New PL Commercial rule passed (pg4) | City rumoured to be questioning the legality

I missed it too but was informed, I think by @Prestwich_Blue, that we bought a 25% stake in the arena. I have not seen it anywhere but we are listed as a stakeholder in the legal docs apparently.
It's CFG who have the stake and I believe it's a joint venture with OVG, so close to 50%, with Harry Styles as a minority partner. So CFG will take any financial benefit, not City. The income from the hotel and other developments will be fully City's though.

I love references to a 'level playing field'.

When, in the history of top-flight football has there been a 'level playing field'? Answer, never. The teams who whine most would be horrified if there was such a thing. It would mean all revenues pooled and split 20 ways. More chance of me being elected President for Life of the Commonwealth of Great Britain.

What they mean is: 'We want Rags, LFC, Arsenal and Chelsea to be in the Top 4 every year. Chelsea can slip out occasionally to be replaced by Spurs or whoever. That's what we mean by 'level playing field'.'

When the Piss Can used to say it all evens out you knew he was full of shit. He’d go mad if it was even.
This Associated Party Transaction isnt it normal in big business

You work with people/companies you trust and build networks.

Its normal you have network website like Linkin, I use companies I trust. Companies work with companies they trust.

The pl needs outside regulating quick before it destroys itself.

We can only be extremely thankful our owner and top people have fight in them. This hate filled racist attacks have been on going since the take over.

I know us fans become tired off it. I do and it effect my mental health along with other things going on in my life and certainly lead me onto antidepressants.

Thankfully I'm sorted now and so much happier thanks to these little pills.

Our owner and staff are made of strong stuff thankfully. So trust in our club and dont let the press/media, rival fans get us down. Just smile at them ! They hate that or just agree with them ! Both respondents normally baffles them lolol.

Yes its tedious and pathetic the way the American owners run the pl. I know Newcastle are one of the hateful 8 but I bet they are having their eyes open.

Thank you Mansoor, thank you Kladoon, thank you Pep and the players. But most of all thank you the City fans we are so lucky and have the best fans in the world ( minus the matchday thread !! )

Why don't deals like this ever get mentioned as being a bit dodgy,by the press?So much fair market value that the guy that brokered the deal was sacked.Where were the other 2 rival bids in the bidding process?

The original question rhetorical BTW.Its pure racism.American money good,Arab money bad
This Associated Party Transaction isnt it normal in big business

You work with people/companies you trust and build networks.
It's related party transactions that companies have to declare, and there has to be a well-defined connection. Etihad is not a related party to City under the relevant accounting standard but the PL are trying to make it one.
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It's related party transactions that companies have to declare, and there has to a well-defined connection. Etihad is not a related party to City under the relevant accounting standard but the PL are trying to make it one.

Thanks ! I'm only a FOC without an accounting, big business experience lololol

Just a bloke who cuts grass and follows City everywhere ! Oh for the simple days ;)
This issue would never have seen the light of day if it wasnt for the CFG , we are being specifically targeted nearly every time a new rule is instigated , they are desperate to stop the domination our club holds over the Premeir league . Occasionally in the media you will recieve both sides of an opinion regarding any changes but this does not apply to football there is never any rhetoric inferring that FFP is a negative and limiting clubs forming links with other clubs a backwards step
The strangehold certain clubs have over their puppet Masters and the Premier league is astonishing , and why the other 15 or so clubs just let them accept the situation is even more confusing ,Everton , Newcastle and now Forest have all been hit with the new laws /rules and i fully expect more clubs to be invesigated and charged.
The fact the Rags are now £1bn in debt should really be the concern for the Premeir league not Everton failing FFP by £15m.
As this was rejected in November there must have been some lobbying going on so it’s not an independent vote. What would have changed in less than 3 months?

There must have been some desperation for this to be passed, I sincerely hope there’s evidence of meddling from the likes of the Hateful 8 and Masters, the latter is a puppet, his strings are being pulled to some tune, we know his agenda but ffs, what’s in it for him?

Masters is an absolute weapon, we need an independent CEO not this lily livered fucker.

Which is why I can believe the claims City would have abstained.

You vote, you legitimise it. Maybe you win. They try again in a couple months and maybe you don't win. Whereas challenging it's legitimacy you show consistency, but then you surely abstain.

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