Neil Young demands Spotify remove his music.

People keep saying “who knows” but the answer is clear. He isn’t asking to be removed from other platforms otherwise we would know about it like we know about Spotify. Infact he’s actively encouraging fans to sign up to Amazon and Apple to listen to his music offering them free trial subscriptions.

If it’s about covid misinformation then why isn’t he asking to be removed from YouTube or radio station talk shows or Twitter where misinformation is being spread much quicker and to bigger audiences than Joe Rogan.

As always it is down to money and his little outburst has done wonders for him as the younger guys in my office now know who he is.
Quiz: What platform has a $100 million exclusive distribution agreement with Joe Rogan?

a) Spotify
b) Some other company

I think the answer above probably helps you answer your question “Why only Spotify?” Once again, Young has done what he feels is most impactful and you can “what about” it until your face turns blue and cluck your tongue and call him a hypocrite or say he didn’t go far enough or question his motives and whatever else, but he could have done absolutely nothing and just kept collecting whatever checks he did.

He sacrificed money to make a public point and he made it and at least appears to have forced some change at Spotify and with Rogan. That’s the bottom line.

Is Neil also irritated at meager skims from Spotify for playing his tunes as many other musicians are? Probably.
How hard is it for you to understand that Rogan's anti vax bollocks to his millions of followers can result, and probably has resulted in death.

My nephew is a nurse, working 10 hours a day in full PPE, looking after very old people with covid but mainly aintivaxxers in ICU. It's fucking horrible.
Most people dying in Australia right now of covid are antivaxxers. Needless deaths. But it was their choice. Still, not very fair on the nurses, doctors, ancillary workers in the hospitals.

People like Rogan are a danger to society, he (and others) get weak minded people believing his conspiracy shit, doing marches, prolonging the pandemic. Acting like fuckwits, giving the police a very hard time.
People who preach the anti vax, human rights, anti mask doctrines are an absolute danger to society, I'm very glad Novak Jokovic got his arse kicked out of here for preaching anti vax shit.

Neil Young has made a stand, he wont be on the same platform as someone who preaches anti vaccination. So Spotify backed Rogan. Thats the end of the story. Fair enough, their decision, their right. They've lost a shit load of subscribers and billions off their market value, but their choice.
There's really is nothing to argue about.
Good on your nephew.

My mrs is an ICU nurse in Australia, my daughters both work in healthcare, in Australia and you’re talking absolute horseshit and not for the first time.

Here is a quote from the NSW government website

“Of the 36 people who died; 33 people had received at least two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine, and three people were not vaccinated. Older age is a significant risk factor for serious illness and death for COVID-19, particularly when combined with significant underlying health conditions.”

Here is a link for you hard of thinking that can’t be fucked looking it up

As I said previously, if young was serious about sending out the right message instead of whining about podcasters perhaps he should be warning people that obesity and laziness are the biggest risk factors in covid deaths.
I am old enough to remember the utter bastard, Wakefield, that told everyone in the late 1980's, especially young mums, that the MMR vaccine was a danger and caused all sorts of problems.
As a result the take up rate plummeted.
Despite it being proved that he had a financial interest in what he was seeking and despite it being PROVED he was a lying shit, people still believe him.
As a result children have suffered terribly.

This sort of shit now being spouted is exactly the same.
Yep, and quietly during the covid situation, we're still getting large numbers of people not vaccinating their kids against measles. Remember that when people bang on about an "experimental vaccine." Many of the same people are also against completely established vaccines.
Good on your nephew.

My mrs is an ICU nurse in Australia, my daughters both work in healthcare, in Australia and you’re talking absolute horseshit and not for the first time.

Here is a quote from the NSW government website

“Of the 36 people who died; 33 people had received at least two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine, and three people were not vaccinated. Older age is a significant risk factor for serious illness and death for COVID-19, particularly when combined with significant underlying health conditions.”

Here is a link for you hard of thinking that can’t be fucked looking it up

As I said previously, if young was serious about sending out the right message instead of whining about podcasters perhaps he should be warning people that obesity and laziness are the biggest risk factors in covid deaths.
How do you suggest we cure people of old age and what role can Neil Young play in fighting this horrible disease?

Also, can your Mrs. start posting instead of you?
Good on your nephew.

My mrs is an ICU nurse in Australia, my daughters both work in healthcare, in Australia and you’re talking absolute horseshit and not for the first time.

Here is a quote from the NSW government website

“Of the 36 people who died; 33 people had received at least two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine, and three people were not vaccinated. Older age is a significant risk factor for serious illness and death for COVID-19, particularly when combined with significant underlying health conditions.”

Here is a link for you hard of thinking that can’t be fucked looking it up

As I said previously, if young was serious about sending out the right message instead of whining about podcasters perhaps he should be warning people that obesity and laziness are the biggest risk factors in covid deaths.
Horseshit ?

The- Australia's Chief Medical Officer is Professor Paul Kelly and he joins us this morning. Good morning, Professor.


What can you tell us about who is dying in this outbreak with the Omicron wave? The public data is patchy; I spoke to Dr Norman Swann earlier in the week who talked about the fact that there is a paucity of information. Who are the typical victims of the Omicron outbreak?


So Norman's right. It- look, it has been a challenge the last few weeks to keep up with all of the cases and to really chart those carefully. So- but we are doing that and I'll be able to say more about that later this week in terms of the national picture. But the states and territories have been reporting in quite some detail about who has died and who is in intensive care. And those two- and who are ventilated intensive care, that very severe end, to take that element, is less than the large numbers of cases, for example. What do we know? Well, it's very similar to what we've seen throughout the pandemic, both here and internationally. Older people, people with chronic disease, and particularly people with- who are older with chronic disease and unvaccinated or have not received their booster doses are the ones that are at the highest risk. In Queensland, they have looked at that quite carefully and closely, and have found a very large increase in the risk of ICU or death for people that are unvaccinated.
As I said previously, if young was serious about sending out the right message instead of whining about podcasters perhaps he should be warning people that obesity and laziness are the biggest risk factors in covid deaths.
So you think NY should have a go at obese people ?
Are you seriously deluded ?

Hahaha hahaha

Crank antivaxers strike again from Wayne's fucking world ;)
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Yep, and quietly during the covid situation, we're still getting large numbers of people not vaccinating their kids against measles. Remember that when people bang on about an "experimental vaccine." Many of the same people are also against completely established vaccines.
And the innocent children suffer for the brain dead parent(s)
People keep saying “who knows” but the answer is clear. He isn’t asking to be removed from other platforms otherwise we would know about it like we know about Spotify. Infact he’s actively encouraging fans to sign up to Amazon and Apple to listen to his music offering them free trial subscriptions.

If it’s about covid misinformation then why isn’t he asking to be removed from YouTube or radio station talk shows or Twitter where misinformation is being spread much quicker and to bigger audiences than Joe Rogan.

As always it is down to money and his little outburst has done wonders for him as the younger guys in my office now know who he is.

I hope you've had a good chuckle at Foggy's foggy answer to your post. How to contradict yourself in less than 10 secs!!

Ask yourself how you can justify the comment "sacrificing money", then juxtapose that with being "irritated by meagre skims"? Right there is the grift explained! LOL!!

As you allude to, the running theme is to get paid as he must have wanted to get off Spotify for ages and needed a viable reason! Anyway, I hope you have a peek at the Jon Stewart post I dropped a page or two before.
How do you suggest we cure people of old age and what role can Neil Young play in fighting this horrible disease?

Also, can your Mrs. start posting instead of you?
This latest strain as is typical of most pandemics is far more transmissible than its previous versions Fog but again like most pandemics and how they evolve far less deadly its just that the sheer weight of cases outweighs its relative mortality so in countries like Australia the death rate with and from covid have increased considerably along with case numbers.

in reality many daily cases numbers under this strain are not being recorded accurately or nearly as accurately as before with the delta strain or the alpha strain for example.

QR codes are useless for omicron for example and contact testing and tracing pretty much useless as well.

In one day for example we would have as many people contract omicron at the peak of this latest outbreak as contracted alpha in totality and then some.

Over 2 million Australians have contracted omicron already despite the stats saying less while around 70k contracted alpha over a much greater period of time.

We don't cure old age but we can use science and advancement to enable the average human being live longer and healthier pandemic or no pandemic.

Our ancestors on average will live well in their 120's for example most likely within the next 100 -200 years or so.

Neil Young other than his voice will play no role in fighting covid in all its forms , he can remind his network and his immediate family to look after themselves as best as possible particularly given his own family circumstances and has the resources and networks to do so better than most given his audiences like for his music etc.

I am not Wayne71 misses she is unlike you and me Fog I am sure far too busy to concern herself on this forum and thread but he is referring to and reiterating some basic facts about the data particularly as it relates to Australia and given the high vaccinations rates as I mentioned a while time ago far more of the 30k or so deaths that will occur from covid and with covid in Australia in the next 12 months will come from those with 2 or 3 doses that is just simple mathematics as play.

this is why already despite having over 95 per cent of population of NSW double vaxxed some 95 per cent of deaths now occurring from or with covid are those who have been double and in some cases tripled vaxxed.

While I understand where Bill is coming from he is tad ignorant of the facts that at least with this current strain and wave in Australia and likely replicated in many other countries the data suggests that transmitting from vaccinated to vaccinated is as likely as transmitting from vaccinated to unvaccinated and vice versa.

Notwithstanding the new versions and how they will evolve and how they are transmitted from human to human its reasonable to suggest as the Lancet already has that at least with the current strain it matters little whether you are vaccinated or not in terms of you transmitting the disease but why you and everybody should be triple vaxxed is that your risk of serious disease and death is dramatically reduced if you are triple vaxxed and no doubt a 6 months booster if available should be taken by all those that have and can access it for years to come on a regular basis ala influenza particularly as you age and have significant comorbidities.

unfortunately many who are triple vaxxed and subsequently booster vaxxed will die from or with covid just like they do with influenza etc and the older you are generally the higher risk you are of that but that goes with most viral diseases and many other diseases as well and many of those will have contracted the disease from someone who is triple and booster vaxxed.

I am still bemused as those who class ALL those who cannot get vaxxed or prefer not to be vaxxed as anti vaxxers and the political , social and medical consequences that they claim will follow.

Not doing something doesn't mean you are anti everyone else choosing to do the opposite so to speak.

Like you I am not happy about those who spread misinformation about the vaccine and those who protest telling others that they should not be vaxxed.

it makes sense on all grounds you should get vaccinated and encourage others who haven't to do likewise but if you do not particularly when the vast bulk of your social and professional network have you shouldn't be labelled an antivaxxer albeit that term will diminish with its social impact with the passage of time if you chose not to.

Foolish and misguided IMO if you don't but I will never treat an unvaccinated person as a second class or worse citizen or someone whose opinion on other matters should be disregarded if they decide not to as tends to be the case on social media and many other forums including this one.
So you think NY should have a go at obese people ?
Are you seriously deluded ?

Hahaha hahaha

Crank antivaxers strike again from Wayne's fucking world ;)
I’m triple vaxed and get tested twice a week at work. We can’t buy a bottle of wine here without showing proof but you carry on posting shite, fatty.

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