (good name by the way) but the way he says what he says is fine - it is literate in how he says it, he appreciates the good news, and he has the grace to say he hopes he is wrong - whereas you talk shite and get everyone's back up, I can think of a job opportunity for radio you on a certain radio station SEH...
bluealf said:
S.E.H said:
Dont get me wrong fellow blues, im happy Nedum's signed this contract, and he does have the potential to be a good player, but I just dont understand all the hype. People are saying getting Nedum on a new deal is more important than Kolo, Tevez, Barry, Ade etc, WHY?!?!

If anything, Nedum can now learn from a proper CB than the likes of Dunne.


Fuck off, you couldnt even back your own judgement of a player and have folded like a novice with a pair of aces.

put like that bluealf I simply have to agree, and I am beginning to think my posts have been a bit too fecking nice, knob off seh

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