New PL Commercial rule passed (pg4) | City rumoured to be questioning the legality

Thanks for your welcome and I agree with your summation of the progression under Sky. I hope, that the split that’s clearly developed amongst PL clubs, threatens and brings down the American owned cartel that has dominated for to long.

City and now Newcastle certainly have the wealth to lead any challenge on a legal front and at boardroom level should be cooperating with each other which I’m sure they are. the next year or so is going to be interesting and I feel the threat of legal action by whoever isnt an empty threat.

BTW I hope you win that fourth title and make history and it won’t be many years before we’ll be able to seriously challenge you on the pitch.

I find 'funny' that Newcastle fans now seem to be siding with us. After your take over I posted on another forum what would happen.
I was told by the geordies on that site that I was talking bollocks. I told them that the American red top & spuds would try anything to stop you.
On that forum the geordies still stuck with the red tops and oddly I got banned lol.
I wonder if the geordies on that site still like the American red tops.

I guess we shouldn't moan about fans finally see the truth, but it's still feels abit of a cheek. After all would the geordies have changed sides if they weren't taken over ?

Anyway welcome to the light side !
Are the PL trying to standardise all sponsorship deals? Like, if you have a shirt sponsor it can only be for having your name on the shirt and not for extra exposure anywhere else? I reckon all sponsorship deals are different in every club. You negotiate the 'extras' like appearing in photos on line and training etc. The PL can't possibly judge if a deal is fair or not.
Are the PL trying to standardise all sponsorship deals? Like, if you have a shirt sponsor it can only be for having your name on the shirt and not for extra exposure anywhere else? I reckon all sponsorship deals are different in every club. You negotiate the 'extras' like appearing in photos on line and training etc. The PL can't possibly judge if a deal is fair or not.
The "Brunnel Laws" are simply a huge restriction of trade to enable the old guard to retain all the advantages they've had all for themselves for decades. Jealousy based administration that make it the only industry actually and actively deterring investment. It's gross misconduct in office.
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I find 'funny' that Newcastle fans now seem to be siding with us. After your take over I posted on another forum what would happen.
I was told by the geordies on that site that I was talking bollocks. I told them that the American red top & spuds would try anything to stop you.
On that forum the geordies still stuck with the red tops and oddly I got banned lol.
I wonder if the geordies on that site still like the American red tops.

I guess we shouldn't moan about fans finally see the truth, but it's still feels abit of a cheek. After all would the geordies have changed sides if they weren't taken over ?

Anyway welcome to the light side !
Well firstly I’ll add that I was born in the Ashton/Audenshaw area of Greater Manchester although both my parents are geordies and I’ve lived in Newcastle nearly all my life and always had a slight, and I mean slight leaning towards City rather than your neighbours.

I can’t speak for others up here but was disappointed when our former waste of space owner Ashley, aka FCB, fat cockney bastard, messed up a meeting with your owners who I believe were looking at possibly buying Newcastle. Many are now fully aware up here of how the current cartel operates and are hoping the whole corrupt twats are brought down.
Are the PL trying to standardise all sponsorship deals? Like, if you have a shirt sponsor it can only be for having your name on the shirt and not for extra exposure anywhere else? I reckon all sponsorship deals are different in every club. You negotiate the 'extras' like appearing in photos on line and training etc. The PL can't possibly judge if a deal is fair or not.

Imagine trying to drive revenue down…..

I think we’ve finally seen it all.
I wonder how they’ll do it for prize money ?
That’s already in place. I seem to remember a few years back where either United or Liverpool got more prize money than us, even though we won the title. It was all to do with the ‘Hosting’ budget for live games, which was approx £800,000 per game at the time, and both of those clubs had more televised games than the Champions.

Strange world but one that they have designed for themselves. And why not, if you can get away with it.
Pleasure to have you on Bluemoon, a quick update, before SKY, 1 team qualified for the CL liverpool usually, then SKY came along and 2 teams qualified for the CL liverpool and utd usually, take a look at SKY sponsored teams, CL expanded 3 teams Arsenal,liverpool and utd usually, along came Chelsea and 4 teams qualified for the CL, you can blame religion if you want as all had the same background, along came City and all shit broke out, then you came, oh the fun, a G14 team can drop out of the CL occasionally but if you push them out that occasionally becomes regular, which will upset everyone in power at the FA UEFA and the PL
That just about sums it all up , anything after that is those 'in the cartel' trying to stop anyone else getting in , by any means they can think of
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Here's a question. I guess everyone realises these new rules are an attempt to reduce the effectiveness of City's and, increasingly, Newcastle's commercial departments so that United, Liverpool, Arsenal and maybe Tottenham remain competitive.

If we accept that, and the increasing levels of desperation shown, to the point of illegality, how is it that some still struggle with the notion that the PL would try to influence game results throughout a season maintain the value of the "product"?

Is it that there is a rationale for accepting the first hypothesis but dismissing the second that I am failing to understand? Or maybe neither hypothesis is accepted?

Note I didn't say the PL are trying to stop City winning, just that they want to maximise the value of the league (by keeping it competitive and having the most popular clubs in the mix) so no obfuscation with comments like "Well, they aren't doing a very good job then, are they?", please :)

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