New York City FC Thread (new away kit P245)

Feel for the fans????...and this is the guy who runs their forum.

We won't tolerate supporters throwing around personal insults. But the Lampard fiasco was a big blow to the club. We sit in last place without a second DP (this is a big thing here) and it's inexcusable the way things went down. If supporters of THIS CLUB THAT THIS FORUM REPRESENTS want to direct anger at MCFC who was responsible for it then by all means let them. If you want to defend your club then go to BM because this isn't the place. We do welcome all supporters. However, if it offends you to be an MCFC fan here then it's clearly not the place for you to be and you should respect that and leave.
Will people forgive Lampard and move on, sure eventually. But a lot sooner than they will MCFC.
So it means ''come on here (NYCFC forum) and slag MCFC, you are very welcome. But come on here (NYCFC forum) with a constructive argument in defence of MCFC - stick to BlueMoon''
Nice to see an open minded forum being created....
It isn't a case of how poor NYCFC are, it highlights how weak the MLS league is in comparison with the luxuries we get to watch week in week out in the English Premier League.
I can go and watch my local side Bury play better standard than the MLS.

I mean Bradley Wright-Phillips looks an absolute beast in that league, well did last season.

It's a new team, they need more work, definitely need more commanding midfielders with a direction of supplying to the likes of Villa and that Poku who looks ok at this level.
This is hopefully were Lampard and Pirlo step in.

And seeing Vieira there tonight as well, i bet he was thinking: look at this shit, hey i could go and lace my boots up again"

MLS - graveyard for retiring stars.
It isn't a case of how poor NYCFC are, it highlights how weak the MLS league is in comparison with the luxuries we get to watch week in week out in the English Premier League.
I can go and watch my local side Bury play better standard than the MLS.

I mean Bradley Wright-Phillips looks an absolute beast in that league, well did last season.

It's a new team, they need more work, definitely need more commanding midfielders with a direction of supplying to the likes of Villa and that Poku who looks ok at this level.
This is hopefully were Lampard and Pirlo step in.

And seeing Vieira there tonight as well, i bet he was thinking: look at this shit, hey i could go and lace my boots up again"

MLS - graveyard for retiring stars.
is Bingo popular in the states?

So it means ''come on here (NYCFC forum) and slag MCFC, you are very welcome. But come on here (NYCFC forum) with a constructive argument in defence of MCFC - stick to BlueMoon''
Nice to see an open minded forum being created....

The thing is, people don't go over to their forums to give "constructive arguments in defence of MCFC". A few have come and been reasonable for a while, but very few seem to be able to resist the lure of slipping towards "we gave you your club, suck it up" - and what's worse, it's usually (not always, but usually) said not in a gentle or suggestive way but in an arrogant or argumentative style that positively invites the angry replies.

Can anyone here honestly say that if we bought Pogba, and he was properly announced and so on, and then as the start of the season came round, when it was obvious that City's renovations were built around his place in the team, it was announced that Juve had decided to take him back on loan until February, that you wouldn't burst with fury? I know I would. Maybe if the deal all along was that he would be loaned back for half a season people would accept it, but the transfer was announced and then suddenly it was revealed that actually he was never signed, and Juve want him back thank you very much. People would be apoplectic.

And then imagine that, after that happening, Bluemoon starts getting flooded with Juve fans coming in saying "what you've got to appreciate is that Pogba will probably win you the Champions League in a few years time. We don't care that you're not getting him now, just think of how good you'll feel in 2021!" And imagine that it didn't happen once but it kept happening for six months in a slow but continuous trickle. You better bet that Ric and the mods would be banning them, and the forums would be going into meltdown every time the next one signed up.

Oh, and by the way - "the guy who runs their forum" is a City fan. He's just been forced to do this because the forum basically tore itself apart every time the next one signed up. I'm also a City fan first and foremost and an admin on their forum, and even I've got sick of seeing new City fans signing up, even though at the start I was truly hoping that both teams would get along like brothers in arms.
I think you need to think bigger than individual players.
I recall Geoff Thomas many years ago (a Manchester born Blue) saying he would walk from Crystal Palace to Maine Road.
He got half way up the motorway and got lost in the West Midlands and signed for Wolves. I soon got over it as I am a City fan, not a Geoff Thomas fan.
If you or other NYC fans bought season tickets on the strength of one (or two signings) it begs the question of how much you really support the team (ie through thick and thin, or thin and thinner for most Blues).
I have no idea what has gone on over on the NYC forum as I've never looked, but If City had signed Pogba on loan and Juve wanted him back, there's not much we can do about that if he is their employer. I have no inside knowledge about the Lampard contract but I am assuming legal eagles (and the Premier League) scrutinised the contract and said it was acceptable for what happened. Legal yes. Morally? Who knows.
But as I said, support the club, not the player. Players loyalty to clubs are always questionable. A fans loyalty to the club should not be questioned.
Personally speaking the few cameo performances Lampard played during the last 6 months does make me wonder why we kept him and if he hadn't scored THAT goal against Chelsea I'm not sure the ''love in'' we had for him would have been there and he wouldn't have stayed. But he did score THAT goal and he became a cult figure as a result and no one was more pleased for him when he scored on the last day of the season than me (OK, and his dad and girlfriend / kids)
He is your player now and I hope he does well for the team (looks like they need it!) and this row can soon be forgotten as the focus is upon the team and not one or two players.

Fuck knows if this makes sense, took about an hour to type at work in between doing a million things!
The nycfc fans, and their are lots of mcfc fans who count themselves as nycfc fans, need to see the longterm and stop acting like spoiled twats. Lampard not going IMO was because he had more to give in England - why should he give that up for a brand new team? He is there now so enjoy. Pirlo is on his way and a few others. Orlando might look better to some now but in the long term there is no doubt that nycfc will be more solid. That is unless our joint owners join the nycfc forum ....
The nycfc fans, and their are lots of mcfc fans who count themselves as nycfc fans, need to see the longterm and stop acting like spoiled twats. Lampard not going IMO was because he had more to give in England - why should he give that up for a brand new team? He is there now so enjoy. Pirlo is on his way and a few others. Orlando might look better to some now but in the long term there is no doubt that nycfc will be more solid. That is unless our joint owners join the nycfc forum ....
Well your common sense is lost on some of the posters on that forum. They expect a lot considering their support for the club since 2014.

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