Neil Young demands Spotify remove his music.

No, science is about experts peer reviewing each other's work and refusing to publish things that don't meet certain standards of research. They don't just publish any old shit and invite everyone to debate it. They also will withdraw any research that is later found to be mistaken.

And the fact that Malone did a piece of research that was peer reviewed and rejected for publication might have something to do with him subsequently spreading shit on any outlet that will have him. And of course he can give his opinion on Joe Rogan as much as he wants, but that's not where the debate does or should happen. It happens in the scientific journals that his research wasn't considered good enough to be published in. He could of course have taken the feedback of the reviewers and come back with a better study, but instead he resigned in protest, threw his toys out of his pram and tried to win the debate in the public arena with people who aren't qualified to challenge him. That most certainly isn't what science is about.
Under the assumption everything you wrote is accurate, that is a fantastic bit of information, and a great post about how science actually works.
Under the assumption everything you wrote is accurate, that is a fantastic bit of information, and a great post about how science actually works.
It actually seems a bit more shady than what I wrote there. With the ivermectin study, Malone was a guest editor after convincing the publishers to run a special issue on the effectiveness of existing drugs for the treatment of covid, and invited Kory (from the FLCCC - an organisation that has advocated for various ineffective treatments for covid) to submit a paper on its effectiveness. He then selected the reviewers himself and it was cleared for publication. It was only in the post-review process that the publishers spotted what were described as "a series of strong, unsupported claims." They stated that had it not been noticed before publication, it would have certainly be retracted at a later date. When the publisher decided to pull both Malone's and Kory's papers, they threatened to go to the press.

Here's the full story of what happened. Work out for yourself whose side you believe.
It's so interesting -- yesterday I watched that Russell Brand video that got posted -- you know, because I'm trying to get "all perspectives" like I've been told I should -- on a brand new device I don't normally use, so YouTube has no sense of my typical preferences. Today I go to the home page and its chock full of suggested content for me -- Tucker Carlson, Rogan, Epoch something, those insufferable two from the Blaze show or whatever. It's basically ****-O-Vision.

Now why is that? I don't have a YouTube account nor profile nor do I subscribe to things, and I know push content is a thing of course, but given the stuff I normally use YouTube for (hockey fight highlights, music, that funny guy from Pitch Meeting, AirForceProud95, videos of long train trips taken from the driver's cab that help me get drowsy and fall asleep), push content on my normal device is very widely varied.

So does YouTube has some type of **** algorithm, suggesting if you watch Russell Brand once, basically ALL you'll want to watch is other cunts? Or is it just because I haven't demonstrated enough varied interests for YouTube to know what I like?

God, I hope it's not because I'M a ****.
I had a similar experience after watching a clip of Jordan Peterson. Took months to put right.
I highly doubt not being able to listen to Neil young on Spotify or actually listening to rogan on Spotify would result in death. Stop being a fucking drama queen.
I would guess there are very few who said “I didn’t get vaxxed specifically and only because a guest on Rogan’s show who I never would have encountered otherwise told me not to” and then died of COVID.

It’s also not relevant IMO. What’s relevant is whether or not Neil Young can do what he did for any reason at all. Of course he can.

I think the bigger question is whether or not one believes responsible content providers should platform known liars, and if you think so (I don’t) whether or not there should be disclaimers/guardrails/restrictions associated with such content (I do) and whether Spotify provided those (by their own admission, theirs were inadequate).
It’s also not relevant IMO. What’s relevant is whether or not Neil Young can do what he did for any reason at all. Of course he can.

I think the bigger question is whether or not one believes responsible content providers should platform known liars, and if you think so (I don’t) whether or not there should be disclaimers/guardrails/restrictions associated with such content (I do) and whether Spotify provided those (by their own admission, theirs were inadequate).

I’ve listened to a couple of rogans podcasts specifically around this subject in the last 24 hours because of this thread.

Rogan himself talks mostly about the comorbidities you yanks suffer from that mainly cause death with covid, the obvious ones being diabetes and obesity.

Not a bad message really for your fellow countrymen, eat healthy, take some vitamins, lose some fucking weight and exercise. Perhaps that’s why your Chicago mate is upset!

Joking aside it’s not a bad message.
I’ve listened to a couple of rogans podcasts specifically around this subject in the last 24 hours because of this thread.

Rogan himself talks mostly about the comorbidities you yanks suffer from that mainly cause death with covid, the obvious ones being diabetes and obesity.

Not a bad message really for your fellow countrymen, eat healthy, take some vitamins, lose some fucking weight and exercise. Perhaps that’s why your Chicago mate is upset!

Joking aside it’s not a bad message.
Spotify paid $100mm to have its host say that?
I highly doubt not being able to listen to Neil young on Spotify or actually listening to rogan on Spotify would result in death. Stop being a fucking drama queen.
How hard is it for you to understand that Rogan's anti vax bollocks to his millions of followers can result, and probably has resulted in death.

My nephew is a nurse, working 10 hours a day in full PPE, looking after very old people with covid but mainly aintivaxxers in ICU. It's fucking horrible.
Most people dying in Australia right now of covid are antivaxxers. Needless deaths. But it was their choice. Still, not very fair on the nurses, doctors, ancillary workers in the hospitals.

People like Rogan are a danger to society, he (and others) get weak minded people believing his conspiracy shit, doing marches, prolonging the pandemic. Acting like fuckwits, giving the police a very hard time.
People who preach the anti vax, human rights, anti mask doctrines are an absolute danger to society, I'm very glad Novak Jokovic got his arse kicked out of here for preaching anti vax shit.

Neil Young has made a stand, he wont be on the same platform as someone who preaches anti vaccination. So Spotify backed Rogan. Thats the end of the story. Fair enough, their decision, their right. They've lost a shit load of subscribers and billions off their market value, but their choice.
There's really is nothing to argue about.
I am old enough to remember the utter bastard, Wakefield, that told everyone in the late 1980's, especially young mums, that the MMR vaccine was a danger and caused all sorts of problems.
As a result the take up rate plummeted.
Despite it being proved that he had a financial interest in what he was seeking and despite it being PROVED he was a lying shit, people still believe him.
As a result children have suffered terribly.

This sort of shit now being spouted is exactly the same.

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