New fans

I am quite able to 'see the bigger picture' and how beneficial it is to the club to convince the hordes that they are 'part of it'. It is obvious that every big club cynically tries to financial exploit these people/markets and goes to great lengths to make them fee 'legit' and that they need to spend money.

The 'hordes' who decide from this day on they want to support City are 'part of it' whether you like it or not.I cant for the life of me understand why they wouldnt be 'legit' and indeed what you deem to be the deciding factors regarding the 'criteria'. Is any future plans to attract a wider fan base to the club to be seen as cynical? How about just plain old fashioned good business sense?

I am also not in the business of telling people what they can and can't do. I am not for saying that I don't want 'glory hunters' filling previously empty seats. It is probably a good thing that they do. Just as it is probably a good thing that Randy McCityfan convinces himself that he loves the club so much that he buys 1,000 commemorative FA Cup foam hands.

Just a thought....why wouldnt any sports lover around the world (I would like to think of those who appreciate the importance and sense of occasion of the FA semi last year as an example) be caught up in the romance of the club and on further investigation see that we mean business and therefore want to support the team as potential winners? Have we been so used to losing that we shun people who arent scared of winning?

However, it would be disingenuous to start to claim that I do not find such peoples' reasoning laughable, self deluding, childish, small minded and bizarre.

In which case I can only imagine youre talking about those you have pigeonholed into your personal view of the make up of new supporters...the truth is you dont know their could you? I find it not a little insulting that people surmise why I like the club....when i grew up being from N.Ireland you supported the scum the dippers or rangers or celtic...many many many people made their own minds up why I supported City to whom I offered a spot between my arsecheeks where they could park their noses.

I am quite capable of separating my view of what is good for the club and what is a dignified action of an adult human being.

So are the owners and management team...and if you mean by 'adult' to be your perception of what some people are and how they think, feel and experience their affinity with the club, Im afraid I cant help but laugh my balls off at the irony.

And, for me, whilst convincing millions around the world that they are 'super passionate' about the club is undoubtedly good and beneficial, I also hold the view that those who fall for it and are desperate to promote their individual 'passion' and always act as a 'super fan', justifying their bizarre 'choice' at every turn, are laughable.

Not quite sure what youre trying to say here but I fail to see how you might think supporting City is a bizarre choice.

When I am faced with a question like that earlier in the thread, where "a twenty four year old American who reads loads about the club on the internet" manically seeks to equate his feelings for City with those who have grown up with the club, are attached to it and have it as part of the fabric of their locality and their weekly activities, then I am going to be even more astonished.

Then youre every bit as astonished as me mate. Show me one supporter that youve described as such who claims to be able to empathise on the same level as a long standing multi generational City fan on an emotional level...If they exist at all they probably arent as big in number as those who shout loudest around the pubs in Manchester who never go to games.

I could go on....suffice it to say I think your arguments are weak and ill informed at best and bordering on xenophobia at worst
We need more fans. It's going to be very embarrasing when we get 30,000 for a champs league game
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
taconinja said:
If it's unimportant you shouldn't toss around loaded terms like "dignity" or "small minded."

Oh, and it's "wrote" not "route." If you're going to insist on attempting to sound like a university professor, you should really be more careful about glaring, obvious errors.

In context and in relation to the topic, I don't see anything wrong with those words. Again, it is about perspective.

As for the typo, I'll leave that in and hopefully you can look back and get a sense of satisfactory (EDIT: opps, there's another typo, meant satisfaction, there goes any credibility) from being bright enough to spot such a shocking thing.

-- Tue Jul 19, 2011 7:39 pm --

CaliforniaBlue said:
Since "football is NOT an important issue in the scheme of things", isn't it a "staggering lack of perspective" to get so upset about the choices other people make about how they portray themselves?

You are confusing passing an opinion with getting upset.

Again, something which I have attempted to convey in an earlier post, which seems to have been ignored in favour of a "why are you so upset" jibe.

As I said in my first post on here, this is what this debate always descends into. Forget the rational points and discussion about thought processes, let's just wheel out the cliches.

I'm off.
like 'the more the fuckin merrier' *cringe*
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
Didsbury Dave said:
taconinja said:
They are unable to see the big picture.

If we want to compete with Real Madrid and Man United we need a worldwide fanbase. There could come a day when we sell our own broadcast rights and if that day comes, then the club who can sell 10 million internet season tickets will be the ones at the top table.

We are picking up the odd overseas fan along the way. Every one we pick up is good news and more potential cash through the tills. But we are a million miles away from Man United and Liverpool. Chelsea have found this very difficult and I predict we will too.

I don't know if this is true.

I am quite able to 'see the bigger picture' and how beneficial it is to the club to convince the hordes that they are 'part of it'. It is obvious that every big club cynically tries to financial exploit these people/markets and goes to great lengths to make them fee 'legit' and that they need to spend money.

I am also not in the business of telling people what they can and can't do. I am not for saying that I don't want 'glory hunters' filling previously empty seats. It is probably a good thing that they do. Just as it is probably a good thing that Randy McCityfan convinces himself that he loves the club so much that he buys 1,000 commemorative FA Cup foam hands.

However, it would be disingenuous to start to claim that I do not find such peoples' reasoning laughable, self deluding, childish, small minded and bizarre.

I am quite capable of separating my view of what is good for the club and what is a dignified action of an adult human being.

And, for me, whilst convincing millions around the world that they are 'super passionate' about the club is undoubtedly good and beneficial, I also hold the view that those who fall for it and are desperate to promote their individual 'passion' and always act as a 'super fan', justifying their bizarre 'choice' at every turn, are laughable.

When I am faced with a question like that earlier in the thread, where "a twenty four year old American who reads loads about the club on the internet" manically seeks to equate his feelings for City with those who have grown up with the club, are attached to it and have it as part of the fabric of their locality and their weekly activities, then I am going to be even more astonished.

In fact, such a bizarre assertion only serves to justify my view that such people are on some sort of desperate mission to constantly 'act like a football fan' and 'manufacture passion', lest their 'choice' be exposed as simply that - a cold, rational, cynical choice.

Show me any long serving City fan from Manchester who honestly believes that a young American who reads about the club on the internet feels it as much when we win or lose, and I will show you a liar.

It is a ridiculous assertion.

However, the above sounds like I am interested in ranking fans or being at the front of some sort of pecking order. I am not. Yet I will still hold an opinion on such matters, and it is the one detailed above.

I am not interested in whether it is good for the club or not. It is going to happen whatever I think about it.

I am not bothered about those individuals or interested in judging them in any other part of their life.

I do, however, find people seeking to emote about how much 'passion' they have for a club around the other side of the world a joke.

And offensive (although I can't really get offended by football) to long serving fans that they are desperate (as this thread shows) to equate themselves to.

And I see no shame in saying that. I don't put aside rational judgement on people's reasoning just because we are talking about MCFC.

(I note that many of the issues raised in my two long posts on here have not been address and that the thread is rammed full of cliches along the lines of 'live and let live', 'well, if you hate United....' 'every blue is welcome' etc. It always happens on this subject but you very rarely get it elevated to a decent debate about the thought processes involved as there is nowhere to go for the 'Loving ManU from Singapore since 98' gang.)

You certainly are a very opinionated person for someone who doesn't like other people having an opinion! Your long posts are tedious and arrogant....You generalise and pigeon hole people. Get off your soap box, we get your drift....unless someone is local, has suffered through the lower divisions, (and can write VERY long posts) they cannot have any real feelings for City. You've made your point, which very few agree with, now get lost you long serving long suffering and only TRUE blue in the world. You deserve a medal for supporting the blues for so long - the trouble is the 'new fans' don't expect medals and respect for supporting City
CC1 said:
JohnMaddocksAxe said:

I don't know if this is true.

I am quite able to 'see the bigger picture' and how beneficial it is to the club to convince the hordes that they are 'part of it'. It is obvious that every big club cynically tries to financial exploit these people/markets and goes to great lengths to make them fee 'legit' and that they need to spend money.

I am also not in the business of telling people what they can and can't do. I am not for saying that I don't want 'glory hunters' filling previously empty seats. It is probably a good thing that they do. Just as it is probably a good thing that Randy McCityfan convinces himself that he loves the club so much that he buys 1,000 commemorative FA Cup foam hands.

However, it would be disingenuous to start to claim that I do not find such peoples' reasoning laughable, self deluding, childish, small minded and bizarre.

I am quite capable of separating my view of what is good for the club and what is a dignified action of an adult human being.

And, for me, whilst convincing millions around the world that they are 'super passionate' about the club is undoubtedly good and beneficial, I also hold the view that those who fall for it and are desperate to promote their individual 'passion' and always act as a 'super fan', justifying their bizarre 'choice' at every turn, are laughable.

When I am faced with a question like that earlier in the thread, where "a twenty four year old American who reads loads about the club on the internet" manically seeks to equate his feelings for City with those who have grown up with the club, are attached to it and have it as part of the fabric of their locality and their weekly activities, then I am going to be even more astonished.

In fact, such a bizarre assertion only serves to justify my view that such people are on some sort of desperate mission to constantly 'act like a football fan' and 'manufacture passion', lest their 'choice' be exposed as simply that - a cold, rational, cynical choice.

Show me any long serving City fan from Manchester who honestly believes that a young American who reads about the club on the internet feels it as much when we win or lose, and I will show you a liar.

It is a ridiculous assertion.

However, the above sounds like I am interested in ranking fans or being at the front of some sort of pecking order. I am not. Yet I will still hold an opinion on such matters, and it is the one detailed above.

I am not interested in whether it is good for the club or not. It is going to happen whatever I think about it.

I am not bothered about those individuals or interested in judging them in any other part of their life.

I do, however, find people seeking to emote about how much 'passion' they have for a club around the other side of the world a joke.

And offensive (although I can't really get offended by football) to long serving fans that they are desperate (as this thread shows) to equate themselves to.

And I see no shame in saying that. I don't put aside rational judgement on people's reasoning just because we are talking about MCFC.

(I note that many of the issues raised in my two long posts on here have not been address and that the thread is rammed full of cliches along the lines of 'live and let live', 'well, if you hate United....' 'every blue is welcome' etc. It always happens on this subject but you very rarely get it elevated to a decent debate about the thought processes involved as there is nowhere to go for the 'Loving ManU from Singapore since 98' gang.)

You certainly are a very opinionated person for someone who doesn't like other people having an opinion! Your long posts are tedious and arrogant....You generalise and pigeon hole people. Get off your soap box, we get your drift....unless someone is local, has suffered through the lower divisions, (and can write VERY long posts) they cannot have any real feelings for City. You've made your point, which very few agree with, now get lost you long serving long suffering and only TRUE blue in the world. You deserve a medal for supporting the blues for so long - the trouble is the 'new fans' don't expect medals and respect for supporting City
what makes you think very few agree with him?
i reckon a good few agree with him but the trouble round ere is that if you dare to have a different opinion the sheep tend to gang up on you,thats why i reckon a good few don't care to comment on stuff like this,you get silly kids posting 'wag' every time they see something that pisses em off
fathellensbellend said:
surely the only new fans we obtain are kids in this country, and overseas supporters with a passion for the english premier league.

i cannot see how anyone who is say above 10 years of age hasnt already got a team, or are there swathes of 40 year olds who have been waiting 35 years for this moment.
We are reputed to have the oldest average S/C age of any club in the premier league. Yes we do have "swathes of 40 odd year old fans[i am one] as when i was a lad there were as many blues as rags in my junior school. We lost a lot of potential support to the rags i think in the early 80's when we were missmanaged by the board,[mainly swales obsesssion with how rags were doing] chopping and changing managers and as a consequence yoyo-ing relegation to promotions. City supporters are unique and resilliant to anything we ever suffered by having a kind of 'typical City' northern black sense of working class humour that has kept us together down the years, galvanising us as one, brothers together in those dark days of the old third division.

I remember when we we had only 16500 for a league game v Brighton[80's] when the vast tardis better known as the kippax was almost deserted, and you could walk from one end to the other without bumping into anyone. We were struggling to attract support back then having to rely on fathers bringing their sons, trying to convince them to be a blue when most lads that age were siding to a rather more fashionable and trendy u****d, who were winning the odd cup back then, unlike us winning fuck all and being riddiculed at school for following City.

I have seen us onthe end of some right thrashings over the years and after we suffered being thrashed 0-4 to the once Mighty Liverpool[late 70's], i turned to my dad, all watery eyed and sickened by what i had just seen asking, "will City ever be better than them dad"? to which he replied in a stern faced manor of that of a murder detective "one day son, one day". At the time i didn't believe him but since then and seeing us thrashed many times and to much lesser opposition, i have always had a weird gut feeling i couldn't explain that one day we would hold our own to anyone,able to compete and win trophies just like we did in those short halcyonic years of the late 60's, early 70's.

We are a long way from those bleak days brothers for our fortune has well and truly changed and changed for the better throughout the club, and our unwavering loyalty was a big reason as to why Thaksin Shinawatra invested in us was us long standing loyal supporters. Since then to now where we are the hands of the best investers ever to have been involved in football, we are truly fortunate that we take 20 plus million signings for granted having won the FA cup and qualifying for Europe. I always said that the winning of our first trophy would be the catalyst for new supporters and that time is now.So, although i have been following us throughout many lean years home and away as many others have, i for one welcome any new blue that decides to follow us in the future, and if they are proud to support City whatever future fortune may bring, good or bad, then they will do for me.
clowns pockets said:
CC1 said:
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
I don't know if this is true.

I am quite able to 'see the bigger picture' and how beneficial it is to the club to convince the hordes that they are 'part of it'. It is obvious that every big club cynically tries to financial exploit these people/markets and goes to great lengths to make them fee 'legit' and that they need to spend money.

I am also not in the business of telling people what they can and can't do. I am not for saying that I don't want 'glory hunters' filling previously empty seats. It is probably a good thing that they do. Just as it is probably a good thing that Randy McCityfan convinces himself that he loves the club so much that he buys 1,000 commemorative FA Cup foam hands.

However, it would be disingenuous to start to claim that I do not find such peoples' reasoning laughable, self deluding, childish, small minded and bizarre.

I am quite capable of separating my view of what is good for the club and what is a dignified action of an adult human being.

And, for me, whilst convincing millions around the world that they are 'super passionate' about the club is undoubtedly good and beneficial, I also hold the view that those who fall for it and are desperate to promote their individual 'passion' and always act as a 'super fan', justifying their bizarre 'choice' at every turn, are laughable.

When I am faced with a question like that earlier in the thread, where "a twenty four year old American who reads loads about the club on the internet" manically seeks to equate his feelings for City with those who have grown up with the club, are attached to it and have it as part of the fabric of their locality and their weekly activities, then I am going to be even more astonished.

In fact, such a bizarre assertion only serves to justify my view that such people are on some sort of desperate mission to constantly 'act like a football fan' and 'manufacture passion', lest their 'choice' be exposed as simply that - a cold, rational, cynical choice.

Show me any long serving City fan from Manchester who honestly believes that a young American who reads about the club on the internet feels it as much when we win or lose, and I will show you a liar.

It is a ridiculous assertion.

However, the above sounds like I am interested in ranking fans or being at the front of some sort of pecking order. I am not. Yet I will still hold an opinion on such matters, and it is the one detailed above.

I am not interested in whether it is good for the club or not. It is going to happen whatever I think about it.

I am not bothered about those individuals or interested in judging them in any other part of their life.

I do, however, find people seeking to emote about how much 'passion' they have for a club around the other side of the world a joke.

And offensive (although I can't really get offended by football) to long serving fans that they are desperate (as this thread shows) to equate themselves to.

And I see no shame in saying that. I don't put aside rational judgement on people's reasoning just because we are talking about MCFC.

(I note that many of the issues raised in my two long posts on here have not been address and that the thread is rammed full of cliches along the lines of 'live and let live', 'well, if you hate United....' 'every blue is welcome' etc. It always happens on this subject but you very rarely get it elevated to a decent debate about the thought processes involved as there is nowhere to go for the 'Loving ManU from Singapore since 98' gang.)

You certainly are a very opinionated person for someone who doesn't like other people having an opinion! Your long posts are tedious and arrogant....You generalise and pigeon hole people. Get off your soap box, we get your drift....unless someone is local, has suffered through the lower divisions, (and can write VERY long posts) they cannot have any real feelings for City. You've made your point, which very few agree with, now get lost you long serving long suffering and only TRUE blue in the world. You deserve a medal for supporting the blues for so long - the trouble is the 'new fans' don't expect medals and respect for supporting City
what makes you think very few agree with him?
i reckon a good few agree with him

I think you are spot on a good FEW agree with him, and reading the many posts on here, a lot don't....and many can't be arsed to join in such a stupid thread on whether new fans can be as emotive as long standing fans

but the trouble round ere is that if you dare to have a different opinion the sheep tend to gang up on you,thats why i reckon a good few don't care to comment on stuff like this,you get silly kids posting 'wag' every time they see something that pisses em off
<br /><br />-- Tue Jul 19, 2011 9:00 pm --<br /><br />
CC1 said:
clowns pockets said:
CC1 said:
You certainly are a very opinionated person for someone who doesn't like other people having an opinion! Your long posts are tedious and arrogant....You generalise and pigeon hole people. Get off your soap box, we get your drift....unless someone is local, has suffered through the lower divisions, (and can write VERY long posts) they cannot have any real feelings for City. You've made your point, which very few agree with, now get lost you long serving long suffering and only TRUE blue in the world. You deserve a medal for supporting the blues for so long - the trouble is the 'new fans' don't expect medals and respect for supporting City
what makes you think very few agree with him?
i reckon a good few agree with him

I think you are spot on a good FEW agree with him, and reading the many posts on here, a lot don't....and many can't be arsed to join in such a stupid thread on whether new fans can be as emotive as long standing fans

but the trouble round ere is that if you dare to have a different opinion the sheep tend to gang up on you,thats why i reckon a good few don't care to comment on stuff like this,you get silly kids posting 'wag' every time they see something that pisses em off

I think you are spot on a good FEW agree with him, and reading the many posts on here, a lot don't....and many can't be arsed to join in such a stupid thread on whether new fans can be as emotive as long standing fans
CC1 said:
clowns pockets said:
CC1 said:
You certainly are a very opinionated person for someone who doesn't like other people having an opinion! Your long posts are tedious and arrogant....You generalise and pigeon hole people. Get off your soap box, we get your drift....unless someone is local, has suffered through the lower divisions, (and can write VERY long posts) they cannot have any real feelings for City. You've made your point, which very few agree with, now get lost you long serving long suffering and only TRUE blue in the world. You deserve a medal for supporting the blues for so long - the trouble is the 'new fans' don't expect medals and respect for supporting City
what makes you think very few agree with him?
i reckon a good few agree with him

I think you are spot on a good FEW agree with him, and reading the many posts on here, a lot don't....and many can't be arsed to join in such a stupid thread on whether new fans can be as emotive as long standing fans

but the trouble round ere is that if you dare to have a different opinion the sheep tend to gang up on you,thats why i reckon a good few don't care to comment on stuff like this,you get silly kids posting 'wag' every time they see something that pisses em off

-- Tue Jul 19, 2011 9:00 pm --

CC1 said:
clowns pockets said:
what makes you think very few agree with him?
i reckon a good few agree with him

I think you are spot on a good FEW agree with him, and reading the many posts on here, a lot don't....and many can't be arsed to join in such a stupid thread on whether new fans can be as emotive as long standing fans

but the trouble round ere is that if you dare to have a different opinion the sheep tend to gang up on you,thats why i reckon a good few don't care to comment on stuff like this,you get silly kids posting 'wag' every time they see something that pisses em off

I think you are spot on a good FEW agree with him, and reading the many posts on here, a lot don't....and many can't be arsed to join in such a stupid thread on whether new fans can be as emotive as long standing fans
fuck all stupid about it,i'd say common sense would tell you that.
BTW,i reckon the OP should have posted that cringeworthy video in the 'cheese' thread
One last thing to add - I was at Maggie McGarry's in San Francisco on Saturday and met most of the people in the video on the OS, as well as a few others on the way to, and at the game. Without exception, every one of them said their love for City was more authentic and impressive than anyone else's on this forum...

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