Newcastle United Thread - 2021/22

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To any Newcastle fans having a look on here to see our experience of it all, my first bit of advice is to grow thick skin, very very thick skin. All of you!

You will be hated. Everyone will hate you. You will have an owner who comes from a country that other countries that have a big stake in the Premier League (America and Qatar) do not like to say the least, and you will be a club that could threaten the Redshirts (United Liverpool and Arsenal), the favourites of the media who just happen to be American owned, and everything will change in everyone’s attitudes towards you.

Newcastle will no longer be remembered as a historical football club with 128 years of history; winners of four league titles, six FA Cups and one Charity Shield; a club who reached the semifinals of the UEFA Cup and won the Inter-Cities Fairs Cup; members of the top flight for 90 years (7th in the list, just below City); 9th in the all-time league table...

You will be called a club with no history and a small club. You will have new club names including: “moneybags-Newcastle”, “big-spenders Newcastle”, “Dirty Oil Money Newcastle”. Commentators and journalists will give all of your players new first names, which will be the transfer fee you paid for them. Even though you’ll be owned by one man and his investment company, it will be repeatedly said that you are owned by a “state”. Your club and your loyal local long standing fans will be associated with human rights abuses due to the foreign affairs of the country your owner happens to be from even though he has absolutely fuck all relation to any supposed misdemeanours, and this will come from people who live in countries with far worse foreign atrocities to their name than Saudi Arabia.

The media will change their tune about you. No longer will a Sky game at St James’ Park have the commentators remembering the many good times your club has had in the past, the words “famous old club” will never be mentioned again. They will be negative about you, your players, your manager and your fans no matter how good they are. The press will constantly snipe at you, they will make up outright lies about you, every single article (apart from any written by Martin Samuel) will have negative spins about anything and everything,!

Everyone will comment on how shit your fans are. The TV companies will turn down the mics around the pitch to make it sound like you have no atmosphere. Any time you happen to have empty seats (including in early round FA or EFL Cup games against teams from three divisions below you or images of your ground 45 minutes before kick off when barely anyone has got through the turnstiles yet), it will be used against you to show how shit your fans are and the images will be used in the TV companies’ advertising of you.

Other clubs’ fans will despise you. Social media will be full of jealous, non-understanding cunts who lap up all the lies and negativity said about you. Despite clubs like United and Liverpool having tens of millions of plastic fans worldwide, your long standing loyal fans will be called plastic and it will all be repeated,!

You’ll notice how the officiating of your games and the officiating of your rivals’ games will change. You’ll scratch your head at some of the decisions that start going against you and in favour of your rivals, even if they are the most ridiculous things you’ve ever seen in your life. And you’ll notice how quickly they will be swept under the carpet. But you’ll notice how much exposure tiny misdemeanours from your players will be played and talked about on a loop the day after.

Expect the governing bodies of the sport to collude with the Redshirts to bring in new rules that will try and hinder you. And, most likely, you’ll end up in court through spurious claims of cheating that, even when they’ll be shown to be slanderous libellous lies, will tarnish your name across the world.

But embrace it all! As I said at the top, grow thick skin, and make all that negativity work in your favour. This is how I have adapted as a City fan, and it’s made me feel like everything is that bit more sweet when we win. Think of all the cunts squirming every time you win a game or a trophy. Use that as the driving force of how you support your club. Never feel the want to be liked or accepted, never wish you were treated the same as the other clubs, and it’ll all be easier.

Too many City fans haven’t done this and too many have become brow beaten and down trodden by the negativity. I’m glad we aren’t treated the same as the Redshirts but it’s all had too much of a negative effect on too many of our fans, rather than having the opposite positive effect on us which it should have. Don’t let the same happen to your fans.
One of them lurkers here.

I can’t really be arsed to read any other supporters forums right now since everyone is becoming salty. You all seem to be the only ones who aren’t slating us to bits.

I followed Newcastle while living away down south. Swindon. Plastic supporter central. Consisted of Chelsea, Utd, Liverpool, Arsenal brigade. The odd Leeds fan. Hardly anyone had been to a game. Shirts everywhere, singing songs in the factory I worked every Monday.

The very few black n white lads got a few wins here and there over bigger clubs.

The city USED to be life and death football. It has become a normal city with no conversation about matchdays. Ashley sucked the city dry. It was like pissing in the wind. No noise in the ground. I lost all remaining passion for the club. Along with thousands of others.

MOTD even got deleted before watching. From living, breathing football. To zero in 14 years.

The consistent hammering we have had from the big clubs up there at the top has been painfully hard.

My son is 7. His first ever prem match will be v Spurs. He will remember the atmosphere for the rest of his life. As I remember my first game.

All the media and other fans touting about us buying the title when or if it happens. Good. Yeah we did. But as I sit here and pinch myself knowing the training ground will no longer have a paddling pool. The exec area will no longer have 2 broken fridges and a clock missing with the wires showing.

We don’t expect to walk through the games. All we want on matchdays is a possession of more than 30% and a team willing to give it a good go for 90 mins. No more mediocre attempts to scrape a point.

I admit we will have bellends supporting the PIF and wearing headscarves and waving Saudi flags. Hopefully they will come to their senses and get back to wearing the shirt with pride and losing voices by half 5.

I’m just typing away here. Numb still. Happiest I have been for so long. Excited to enjoy my passion again. Talking about the weekend and the banter with the Makems. Knowing every time they put fuel in their cars they are making us that little bit richer.

I have subbed this forum. I have a soft spot for you lads. I can learn a lot from the journey you have been on.

let’s both enjoy the banter at being the big 2 soon. Let the lower 4 plastic brigade compete for the playoff places in a few years.

Peace. A toon fan with a 3 day boner.
I expcet RAWK and Villoh Talk as estatic about it.

Both clubs have won the european cup you know so how dare these north eastern intelopers get involved
Just for balance here is a list from amnesty International of human rights issues from a perticular country.

Right to health.

Excessive use of force.

Freedom of assembly.

Right to life and security of the person.

Rights of refugees, asylum-seekers and migrants.

Women’s rights.

Rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual,transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people.

Sexual and reproductive rights.

Torture and other ill-treatment.

Death penalty.

Arbitrary detention.

Unlawful killings of civilians.

International human rights mechanisms and treaties.

Yes ladies and gentlemen this is modern day U.S.A. Where is the clammer from Delaney, et al to condemn the owners of the red shirts? Funny that isn't it.
A lot more people are executed in the USA than the UAE not to mention the killing of thousands of civilians across the Middle East from bombing raids and drone strikes. The most recent one massacred the family of an Aid worker in Afghanistan. People like Deloony (who actually works for Russian and Saudi bosses) are very selective in who they criticise.
Not sure whether it has been mentioned but the Football Supporters Association have issued a statement about the takeover. Just the opening blurb is bad with stuff like 'many Supporters throughout the game ....have expressed concern about ther roles of nation states in the ownership of clubs and the impact of their human right violations'.
'Supporters put in an impossible position as billionaire owners pass clubs from one to another.... clubs have become the plaything of individuals or regimes with shocking human rights records'.
No mention of which clubs they mean but we can guess that and also those they have chosen to turn a blind eye with their dodgy owners, sponsors and riotous fans. Do these prats who claim to represent all fans at all levels want to go back to the days when United plus one other club won everything because they were richest and boasted about it?
Just in case anyone missed that the FSA is a bunch of anorak wearing weirdos, they announce this year's football awards by reminding us of last year's winners:

POTY - Ratface - Bruno
Commentator of the Year - Martin Tyler !!!
TV/Radio Pundit of the Year - Ian Wright.

It is concerning that the lies and misinformation pumped out from or via the usual suspects does get believed by neutrals but its never challenged so it would, wouldn't it?
Less fun fact, she dated him during the time he was running around with Epstein 2001-2003.
As no-one thought that Epstein was anything more than an extremely successful businessman at that time then your point makes no sense. I highly doubt she even knew about him.
Pretty much stayed all over the North East up to 20 plus years ago, Newcastle Centre is a proper party town, Bigg Market, the Quays and back in the day the Tuxedo Princess. My favourite place though was Alnwick, not sure what it’s like now but I just loved it. As you say, definitely an overcoat colder up there but a beautiful coastline especially on a sunny winters day.
It's fantastic up there on the coast. I have a caravan near Alnwick. The weather is colder (especially in the hills) but the rainfall is much lower than the North West so in the winter you get lots of cold but sunny days. The only problem is that it is rapidly becoming gentrified with people moving up from London so I hope it doesn't get ruined like Cornwall.
Having said all that the Saudi regime is vile and they have people they don’t agree with murdered.
In a few months we'll be commemorating the 50th anniversary of Bloody Sunday, which we're still resisting taking responsibility for. We recently commemorated the 200th anniversary of the Peterloo massacre. Can we hold our hands up and say they're clean?

When we hosted the World Cup in 1966, 900 years after we effectively became a sovereign nation, it was against the law to engage in a homosexual act and the police actively set out to entrap people into these. Yet we talk about gay rights in a country that's culturally far more socially conservative than we ever were in the Victorian era (and probably always will be).

I'm sure it hasn't escape your notice, as it's been all over the news, that two women were recently murdered when they were out and minding their own business. What happened to their rights as women?

And look at the clubs leading the moral indignation over this.

Liverpool - whose owners have been convicted of wholesale cheating in the other sport they operate in, who knowingly stole our data, who have the names of two convicted money-laundering institutions on their shirt and whose fans murdered 37 people they didn't agree with.

United - whose ultimate finances are hidden in a tax haven, accept sponsorship from the state-owned Russian airline, a regime that routinely murders journalists, whose owners put nothing into their club and it's local community and who've saddled them with debt they never had before.

Arsenal - whose shirts implore you to 'Visit Rwanda', where they have one of the most repressive regimes on earth and whose billionaire owner also puts nothing in but takes money out in "consultancy fees".

And all of those clubs (and others) owned by citizens of a country where their police force routinely humiliates and even murders black people who have committed no offences. And where they allow their citizens to walk around the streets with automatic rifles which they use to kill people indiscriminately, including young schoolchildren.

You get the picture?
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