New v Old supporters

didactic said:
Has anyone else noticed that there seems to be a pocket of "old" supporters who feel that it is they and they alone who have the right to support the club?
These are the people who seem to believe that noone outside Manchester is allowed to be a blue or anyone who started supporting the club post 2008 is a "bangwangon jumper" or "glory hunter". Does it matter when someone started supporting the club if they are now loyal to it??

Ill give you examples since we signed Adebayor there are now people from Togo supporting the club, since we signed the Toures we have people in Ivory Coast. Since Silva the Spanish are now aboard, since Dzeko we have a large Bosnian following. Are these people lower down the totem pole because they recently became blues?

I think we are a big club now, when we are mentioned we are being mentioned along with the Real Madrids, Inters and Chelseas this comes with rapid success. That is the price of billions and billions in investment. We are now the biggest club in the arab world. So do these "old" supporters prefer that it goes back to when we couldnt scrape two pennies together but the club felt like their own or what we are now where we are world renowned but also have a large NEW fan base?

I saw Robinho shirts in South Africa, you are watching a Spanish music video you see someone wearing a Silva shirt. I saw a De Jong shirt in a coffee shop in the Netherlands. All City shirts.

I respect the old guard, the guys who started supporting the club before I was even born, but I do not think this gives anyone a right to slag off the newcomers.

What are your thoughts?

gloryhunter, ha ha ha ha ha

only joking
I don't think its about age or location that is the issue with the dissenting City fans .... IMO Its more to do with the reason that people have recently started to support City.

If your over 20 and have been into football for a long time but have only just started to "support" City..... then surely there is something not quite right about the motives.

I can fully understand why young Kids started following the rags and Chelski, as they are doing so now with City and there is nothing wrong with that as they are "finding their club" so to speak.

and nothing wrong with people down south, Scotland or Ireland supporting City as long as it is for the right reasons.....

I'm from the "indoctrinated" category and had no choice from being born and many's a time in the past I have cursed my old man for putting that burden upon me..... however, all that is in the past and I now thank the old fella for forcing me to take that path ....... I now look at my kids (also indoctrinated from birth) and think how great its going to be for them ................and for all of us.
In the modern world you don't have to be born within a 30 mile radius of a club to become a fan/supporter of a club. There is no way anybody can castigate people for choosing to become City fans if they live in the US, Oz or anywhere really.
You pick a team or one is picked for you and that is that, the highs the lows mean the same to someone in Moston or Milwaukee.
You are a blue and it doesn't matter where you are from or how long you have been a blue, it hurts like feck when you lose and it gives you a warm fuzzy when we win.
I'm taking two US guys to the Notts County game and they love it, they are newbies but they love City.
Will they love City in 2 years, 5 years, 10 years, yeah they will because once you have a team, then the team is yours for life whatever the results and they will feel the pain and the utter joy of being a Blue no matter where they were born or raised.
didactic said:
Has anyone else noticed that there seems to be a pocket of "old" supporters who feel that it is they and they alone who have the right to support the club?
These are the people who seem to believe that noone outside Manchester is allowed to be a blue or anyone who started supporting the club post 2008 is a "bangwangon jumper" or "glory hunter". Does it matter when someone started supporting the club if they are now loyal to it??

Ill give you examples since we signed Adebayor there are now people from Togo supporting the club, since we signed the Toures we have people in Ivory Coast. Since Silva the Spanish are now aboard, since Dzeko we have a large Bosnian following. Are these people lower down the totem pole because they recently became blues?

I think we are a big club now, when we are mentioned we are being mentioned along with the Real Madrids, Inters and Chelseas this comes with rapid success. That is the price of billions and billions in investment. We are now the biggest club in the arab world. So do these "old" supporters prefer that it goes back to when we couldnt scrape two pennies together but the club felt like their own or what we are now where we are world renowned but also have a large NEW fan base?

I saw Robinho shirts in South Africa, you are watching a Spanish music video you see someone wearing a Silva shirt. I saw a De Jong shirt in a coffee shop in the Netherlands. All City shirts.

I respect the old guard, the guys who started supporting the club before I was even born, but I do not think this gives anyone a right to slag off the newcomers.

What are your thoughts?

I've been a supporter for 40+ years (my first game was Bury away in 1966) However at that match there would have been City fans who had been supporters for the previous 40 years. Everyone has to start on day one at some stage in their City supporting career. I personally welcome all the new fans from all over the world, and the more the merrier. But having said that we know that there is a nucleus of supporters at the club, that have watched the team (like me) go through thin and thin, and that in the event for whatever reason, the club suddenly found itself playing football in the third tier of English football, would still be here and supporting the club they love! The new supporters can't show that loyalty immediately, unfortunately that only comes after watching and supporting the club year in year out. But welcome one and all!
I won't accept new fans.

For me you should support your local team or the team your dad/grandad/family member support.

Anyone who starts supporting us now that isn't local or have family links is just jumping on the ship and I'd treat you like I'd treat a Cockney/Irish red etc.

It's not a popular opinion but it's how I feel.

I don't mind people liking us, as I like Barcelona, but I'd never even consider saying I support them.

I like certain players too, but I'd never follow a team because of a player, infact that's even sadder.

There's clubs to support in every country, they might be shit, but you should be proud of that club no matter what, just like us true blues have been when we've been shite in the past.
Grand Master Ram Rod said:
I won't accept new fans.

For me you should support your local team or the team your dad/grandad/family member support.

Anyone who starts supporting us now that isn't local or have family links is just jumping on the ship and I'd treat you like I'd treat a Cockney/Irish red etc.

It's not a popular opinion but it's how I feel.

I don't mind people liking us, as I like Barcelona, but I'd never even consider saying I support them.

I like certain players too, but I'd never follow a team because of a player, infact that's even sadder.

There's clubs to support in every country, they might be shit, but you should be proud of that club no matter what, just like us true blues have been when we've been shite in the past.

Fair enough does this go with investment too? I mean the money building the club is "new money" they are not locals or have any ties or heritage when it comes to the club? If the manta is only locals and those who have been around since the start then should all the investment be taken out of the club as it does not fall into this category?
didactic said:
Grand Master Ram Rod said:
I won't accept new fans.

For me you should support your local team or the team your dad/grandad/family member support.

Anyone who starts supporting us now that isn't local or have family links is just jumping on the ship and I'd treat you like I'd treat a Cockney/Irish red etc.

It's not a popular opinion but it's how I feel.

I don't mind people liking us, as I like Barcelona, but I'd never even consider saying I support them.

I like certain players too, but I'd never follow a team because of a player, infact that's even sadder.

There's clubs to support in every country, they might be shit, but you should be proud of that club no matter what, just like us true blues have been when we've been shite in the past.

Fair enough does this go with investment too? I mean the money building the club is "new money" they are not locals or have any ties or heritage when it comes to the club? If the manta is only locals and those who have been around since the start then should all the investment be taken out of the club as it does not fall into this category?
If people want to buy into us that's different, that's business, that's their job.

That goes for the manager, coaching staff, players etc. It's their job, they're getting paid to do this, so they can come from wherever they want to for all I care, just like in every other job in the world. They've all come and gone in the past but us supporters have always stood by the club. They get paid, we don't. Totally different imo.
Grand Master Ram Rod said:
If people want to buy into us that's different, that's business, that's their job.

That goes for the manager, coaching staff, players etc. It's their job, they're getting paid to do this, so they can come from wherever they want to for all I care, just like in every other job in the world. They've all come and gone in the past but us supporters have always stood by the club. They get paid, we don't. Totally different imo.

The owners have been operating at a loss close to half a billion pounds. Infact with the amount of money they invested it could have gone and turned around ANY team in the Premiership. So they are not being paid they are doing it because they have taken an interest "though recent" in the club. Its like anything else you cannot have you cake and eat it.

Either you stay a local club with a small amount of die hard supporters with local ownership or you get investment from someone else who due to that investment increases the brand. I know it is a tough pill to swallow but none of us own the club, infact the club is owned by someone who has only ever been to Manchester a handful of times.

Its like the local players argument (which is not what I think you are saying, I am just using it as an example) they say lets play only home grown talent but that drags down the quality of the league. Like it or not the best players from from elsewhere Tevez, Fake Ronaldo, Torres, Drogba and its the same with club ownership the richest owners come from elsewhere and bring with them a new fan base.

Do you genuinely feel you have the right to tell the Sheikhs son that he is not welcome as a supporter because he is not local when his father owns the team? What about the millions in the middle east who now support the club and come to games because their oil money is buying those shiny new players? Where does the distinction start and where does it end? What qualifies you more than someone else in America who has been watching and following the team for the same amount of time? A birth right?
Longsight-memories said:
think its a MANCUNIAN thing anyway.

Ive nothing against out of town fans or people at all to be honest but being from manchester i do sometimes feel superior to people out in the sticks, dunno if its just me or others are like that but cant really help it.

Know what you mean Tony... for me Benchill is out in the sticks..
Ask most people how many live in Manchester (and I mean Manchester not the suburbs) and see what they come up with......the worst is if you meet someone new.. you know for the first time say on holiday.. where you from you ask …Manchester they say oh what part…Burnley or Bolton or Oldham Ashton…every fucking where but Manchester

Good man LM. I hear what your saying, i like places with a lot of noise, it might be a bit arrogant but id prefer it if those people said bolton, bury etc, i would have nothing against them but, i do prefer real manchester a lot more, just my own feelings on it.

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