Neil Young 2nd Anniversary

Eccles Blue said:
Alex the Blue said:
Tbilisi said:
I have to agree with your comments,I think these things should be put into the correct perspective.I remember how embarrassed I felt seeing Cockneys and other assorted no marks from around the country "mourning" at the 50th Munich anniversary at the swamp & thinking who is this for the victims or the mourner?

if you think my motive for doing this is "lets show other clubs what great fans we are at City" you're sadly mistaken and don't know me or the others who want this applause. WE WANT IT FOR NELLY, it's as simple as that.

Well said Alex, I want it for Neil Young. I mourn his passing as a great ex-City player who gave a lot to this club.

Tbilisi, I mourned on the 50th Anniversary, mainly because I was at Old Trafford for the last match played there by that team and for Duncan Edwards, who was a great player but also for our own Frank Swift who also died.

I agree that United have lived off that disaster for years but it does not take away from the fact that PEOPLE died in that crash. They were not just footballers, not just journalists, not just United staff, but they were also just people. And as such I mourned them and said a prayer for them, as I do every year on the 6th February.

Eccles Blue,please dont me wrong,I mean no lack of respect for anyone who has died,United or otherwise,maybe I didnt get that over well enough.My Father(a staunch West Gorton Blue)played in Uniteds youth team(we dont talk about him much) of the early 50s and played with many who died.

The point I was trying to make was that so often people seem to mourn and I am not sure who for,themselves or the people that died.I am sure in this case its the latter.

I just wish that all this time & energy put into events of this nature was put into maybe saving the 5000 kids that die every day of preventable deseases in this world.

Soapbox put away.
Tbilisi said:
Eccles Blue said:
Alex the Blue said:
if you think my motive for doing this is "lets show other clubs what great fans we are at City" you're sadly mistaken and don't know me or the others who want this applause. WE WANT IT FOR NELLY, it's as simple as that.

Well said Alex, I want it for Neil Young. I mourn his passing as a great ex-City player who gave a lot to this club.

Tbilisi, I mourned on the 50th Anniversary, mainly because I was at Old Trafford for the last match played there by that team and for Duncan Edwards, who was a great player but also for our own Frank Swift who also died.

I agree that United have lived off that disaster for years but it does not take away from the fact that PEOPLE died in that crash. They were not just footballers, not just journalists, not just United staff, but they were also just people. And as such I mourned them and said a prayer for them, as I do every year on the 6th February.

Eccles Blue,please dont me wrong,I mean no lack of respect for anyone who has died,United or otherwise,maybe I didnt get that over well enough.My Father(a staunch West Gorton Blue)played in Uniteds youth team(we dont talk about him much) of the early 50s and played with many who died.

The point I was trying to make was that so often people seem to mourn and I am not sure who for,themselves or the people that died.I am sure in this case its the latter.

I just wish that all this time & energy put into events of this nature was put into maybe saving the 5000 kids that die every day of preventable deseases in this world.

Soapbox put away.

It takes a big man to apologise, and I appreciate what you were saying. Thank you for that. And I also agree with your last sentence. But then my kids tell me I always want to save the world!! :-)

Take care

Tbilisi said:
Eccles Blue said:
Alex the Blue said:
if you think my motive for doing this is "lets show other clubs what great fans we are at City" you're sadly mistaken and don't know me or the others who want this applause. WE WANT IT FOR NELLY, it's as simple as that.

Well said Alex, I want it for Neil Young. I mourn his passing as a great ex-City player who gave a lot to this club.

Tbilisi, I mourned on the 50th Anniversary, mainly because I was at Old Trafford for the last match played there by that team and for Duncan Edwards, who was a great player but also for our own Frank Swift who also died.

I agree that United have lived off that disaster for years but it does not take away from the fact that PEOPLE died in that crash. They were not just footballers, not just journalists, not just United staff, but they were also just people. And as such I mourned them and said a prayer for them, as I do every year on the 6th February.

Eccles Blue,please dont me wrong,I mean no lack of respect for anyone who has died,United or otherwise,maybe I didnt get that over well enough.My Father(a staunch West Gorton Blue)played in Uniteds youth team(we dont talk about him much) of the early 50s and played with many who died.

The point I was trying to make was that so often people seem to mourn and I am not sure who for,themselves or the people that died.I am sure in this case its the latter.

I just wish that all this time & energy put into events of this nature was put into maybe saving the 5000 kids that die every day of preventable deseases in this world.

Soapbox put away.

Many thanks for your comments Tbilisi which are appreciated and I'm sure you're as sincere as I am. I can assure there's not a lot of time and effort gone into organising the visit to the Garden of Remembrance on Sunday. Carmen was going anyway at 3-00pm and simply welcomed others to join her. The attempt to get a minutes applause at 10 minutes into the game is no trouble either, simply an exchange of emails but I'll probably ring Radio Manchester during the footy stuff to give it another plug. More of my time has actually been spent reading and replying on Bluemoon.

Without trying to blow my own trumpet too much I can tell you I spend a bit of time away from football supporting other charities and financially I donate quite a bit monthly by DD to a number of charities.

In reply to Vienna Blue I'm not looking for a choreographed effort as such, more of a one off spontaneous round of applause. It will not be happening again for Nelly.

Here's hoping to seeing a few at the Garden of Rememberance on Sunday many joining in the applause 10 minutes into the game.
Silvas_Left_Foot said:
Will it be another black and red game?

No, it's not a black and red game. I guess Black and Red scarves at the garden of rememberance would be appreciated by Carmen but I also know she will appreciate anybody who turns up no matter what colours they're wearing.
Alex the Blue said:
Tbilisi said:
Eccles Blue said:
Well said Alex, I want it for Neil Young. I mourn his passing as a great ex-City player who gave a lot to this club.

Tbilisi, I mourned on the 50th Anniversary, mainly because I was at Old Trafford for the last match played there by that team and for Duncan Edwards, who was a great player but also for our own Frank Swift who also died.

I agree that United have lived off that disaster for years but it does not take away from the fact that PEOPLE died in that crash. They were not just footballers, not just journalists, not just United staff, but they were also just people. And as such I mourned them and said a prayer for them, as I do every year on the 6th February.

Eccles Blue,please dont me wrong,I mean no lack of respect for anyone who has died,United or otherwise,maybe I didnt get that over well enough.My Father(a staunch West Gorton Blue)played in Uniteds youth team(we dont talk about him much) of the early 50s and played with many who died.

The point I was trying to make was that so often people seem to mourn and I am not sure who for,themselves or the people that died.I am sure in this case its the latter.

I just wish that all this time & energy put into events of this nature was put into maybe saving the 5000 kids that die every day of preventable deseases in this world.

Soapbox put away.

Many thanks for your comments Tbilisi which are appreciated and I'm sure you're as sincere as I am. I can assure there's not a lot of time and effort gone into organising the visit to the Garden of Remembrance on Sunday. Carmen was going anyway at 3-00pm and simply welcomed others to join her. The attempt to get a minutes applause at 10 minutes into the game is no trouble either, simply an exchange of emails but I'll probably ring Radio Manchester during the footy stuff to give it another plug. More of my time has actually been spent reading and replying on Bluemoon.

Without trying to blow my own trumpet too much I can tell you I spend a bit of time away from football supporting other charities and financially I donate quite a bit monthly by DD to a number of charities.

In reply to Vienna Blue I'm not looking for a choreographed effort as such, more of a one off spontaneous round of applause. It will not be happening again for Nelly.

Here's hoping to seeing a few at the Garden of Rememberance on Sunday many joining in the applause 10 minutes into the game.


I wasn't saying there should be a choreographed tribute to Neil, I was merely trying to answer the question as to why Nelly receives this sort of attention, when some others who have passed away hardly receive a mention.

They were just my opinion of maybe why Neil is held in such high regard by his fellow Blues.
Santiago Street . said:
Where does it stop though lads

I defer to nobody in my respect and affection for City legends who've passed away but for me repeating tributes time and time again dilutes the emotion and verges into Liverpool "let's have a vigil" territory.

I think the motive behind a lot of this stuff is "let's show other clubs what great fans we are at City" rather than genuine emotion at the 2nd anniversary of Neil's passing.

Spending a quiet moment at the remembrance garden is sufficient imo

I agree with that, not just people that pass away todo with City, but in general aswell. yes it's sad people have died/passed away/killed/murdered which ever way. Yes remember them but in a quiet way.
Just a quick up-date. There will be a piper at the Garden of Remembrance at 3-00pm to play a slow version of Blue Moon at the Laying of The Flowers.

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