New PL Commercial rule passed (pg4) | City rumoured to be questioning the legality

only yesterday fifa said want to eliminate racism from all football good luck with that
Maybe that's the goal of the Saudis?

Give them their due the way they are taking over boxing by stealth they are slowly removing some of the shady practices because none of the big time fuckers involved prefer Riyadh apartments rather than their justice system.
It was much more fun following City when it was about the football and a business degree wasn’t warranted.
Seriously, there’s as many threads these days talking about fucking finances as there are about what’s happening on the pitch.
It’s depressing.
I sort of agree but nowhere nearly as depressing as the dawning realisation that you are not going to reach 40 points.
Do we know PRECISELY what this rule change involves? It would appear very likely that it introduces the notion of "associated parties", but we don't know exactly what this term means. We suspect, but again don't know whether it is as clearly discriminatory as we believe. It is claimed that City are threatening a legal challenge but again we don't know. It could be Newcastle, or, indeed, any other PL club that sees the regulation as anti-competitive, because the claim that a level playing field can be established or maintained through tampering with sponsorship is nonsense. But I would suggest that if a legal challenge is actually threatened the club in question must be very sure of its ground.
There's usually always a leak regarding who's voted for what so it'll be interesting to see the split.

From the very early leaks City have always questioned the legality of proposals discussing limiting commercial potential.

It seems the Premier League are taking all sorts of risks to appease certain clubs and avoid independent regulation.
The Glazers turned down 6 Billion.
Their futuristic vision must see themselves making much more, but how when we are hovering up trophies and prize money?

Oh wait a minute....

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