New highway code rules

No car driver has given me right of way as a pedestrian yet at a junction. Just wondering if it's wise to hurl my body in front of one.
How is the road less congested if a car which can drive faster is stuck behind a bike?
Congestion isn't about speed, it's about volume of traffic. Single occupancy vehicles on journeys of less than 5 miles take up the MAJORITY of the road space in out towns and cities leaving less room for everyone to move freely.

I've been overtaken by loads of vehicles only for me to catch them up at the next junction/set of lights because they've been stuck in queues of OTHER VEHICLES, not cycles. The vehicles that do end up behind me approaching junctions only end up joining the back of the queue most of the time whilst I filter through to the front.

A car stuck in traffic IS the traffic.
Congestion isn't about speed, it's about volume of traffic. Single occupancy vehicles on journeys of less than 5 miles take up the MAJORITY of the road space in out towns and cities leaving less room for everyone to move freely.

I've been overtaken by loads of vehicles only for me to catch them up at the next junction/set of lights because they've been stuck in queues of OTHER VEHICLES, not cycles. The vehicles that do end up behind me approaching junctions only end up joining the back of the queue most of the time whilst I filter through to the front.

A car stuck in traffic IS the traffic.
On the first speed awareness course (I did another!) I attended the guy running the course repeated the scenario of a driver zapping past everyone. What for, he sez? He's only gonna caught at the lights and he's gained five or six whole seconds, which he spends waiting at the lights.
On the first speed awareness course (I did another!) I attended the guy running the course repeated the scenario of a driver zapping past everyone. What for, he sez? He's only gonna caught at the lights and he's gained five or six whole seconds, which he spends waiting at the lights.
Most vehicles gain nothing by overtaking a cyclist just before a junction, and more often than not put themselves at more risk of having an accident. Plus it doesn't do their fuel economy any good.
Largely positive from a cycling perspective. The publicity and social media engagement seems to have reminded drivers of their responsibilities towards the more vulnerable road users. I've had way less close passed the part few days.

However, some drivers seem to have taken the opposite view like the f*cking yogurt pot that dangerously and purposely cut me up last night on the way home. I was in the right hand filter lane in the middle of the lane, highly visible (lit up brighter than Liberace's Christmas tree) and indicating right. As I was bout 20 yards from the turn and with oncoming traffic the c*nt in question (scrawny bloke in a white van) cuts diagonally across the lane whilst braking hard and stopped. Had I not been quick on the brakes myself I would have hit him.

As the oncoming traffic passed he turned across the carriage way and shot off towards the next junction. Red mist descended and I shot off in pursuit hoping I'd get the opportunity to catch up at the next set of lights, which I did. He'd stopped smack bang in the middle of the advanced stop box, so I just casually pulled in front of him and parked my rear wheel on his front bumper whilst shaking my head at him. When the lights change I just set off as I normally would and he ended up sat behind me for the extra 30 seconds he would have been held up for if he hadn't cut me up in the first place.

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