New PL Commercial rule passed (pg4) | City rumoured to be questioning the legality

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BBC Sport has been told the threat remains even though a vote on the proposed rule changes, following an earlier review, gained enough support to be passed after it had been rejected in November.

The changes will be introduced to the Premier League handbook in a matter of weeks but one contentious element around personal liability to directors has been removed.

What fans of the redshirts need to realise is that playing in a ESL, only one team can win it - and they struggle to compete with us - will their glory hunting fans love being midtable as a suddenly solvent Barca, Madrid, AC Milan, Juventus et al can compete on wages and transfers. Will Old Trafford sell out when they are midtable every year with their annual 4-0 home hammering by Barca? Maybe they will, but I doubt it.
BBC Sport has been told the threat remains even though a vote on the proposed rule changes, following an earlier review, gained enough support to be passed after it had been rejected in November.

The changes will be introduced to the Premier League handbook in a matter of weeks but one contentious element around personal liability to directors has been removed.

The politicians would be proud of such a move.
anyone not familiar and also an expert on detailed legal jargon or accounting rules/laws is not even a real City fan.

I think its time for Mansour to go to directly to Apple, Amazon etc and ask them for a sponsorship deal never seen before.

imagine the sheer shock in sport media, rival fans if Apple would come in and pay to be shirt sponsor for 3x what Etihad paying us.

wonder what rules would be brought in not to allow it.
Anti fruit regulations.
What fans of the redshirts need to realise is that playing in a ESL, only one team can win it - and they struggle to compete with us - will their glory hunting fans love being midtable as a suddenly solvent Barca, Madrid, AC Milan, Juventus et al can compete on wages and transfers. Will Old Trafford sell out when they are midtable every year with their annual 4-0 home hammering by Barca? Maybe they will, but I doubt it.
The clubs won’t give to fucks about fans just the money they can make from the super league apparently..
Pep is thought to be pondering whether we are better off with a double pivot or not….oops, sorry, some silly football chat….back to the important legal shit.
BBC Sport has been told the threat remains even though a vote on the proposed rule changes, following an earlier review, gained enough support to be passed after it had been rejected in November.

The changes will be introduced to the Premier League handbook in a matter of weeks but one contentious element around personal liability to directors has been removed.


The pressure must have been put on by the scum and some of the smaller clubs bottled it and voted for it
United are putting pressure on and they will do anything to get back to the top, even cut off their nose to spite their face, they don't care about football or other clubs as long they win the title.

They all fell for it back in 1992 and they have again, United promised them good money so they could dry bum them each week,

Now is the time for Manchester City to stand up and pull the rug from their feet, we are the best team in the world Major club sponsorship deals will not be hard to find because they are already queuing up and the world has woken up to Manchester City winning titles,

Our fanbase is growing fast, we are the most-watched team in the USA and growing fast, what more can united throw at us and make it stick,

BUT A Very BIG shout out to the CLUB, please take them both on and off the field, Start thumping them and run up rugby scores when facing them, Damage them on the field of play by beating them with double figures results, don't coast and let them off the hook by winning by 4 or 5
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