New PL Commercial rule passed (pg4) | City rumoured to be questioning the legality

I"m beginning to think that joining a European Super League and fucking off the premier league might not be such a bad idea.
Would be a very very bad idea getting in bed with the enemy. Not for one minute would I trust the fuckers. Can you imagine them making up the rules? It would be far worse then the fiasco with the PL.
City will be one of the abstaining clubs.

It was reported ages ago when the PL rushed through the last set of rules after Newcastle got bought that City had been advised the new rule was not legally sound and had thus abstained.

This is a more extreme version of the same rules so City’s position will have been the same.
Would agree with this. You can of course vote against a proposal and subsequently question it’s legitimacy / legal standing. But better to show your disapproval via abstention from the first knockings.
I speculated in a post a few days ago that the nasties would try something extra and underhand this week. It’s night following day.
One positive I take from this is that, if this new proposal is directed mainly at us and, if the Prem were really sure of their position on the 115 accusations they would wait for that decision to land.

Nobody knows the full detail and implications but if this is a missile at the heart of our multi club model this matter really will go nuclear.
At the moment I think that this rule change is aimed at Newcastle rather than at City. We've recently found out that the most watched team on TV in the USA is ... City, home of the scarlet cartel. The only conclusion to draw from that is that "fair market value" for City must be way higher than what the red tops get for their deals, whether its paid by Yanks, Arabs or little green men from Mars. No doubt though, Newcastle will be seen as a very different kettle of fish

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