New PL Commercial rule passed (pg4) | City rumoured to be questioning the legality

It’s all self protection. Teams like Brighton would rather have a situation where they are comfortable as a top 10 team without having to worry about an ambitious team coming up and challenging so they and other teams in similar positions are happy to protect themselves, even if it gives the teams above them a huge advantage.
Exactly this. The reality is in the unlikely event a team like Brighton finished in a CL place it would mean wrecking the wage structure at the club with bonuses, agents suddenly moving top payers in Brightons direction to live CL dream and it all continues. a year later Brighton are stuck with players on inflated salaries they can’t afford and a manager poached or sacked. And maybe relegation.
The more crazy things the pl come out with the more out of their depth they are. They are amateurs trying to run the pl all the time being bullied by the American red tops and spuds. The success of the American red tops and spuds doesn't warrant their hold.

Without the red tops and spuds success on the pitch I dont know why they have such a hold over the pl.

Football is our game I dont like the American influence on our game. What next the game split into quarters with half an hour ad breaks. We have time outs. We have two teams each defensive and offensive. Players wear body armour. We have pop stars leading the crowd. The pl is renamed the pl world series. Clubs just bring a player on to take penalties ( Kane will play till he is 60 ). Why dont the American owners plus spuds just take their clubs and fuck of to America with them. They wont be missed.

I am really getting sick and tired of the American plus spuds interference and racist style of sport and the world. Fuck me the two people running for President are an old twat with memory lost and another old twat who's orange with a dodge hair and up in court . What a fucking country.

And what have the American and spuds actually brought to the pl and their local communities ? Sod all. Two wanted to use furlough to pay staff. One wants to use our taxes to build another old trafford, just fuck off.

Its embarrassing the way the pl is run and hopefully more clubs and fans are beginning to see it.

Sunday rant over !

I like a good rant, me :)
They aren't trying to stop them (at least not yet) but seem to be trying to ensure that all deals (including player movements) are done at fair market value.

Now, on the surface, it seems a sensible move in many ways but there's obviously something there that we don't particularly like. I suspect the requirement to get a number of "quotes" will be one of them. That definitely seems suspect.
I’m sure City - given our standing these days - could easily go out into the open market and get 2 highly lucrative bids from well-known companies that are in no way considered a related or associated party to compete with whatever Etihad are bidding. Factor in the business contacts of both Mansour and Silver Lake - which shit all over the red-shirt Cartel clubs - I’d argue that it’s an easier task for our club to do that than any other club in the PL. As such, our issue with this could be more to do with the risk of sensitive commercial info falling into the hands of our competitors. And given that that **** Masters probably has both United and Liverpool on fucking speed dial, you can guarantee he’d be straight on the phone to them to disclose details of those bids.
I love the desperate lunacy of the "3 bids'" idea since it's effectively an auction, not just of a single item, but of the myriad different, and moving, variables that go into such deals at both ends. So the club would have to enter into complex, commercially sensitive negotiations with 3 different major corporations all of which have different visions and expectations from the deal and 2 of which know they aren't going to succeed. Anyone who has ever been in a tendering exercise knows the cost of that to all parties.

Once the winning bid/tender has been decided, that has to be submitted, along with commercial details of the losing bids, which may or may not have included differing moving variables, for scrutiny by the Premier League"s ever-increasing panel of legal and financial "experts" who will then pronounce whether they will allow it. Obviously, given all the moving parts, that will be a quick process because a) that would be entirely possible and b) that's the way the PL operates. This for all 20 clubs.

It has all the hallmarks of the PL's ill-considered and desperate pandering to Liverpool's crass comment about wanting to see the "2nd bid". Just as the "blue card" nonsense appears to reflect Gary Neville's constant banging on about City's "tactical fouling".
This entire “competitive bids” nonsense shows an almost child-like level of naïveté about how major commercial relationships develop and work in the real world. It’s both quite embarrassing and sinister. Anyone would think it was about digging a fucking trench to drop a few pipes in !
The overreach and desperation is there for all to see. City have effectively won and our enemies are now resorting to quite ludicrous measures to shut the stable door after the horse has bolted.
Just who the fuck do the PL think they are and what on Earth makes them think they’ve remotely got the wherewithal or the expertise to address issues as complex as this via their cosy little cartel. Especially in a global multi-club environment.
They’re digging their own grave. A Court of Law will put them to the slaughter.
So get three offers from proposed sponsors show the premier league for confirmation!? We get the nod, we take one of those companies sponsors! They then let the rad shirts know those 2 other companies want to sponsor a team in the premier! We have done all the work getting those three companies interested in sponsoring us and then the likes of the rags scousers whoever can just give them a ring and say you can sponsor us if you like?! A cost of one phone call no work!

Think it's planet cuckoo land asking clubs like us and Newcastle to bring 2/3 sponsors to the premier for confirmation!
Why would any club trust anyone senior within the PL leadership with sensitive commercial information about our sponsorship negotations before they are concluded. The senior group at the PL has repeatedly shown itself to be untrustworthy and too close to the Directors at LFC, MUFC, and Spurs. Any information about a bidding process we passed to the PL would be shared with our commercial rivals and then leaked to media (by those commercial rivals) in an attempt to damage our club. This has been happening for the last ten years. Richard Masters must think our Directors are as stupid as he is. I can't see Masters surviving much longer. The vultures in the media are circling.
Let me justify why I believe it makes sense.

German companies - backing a strong national brand in a world stage allows you to bid on a world stage, there is a synergy with excellence & high performance.
Absolutely. And Deutsche Telekom, the one brand that isn’t a shareholder in the club gives them the ninth highest shirt sponsorship deal in Europe. Completely reasonable when you consider the coverage the club gets. Yet somehow, after this gets topped up by deals from companies that just happen to have shares in the club, they somehow go from ninth to the highest commercial revenue in Europe. Not only is that clearly bollocks as a fair value commercial sponsorship decision, but their inflated income has demonstrably ruined the Bundesliga as a competition. And I couldn’t give a shit about that except for the fact that they are first in line to moan about us doing the same thing.
I’m sure City - given our standing these days - could easily go out into the open market and get 2 highly lucrative bids from well-known companies that are in no way considered a related or associated party to compete with whatever Etihad are bidding.
Why would the well known companies want to engage with us though, if they know it's only to satisfy the PL requirement and we intend to go with Etihad?
Absolutely. And Deutsche Telekom, the one brand that isn’t a shareholder in the club gives them the ninth highest shirt sponsorship deal in Europe. Completely reasonable when you consider the coverage the club gets. Yet somehow, after this gets topped up by deals from companies that just happen to have shares in the club, they somehow go from ninth to the highest commercial revenue in Europe. Not only is that clearly bollocks as a fair value commercial sponsorship decision, but their inflated income has demonstrably ruined the Bundesliga as a competition. And I couldn’t give a shit about that except for the fact that they are first in line to moan about us doing the same thing.

Step up Sir Harold……..

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