New Beady Eye song - Flick of the finger

All this is just daft, and the music equivalent of two bald men fighting over a comb.
Music is subjective, and to say that Oasis are crap or Fuck Buttons are crap is just pointlessly allowing personal preference to cloud your objectivity and judgement.
I am no great Oasis fan myself, and I think that Slow Focus is a great album, but that doesn't mean shit in the grand scheme of things because others think differently - so ultimately everyone is right.
I remember these bonkers circular debates when I was a kid, and clubs used to have Bowie and Roxy Music rooms, and I though they were futile then, and I was about ten.
Why does is matter who likes what?
Some folk probably like both Oasis and Fuck Buttons - good for them, as they aren't mutually exclusive.
You may as well have heated debates on the best soap opera, or cheese, or root vegetable.
Music has never been a meritocracy based on talent anyway, so just enjoy what you enjoy, let others do the same, and don't take it personally if someone has a go at a band you like, because it is just their opinion when all's said and done.
I'll do a deal.

I'll listen to Oasis' albums chronologically again over the next month to see if my opinion on them has changed and I'll let you know what I think. It's been a while since I listened to any of their stuff intentionally (barring their first two albums) so my thoughts on some of their stuff could have changed.

I'll get back to you.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
All this is just daft, and the music equivalent of two bald men fighting over a comb.
Music is subjective, and to say that Oasis are crap or Fuck Buttons are crap is just pointlessly allowing personal preference to cloud your objectivity and judgement.
I am no great Oasis fan myself, and I think that Slow Focus is a great album, but that doesn't mean shit in the grand scheme of things because others think differently - so ultimately everyone is right.
I remember these bonkers circular debates when I was a kid, and clubs used to have Bowie and Roxy Music rooms, and I though they were futile then, and I was about ten.
Why does is matter who likes what?
Some folk probably like both Oasis and Fuck Buttons - good for them, as they aren't mutually exclusive.
You may as well have heated debates on the best soap opera, or cheese, or root vegetable.
Music has never been a meritocracy based on talent anyway, so just enjoy what you enjoy, let others do the same, and don't take it personally if someone has a go at a band you like, because it is just their opinion when all's said and done.

Most people would agree 100%. Just gets tedious reading the same old stuff Bob says about oasis/beady eye etc when he knows he's in a thread full of those fans.
I don't mind people having a discussion about Oasis. But what I do get annoyed at is comments like this:

Class effort from the band of the decade so far.

[describing Four Letter Word] best song of the decade

That bring me to this thread because they're totally unjustified and completely over-exaggerated because it's Liam Gallagher. As has been said by many different people, Beady Eye wouldn't be signed if they didn't have Liam Gallagher's name attached to them.
foetus said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
All this is just daft, and the music equivalent of two bald men fighting over a comb.
Music is subjective, and to say that Oasis are crap or Fuck Buttons are crap is just pointlessly allowing personal preference to cloud your objectivity and judgement.
I am no great Oasis fan myself, and I think that Slow Focus is a great album, but that doesn't mean shit in the grand scheme of things because others think differently - so ultimately everyone is right.
I remember these bonkers circular debates when I was a kid, and clubs used to have Bowie and Roxy Music rooms, and I though they were futile then, and I was about ten.
Why does is matter who likes what?
Some folk probably like both Oasis and Fuck Buttons - good for them, as they aren't mutually exclusive.
You may as well have heated debates on the best soap opera, or cheese, or root vegetable.
Music has never been a meritocracy based on talent anyway, so just enjoy what you enjoy, let others do the same, and don't take it personally if someone has a go at a band you like, because it is just their opinion when all's said and done.

Most people would agree 100%. Just gets tedious reading the same old stuff Bob says about oasis/beady eye etc when he knows he's in a thread full of those fans.

In my opinion Bob should just give these threads a wide berth.
He doesn't like Oasis/Beady Eye, ( which is fair enough ), but he won't convert any Oasis fans by constantly telling them that the band they love are shit.
All it does is create dissent, and folks end up even more staunch in their views on either side.
Just an utterly futile waste of everybody's time.
I don't go on Rag Tissue telling them that their team are shite, because all I'd get is abuse, so I just think it instead and save myself the effort and grief.
MCFC BOB said:
I don't mind people having a discussion about Oasis. But what I do get annoyed at is comments like this:

Class effort from the band of the decade so far.

[describing Four Letter Word] best song of the decade

That bring me to this thread because they're totally unjustified and completely over-exaggerated because it's Liam Gallagher. As has been said by many different people, Beady Eye wouldn't be signed if they didn't have Liam Gallagher's name attached to them.

Its just their opinion, no need to be annoyed about it. People out there like One Direction & Justin Beiber, would be shit if everyone liked the same thing.
Plenty of people will think the music you listen to is gash, people will think what i listen to is shit. I dont like Beady Eye, but there is no point telling people who do like them how shit they are.

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