New PL Commercial rule passed (pg4) | City rumoured to be questioning the legality

Why would the well known companies want to engage with us though, if they know it's only to satisfy the PL requirement and we intend to go with Etihad?
3rd place: Etihad 200 million a year.
2nd place:Amazon 300 million a year.
Winning bid: Space X. 500 million year.
We are taking over the universe, you bitter fucks.
I was sat up in bed last night thinking about what status and power Manchester City holds.

The Premier League/Uefa do very well off the back of our great new-found wealth with the superstar players and manager to sell their TV rights to the highest bidders, That was the Premier League plan to invite outside investment and bring the best players and managers to the league, Also to boost Englands international team with the best young players with the best academy system,

What more could our great owners have done for the game in England, Thats right (nothing more) because it is 100% more than all the other 19 clubs put together have done for the game in England.

We need somebody to shout this out to the world and make them listen. WE ARE NO CHEATS, we care about the game and fans at all levels of the game, what have the scum ever done, bloody hell it took them nearly 10 years to form a ladies team because they felt it did not benefit them ?

Maybe Manchester City should come up with a New plan for the game and top division, Build a new structure that all 4 leagues and Non leagues in England are treated well, I know for a fact Internet companies would jump on board to back the idea and blow Sky subscription football out of the water,
As i have said before, they know we arent cheats,they know we havent done anything, to them it doesnt matter, this is nothing to do with proving we are cheats, this is to do with appeasing idiots by trying to do damage our reputation, thats all it is and all it will ever be, its the donald trump syndrome that seems to be inherent in yanks and has seemingly fed its way from the ownerrs through the teams to the fans and that syndrome is blame someone else what ever it is blame someone else, the fact that they aint winning cant be because they aint good enough it just cant it has to be because someone else has cheating you want to see it in microchasm look at every time the dippers, rags and tarquins dont win a game its NEVER because the other team were better its ALWAYS because of a bad decision, injuries and dodgy goal etc etc its never ever them and calling us cheats blah blah is just an extension of that mentality.
I agree. Getting quotes seems very suspect. Surely it's not beyond the whit of the PL to look at comparable sponsorship deals already in place across the PL or in Europe as the benchmark rather some pointless and bureaucratic quote system.

Correct! Madrid one on the best teams in the world gets a shirt sponsor for 70m so because we are now one of the best teams now in the world should be fine if we got one for 60/70m but who are they to say a Villa can't have one for the same if a company wants to give it them!
Correct! Madrid one on the best teams in the world gets a shirt sponsor for 70m so because we are now one of the best teams now in the world should be fine if we got one for 60/70m but who are they to say a Villa can't have one for the same if a company wants to give it them!
the very idea that they think they can tell multi billion pound organisations what to spend their money on is insane in of itself, the fact that the pl think they can go etihad, amazon, barclays, standard chartered or in fact any company and say no you cant spend your money as you see fit because we dont think its fair just shows the astounding level of arrogance and inability to read the room that they have, they are so far outside their remit it defies belief.
Much as a I don‘t Like posting a link to the Daily Heil, they reckon Wolves “surprisingly” switched camps to vote through with the cartel….wonder what they have been promised…

So what’s happening here? We’ve been sponsored by Etihad for well over a decade. Are the prem now saying we have to find a new sponsor? One where they can judge on how much money we receive from said sponsor?
Much as a I don‘t Like posting a link to the Daily Heil, they reckon Wolves “surprisingly” switched camps to vote through with the cartel….wonder what they have been promised…

They have had some absolute shocking decisions go against them this year (bar our game of course when the winner was scored by a player who should have been sent off) so it wouldn't surprise me with PGMOL screwing them over under orders from the PL and they have been forced to switch sides in order to put a stop to it.
the very idea that they think they can tell multi billion pound organisations what to spend their money on is insane in of itself, the fact that the pl think they can go etihad, amazon, barclays, standard chartered or in fact any company and say no you cant spend your money as you see fit because we dont think its fair just shows the astounding level of arrogance and inability to read the room that they have, they are so far outside their remit it defies belief.
And how many sponsors would be happy to share confidential details of their bids with a leaky organisation like the PL. This idea is barking mad. Masters is a clueless moron.

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