Next England Manager...

mackenzie said:
Not really bothered what the nationality of the next England manager is, just as long as it is someone not afraid to drop some of the "big" names and try something new.

How Capello decided not to take AJ is beyond me.

Don't think it will be Redknapp though if you look at what happened to Venables (who had a similar shady background, allegedly).
Is it fear or are certain players untouchable england look so unbalanced .pressure on rooney to score when crouch has a good english record bent scoring for fun-he must be sick,keeper cock up centre halves-beyond belief.Cappello is a better manager than this showing and I am surpised he let this happen,he seemed to really have hold in qualifying.
mcds said:
mackenzie said:
Not really bothered what the nationality of the next England manager is, just as long as it is someone not afraid to drop some of the "big" names and try something new.

How Capello decided not to take AJ is beyond me.

Don't think it will be Redknapp though if you look at what happened to Venables (who had a similar shady background, allegedly).
Is it fear or are certain players untouchable england look so unbalanced .pressure on rooney to score when crouch has a good english record bent scoring for fun-he must be sick,keeper cock up centre halves-beyond belief.Cappello is a better manager than this showing and I am surpised he let this happen,he seemed to really have hold in qualifying.

I don't think there are many English players that spring automatically into the mind for a WC team to be honest. It will take a brave man to finally mix it up a bit with some experience, form and just giving a player a chance on the "big stage."

I think Capello erred on the side of caution, and when there isn't that much depth in the established names available that was his undoing IMO. I truly believe that he left AJ behind simply because of his only recent elevation into the reckoning. And I think that was wrong.
mackenzie said:
mcds said:
Is it fear or are certain players untouchable england look so unbalanced .pressure on rooney to score when crouch has a good english record bent scoring for fun-he must be sick,keeper cock up centre halves-beyond belief.Cappello is a better manager than this showing and I am surpised he let this happen,he seemed to really have hold in qualifying.

I don't think there are many English players that spring automatically into the mind for a WC team to be honest. It will take a brave man to finally mix it up a bit with some experience, form and just giving a player a chance on the "big stage."

I think Capello erred on the side of caution, and when there isn't that much depth in the established names available that was his undoing IMO. I truly believe that he left AJ behind simply because of his only recent elevation into the reckoning. And I think that was wrong.
Lescott was fit no?Didnt play Dawson.I agree about AJ.Capello was like rabbit caught in headlights when choosing his squad he messed up on a few counts but it must change now.Give youth its chance?
Freestyler said:
davymcfc said:
has to be redknapp. always gets the best out of his players. we really need an english manager.

completely agree.

I agree as well.

He seems to have shrugged off his "dodgy Arry" image as well with the regular appearances on the beeb.

So there's nothing stanging in his way now.
Cappello should stay on. Yes he made a dog's bollocks of the campaign but now he knows how bad the England players can be. He might put something better together for the Euro's.

His CV is brilliant which is how he got the job. You're not going to get a manager with a better track record. And he wants the job. He's not in it for the money because he could have got a top club job.

I liked the way when the press were trying to have a go at him they couldn't touch him. I think if he carries on he really might do something.
TheMightyQuinn said:
We desperately need another Steve McClaren.

Once the English bloke fails we can get a foreign manager who will do marginally better but not win the world cup and we can blame it on him for being foreign and get an English manager.

Once that English bloke fails we can get a foreign manager who will do marginally better but not win the world cup and we can blame it on him for being foreign and get an English manager.

And on and on it goes.

Personally, I think us English should learn to play football and then start demanding to win things. Until we address the real problems and not the media spun ones we can perhaps move forward. Until then however it'll remain the same with piss ants waving flags and demanding trophies despite us being the very definition of mediocre.

Agreed. If Redknapp is the answer to all England's problems then I'm Adebayor. I expect the FA to take the easy option by sacking Capello, and lay all the blame at his feet. He's too strict, ya'know, he demands they concentrate on the game. If they went out on the lash, or had late night orgies, maybe we'll win the World Cup. He's too foreign also, ya'know, doesnt understand the English-bulldog Winston Churchillian fighting spirit. He wants to turn them into softie Ities. Hey, lets all jump onto the medias "bring in good ol' Arry to instill some passion into the lads" bandwagon, along with all the other sheep who only care about football whenever England play in a major tournament, bedeck their cars and houses with England flags, gather their tactical knowledge from the Sun, and go with their ideals that Wayne Rooney is the finest footballer planet earth has ever seen and ever shall see, and that England are a truely magnificent team, who will surely win the World Cup by playing football the likes of which you have never seen.
In many games being manager of your country is as high as you can get. It's a major honour.

Why don't they just go out on a limb and ask the best managers around and keep going untill someone says yes.
I dont see the point different manager, same fucking tried and failed players, beckham get his 2 billionth cap and The Sun has an orgasm over it we qualify for a major competition.

Terry shags Bridges mum the team becomes disjointed for no apparent reason we get knocked out by Botswana and everyone says they tired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i don't care if the next england manager is english or not, i just hope the FA have finally learned their lesson about the vast amounts of money they end up paying them off with when they fail. why do they give them long contracts - two years is plenty to prove their worth. what i would say to the people who want an english manager is be careful what you wish for. you my get stuart and david and that really would not be a good idea.
Unknown_Genius said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
We desperately need another Steve McClaren.

Once the English bloke fails we can get a foreign manager who will do marginally better but not win the world cup and we can blame it on him for being foreign and get an English manager.

Once that English bloke fails we can get a foreign manager who will do marginally better but not win the world cup and we can blame it on him for being foreign and get an English manager.

And on and on it goes.

Personally, I think us English should learn to play football and then start demanding to win things. Until we address the real problems and not the media spun ones we can perhaps move forward. Until then however it'll remain the same with piss ants waving flags and demanding trophies despite us being the very definition of mediocre.

Agreed. If Redknapp is the answer to all England's problems then I'm Adebayor. I expect the FA to take the easy option by sacking Capello, and lay all the blame at his feet. He's too strict, ya'know, he demands they concentrate on the game. If they went out on the lash, or had late night orgies, maybe we'll win the World Cup. He's too foreign also, ya'know, doesnt understand the English-bulldog Winston Churchillian fighting spirit. He wants to turn them into softie Ities. Hey, lets all jump onto the medias "bring in good ol' Arry to instill some passion into the lads" bandwagon, along with all the other sheep who only care about football whenever England play in a major tournament, bedeck their cars and houses with England flags, gather their tactical knowledge from the Sun, and go with their ideals that Wayne Rooney is the finest footballer planet earth has ever seen and ever shall see, and that England are a truely magnificent team, who will surely win the World Cup by playing football the likes of which you have never seen.

I agree with everything you said mate. We've had shit loads of English managers who have 'failed' so to start blaming the nationality of the manager is pathetic and an easy way to ensure that the 'legends' like Rooney and Gerrard etc escape unscathed and ready to disappoint in the near future.

We're just not good enough. I don't see why more people can't just admit this. At least that way we could address the problem and seek to change things. Instead, as usual, we're looking for scapegoats and making excuses.

I'm tired of using the Blackpool as Prem champions analogy again but it's the only way of viewing the situation and seeing how ludicrous it all is.

England are not in the top 8 nations, we're probably in the top 16. We reached the final 16 so where is the failure? We did as well as could be realistically expected.

Maybe it's me, maybe I'm meant to see Venables singing for The Sun and think 'hey man, England invented football, we're probably the best in the world, we'll piss this cup just like we did in....1966'.

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