New fans/tourists are embarrassing

SWP's back said:
blueju said:
That's how the rags and the dippers have been filling their grounds on all those famous European nights for years. If it was left to the locals it would be half full.
Half empty. This is bluemoon.

mcfcliam said:
First thing I noticed when I got in the ground last night was the amount of tourists taking an unreal and ridiculous amount of photos, while wearing a half and half scarf!
First thing I noticed was the teams and the Champions League music, you should just arrive late if the preamble bothers you.
mcfcliam said:
Now I know we need them to 'move forward as a club' but...

First thing I noticed when I got in the ground last night was the amount of tourists taking an unreal and ridiculous amount of photos, while wearing a half and half scarf!

One of them even tried throwing me out of my seat, claiming it was his, when his was clearly the one next to mine...this is my season ticket seat you fucking bellwhaft! His mate was infront of us so he wanted to be 'nearer' to him (?!?!?!?!)

Anyway, nearer to kick off, this group of about 15 people (all wearing snide City shirts) went to the front and had a big photo together and then started some chant of their own...WTF?! Why the fuck are you chanting something which has no fucking relevance to City whatsoever? It's like me turning up to Anfield and singing my own song!

The amount of times I heard this blokes' camera was doing my head in...I was going to sleep with the noise in my head!

You're only pissed because it was

mcfcRiam is a ranker, is a ranker
mcfcRiam, is a ranker..............

I think its fun chatting to these people.

Last night I asked an unfamilar face if its stays at 1-1 does it go to extra time. His response was "not sure". The same clown also spent most of the game shouting Jesus Christ in a cockney accent and refering to Zaba as Zabi.
harry the plumber said:
geoff hammond said:
I stood in front row of south stand last night with my lad.

At one point i turned around and looked at the blues behind me.
For some reason they just felt like strangers.

Seemed to be a lot of studenty types, high % of "foreigners" and well to do people who looked like they were from Prestbury or somewhere similar.
Nothing against these types but just not typical city.

Times are changing and I still love the football, but I can't put my finger on it.... something has been lost somewhere recently.
Not the Prestbury mob!
Is that you Big Mals Cigar?
Did they have flat caps on?

Men in Whatever is the New Black?
Timmmmahhhh said:
Not sure if has been mentioned as I haven't read the whole thread but there were 4 people sat in front of me in 109, 3 lads and a girl, all cockneys, all not the type of people you'd usually get in 109.

One was a "life long" City fan, one a City fan who was at his first game (early to mid 30's), the girl wasn't interested and the other lad was "not interested in football but if I did support a team it would be Man U".

All 4 complained through out the match, the rain, the seats, the view, the swaering etc.

One out of the 4 celebrated the first goal, all 4 left before the end.

Just hope regular or genuine fans who wanted tickets weren't unable to get them because oif these 4.

Met a lad down here, born and bred St Albans but Dad was from Manchester and he supports City, never been to a game (he's 30) as to be fair he wouldn't head up on his own, brought him last night. He complained about the 'Manchester' weather I told him he was only whining because they didn't do shandy or a decent chardonnay in the bar. I'll ensure he is aware he isn't welcome again.
Also in a 'cock waving who's the bestest fan' first for me, can I claim points for staying to the end despite having a 3 hour drive down south afterwards? Or does the drive down south cancel out the staying to the end?
I had some tit asking me if it "went to extra time?" if the game stayed 1-1.

I couldn't be arsed setting him straight as I was watching Zabi, so just said "not sure".

What a twat eh.
BlueHerts said:
can I claim points for staying to the end despite having a 3 hour drive down south afterwards? Or does the drive down south cancel out the staying to the end?
That depends. Does your 3 hours include the extra 15 minutes delay you suffer because of leaving after the final whistle rather than before?

Some people are just far too impatient and lazy and need to buy an A-Z.

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