New highway code rules

They might be paying some new inflated tax Parliament created but it won't be on VED.
I think the point still stands though regarding the potential for cyclists to pay "a tax" to use the roads whatever title it's given. (even though I don't think it'll ever happen personally)
Saw two club cyclists practicing their right to ride in the middle of the lane. It's a 50 mph duel carriageway and not something I would dream of doing
But to make matters worse there was the 3 metre wide raised cycle path to their left which they didnt use !


Back in the 90's when I was a keen cyclist I would have loved big wide cycle paths or any cycling paths
I think the majority of pedestrians from the green cross code era will simply not be able to change their habits. They'll wait and wait until finally the Mexican stand off has caused a two mile tailback.
I just don't see this as a concept that they'll be able to get their head around.
Not really. The new hierarchy of road users rules say 'should give way' with respect to non marked crossings, and 'MUST give way' with respect to Zebra crossings. A violation of a 'must/must not' relates to a direct criminal offence under the Road Traffic Act. A violation of 'should/should not' can be used against you in court, even if violating them is not an automatic criminal offence.
I meant traffic light controlled crossings. You have to wait for the green man but on other non traffic light controlled junctions you no longer have to wait
Pedestrians walking into the road as you are turning into a road will cause two things , dead pedestrians when the hgv behind you doesnt see why you have suddenly stopped mid turn and goes up your arse , stupid fucking idea
When turning, I regularly slow down well in advance of certain junctions where I know that is what people do to reduce the chances of that happening
They of course gesture in a friendly manner whilst pulling across to the other side of the road to overtake.
Off topic slightly but just read John Cooper Clarkes autobiog and loved the line about when his missus bought a type 2 VW camper:
"whenever we were involved a long backlog, we were usually at the front"

I have the same vehicle and will be using that line a lot

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