New fans

Andouble said:
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
Ticket For Schalke said:
And on an other note, i wonder how many people have Lakers shirts and Pats shirts on this thread. Im guessing a few.

And compare those people to people from LA and Boston who have grown up with those clubs and have those clubs as a central part of their lives (and I don't mean their internet lives) for as long as they can remember. Are you equating the two?

don't know about in your house but in the U.S. but if you're a Patriots fan in Boston or a Patriots fan in're just a Patriots fan. Not a "fake" fan. You might be called a frontrunner if you start liking them after a Championship, but those fans hardly stick anyway.

By your logic, if a football fan in the States grows up outside of Los Angeles, they must be a Galaxy fan and nothing else? They can't support Manchester City, or Real Madrid, or AC Milan? Because they were born in a country where the league isn't upper echelon, are they not allowed to have a horse in the big race? Or must they cross their fingers that the next Messi is born out in the suburbs and they can somehow keep him for a couple years and participate in the Club World Cup?

It's really only a step or two away from not even wanting foreign players to play in the Premiership.
he's not saying you can't support City,RM or AC,what i think he's saying is its a bit sick.
i mentioned it on another thread about the guys that sit in front of me at COMS that are from Carlisle,i asked em if they follow Carlisle and one of em said 'no,they're shit',...thats sick too and absolutely any fucker could do it
Anyone else remember week in week out getting onto the Kippax at 5 to 3 just as the players were running out (yes they actually ran out in those days) and standing on your 'very own' slab of concrete at the back of the Kippax surrounded by your mates and other familiar faces...

..then one week when we are playing a big game and guess what I can't get anywhere near my usually space because the ground is full of glory hunting twats.

And so to new fans who have suddenly 'chosen' to supoort City rather than being from Manchester or born into a City supporting family I would extend a luke warm welcome and respectfully ask that you try not to get in the way of us proper fans with your dodgy accents, brand new scarfs and little knowledge of our glorious history as we won't like it, particularly if you ever block my view or make it difficult for us to get served at the bar.

And for those with no loyalty points but the ability to buy glory hunting corporate tickets, don't brag about it because you will have stolen the seat of a true fan.

If I am being totally honest I would much rather you supported someone else.
welcome, however I just cant accept fans like you plastic glory hunting fans, why dont you support a team in America and you never supported us when we were shit, why not? One of the reasons I hate united is the amount of out of towner fans they have with so many locals not in the ground, I welcome you as a fellow blue, but do not like the idea that someone with no connection to the club could possibly take a ticket from a local blue

any how welcome :)
bluebannana said:
welcome, however I just cant accept fans like you plastic glory hunting fans, why dont you support a team in America and you never supported us when we were shit, why not? One of the reasons I hate united is the amount of out of towner fans they have with so many locals not in the ground, I welcome you as a fellow blue, but do not like the idea that someone with no connection to the club could possibly take a ticket from a local blue

any how welcome :)

At least our good Sheikh, has never taken a ticket from a fellow blue. Why doesn't he just fcuk off and support a team in Abu Dhabi? The plastic glory hunting tosser. Where was he when we were shit?

I wonder sometimes if the "fans" who hate new support so much want to go back to the good times when the rags kicked the crap out of us on a frequent basis. Personally, I liked winning the FA Cup.
It seems pretty obvious to me that if we want City to grow and become one of the biggest clubs in the world ... then we need new fans - and lots of them.

And hopefully their children will be fans after them, and their children after them.

Therefore, I welcome everyone !

This isn't a time for getting on our "high horses" and wasting time judging our fellow fans; "I'm more loyal than you" ... "no, I'm more loyal than you". Get a grip !
I personally think that the new fans who have picked the club at random will not have the same emotional attachment that somebody who has followed them for years and years has. yeah it may hurt if we get beat but not as much as going into work and getting stick or going to the pub and getting abused.

I lived in the states for quite a long time and it was much easier to avoid the stick after a loss, but on the same hand nobody to celebrate with after a good win.

it will never be the same bond, how can it be when you are across the world and have picked it at random?

I welcome the new fans but feel sorry that they will never experience what most uk based fans do
Missed most of the thread so must catch up later but welcome to any new blues. I'm Irish but am no less a City fanatic for it. In fact maybe it makes you all the more fanatic to be as surrounded by reds as Ireland is. don't listen to dopes who expect all blus to be local - they are just sad and thankfully a tiny minority.

Manchester is the friendliest place I've ever been. Go visit if you haven't already. Don't expect bright lights and nice weather. But I bet you'll have a ball.
I lived in Cork, then Massachusetts, then Manchester and then back to Cork. And of course I've visited a place or two over the years. All full of great decent people but Manchester was by far the most genuinely friendly. There's a bit of an edge to Manchester, some people look rough around the edges...but there is no where better. (Even most reds were nice) But being a blue in Manchester is just the best feeling. I loved it there.

Welcome again. CTID!
Picture this, if Real Madrid came on tour to Manchester and you were someone who watches la Liga and Madrid on Sky every week, really liking their attacking ethos and the history of the club, would you deem it anything other than ridiculous to agree to appear in a TV feature where you seek to get all emotional about what Madrid means to you and how you are a 'Massive Madrid fan', like those from Madrid who go every week.

'I put it to you that no, you wouldn't, because you would realise how fraudulent it was and how it wasn't true. That you don't possess these rabid feelings for Madrid as they have nothing to do with you, you have no connection and you purely admire the club and/or like watching them play.

You might, if you enjoy a bit of publicity consider appearing ina feature where you express admiration for the club and its history, ethos, (maybe its current team) and way of playing.

So when I see 'far flung' fans acting like they think 'proper fans act, I have no problem with saying I think it is bullshit and I question the mentality of such people. Some won't agree with this, but I say it is impossible for someone who has little connection with the club and hasn't followed them for a significant period of time to feel the emotions that, say, the woman on the video seeks to paint about the FA Cup win. Unless they have a very strange mentality'

brilliant point. nail.head
I cant help feeling theres a touch of xenophobia afoot when people talk of their distaste at 'non locals' supporting the club.IMHO any blue is more than entitled to support the club in whatever way they see fit. It saddens me to see people castigated for their circumstances but its a telling observation that demonstrates those who are opposed to new fans are , in the majority of cases, those who find it difficult to welcome change. Xenophobes for the most part are either scared of or confused by change. What we must realise (imo) is that we have and will continue to go through seismic changes as this fantastic club of ours goes forward. To achieve that change, part and parcel of it is to attract a wider fan base on a global scale.

For those who oppose this notion I have a question: Do you want to see City progress to become successful or do you want us to stagnate? Im asking this question genuinely and not as a sleight on those opposed to what they might regard as 'plastics'. If you dont want to see change at the club thats your prerogative.However, I cant see how this change would take place without attracting as many supporters to the club as possible.

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