Next James Bond?

johnmc said:
stony said:
No, no, fucking no. He would be a terrible Bond. I honestly don't understand why they have to fuck about with a successful formula. Daniel Craig is brilliant as Bond and is arguably the best one yet.
I'm not sure why they want to make Bond black, but it sounds like a gimmick.

Not sure why a fictional character can't be black white or yellow.

Is Daniel Craig the best bond or has the writing been better and the special effects bigger recently?
A bit of both. James Bond used to be a corny, cheesy bunch of films played by smarmy bastards.

Craig is quite cool and the films have had a darker edge.

All round better.
Bigga said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Bigga said:
Yes, many Bigga threads have double meanings behind them.

I like to shake the tree every now and then.

See what falls out...

I think it's pretty clear to most of us just who fell out of the tree a long time ago.
And I think they suffered irepparable brain damage and a permanent chip on their shoulder as a result.

Hmm, interesting as it's not me that feels 'things should be left alone'!! I'm sure your grandparents or great grandparents etc., were of the same mind, once upon a time.

How did 'M' put it once..?

Oh yes...

You're "a...dinosaur" ready for extinction and a cull much needed.

You are a boring busted flush,bigga - all you ever do is either start race-related threads,or hijack the threads of others to push your tedious race agenda.
Earlier you implied that BWTAC was racist when he clearly wasn't,but then someone is invariably accused as soon as you start prattling on.
You have a history of doing exactly this,and everybody knows it by now.
In fact,I take it back - you don't have a chip on your shoulder.
You have Harry Ramsden's biggest fucking deep fat fryer full of them.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Bigga said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
I think it's pretty clear to most of us just who fell out of the tree a long time ago.
And I think they suffered irepparable brain damage and a permanent chip on their shoulder as a result.

Hmm, interesting as it's not me that feels 'things should be left alone'!! I'm sure your grandparents or great grandparents etc., were of the same mind, once upon a time.

How did 'M' put it once..?

Oh yes...

You're "a...dinosaur" ready for extinction and a cull much needed.

You are a boring busted flush,bigga - all you ever do is either start race-related threads,or hijack the threads of others to push your tedious race agenda.
Earlier you implied that BWTAC was racist when he clearly wasn't,but then someone is invariably accused as soon as you start prattling on.
You have a history of doing exactly this,and everybody knows it by now.
In fact,I take it back - you don't have a chip on your shoulder.
You have Harry Ramsden's biggest fucking deep fat fryer full of them.

Sorry that you have to look at yourself and examine where you really stand in this world.

You're of the "You're all right, it's the others I don't like" variety. Meaning you think you're not what you are.

This thread has been about characters. I've backed it up by explaining How 'Dr. Who', for example, is supposed to regenerate into any Humanoid life form including female. Ignored, roundly, by the Ignorants who have no arguments.

There have been some, on this board, that agree that a character, whose denomination can be moved with the times (as those characters are NOT set in stone) and are interested how a new orientation would change any dynamics. It may well not.

I have no problem with 'Charlie Chan' being played by bi racial person of Chinese decent. Nor would I have a problem with a 'street wise' White kid, born in the ghetto, that knows those streets like the back of his hand becoming a detective known as 'Shaft'.

Franchises, like '007', can cease to exist for 5-10 years and suddenly a 'reboot' is on the cards. The good thing is, dinosaurs like yourself will cease to count as studios look to try a newer, more 'hip' demographic and THAT demographic may well not see what all the fuss is about, when it comes to change.

Society evolves, Mr Dinosaur.

Roar at that all you like...
Bigga said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Bigga said:
Hmm, interesting as it's not me that feels 'things should be left alone'!! I'm sure your grandparents or great grandparents etc., were of the same mind, once upon a time.

How did 'M' put it once..?

Oh yes...

You're "a...dinosaur" ready for extinction and a cull much needed.

You are a boring busted flush,bigga - all you ever do is either start race-related threads,or hijack the threads of others to push your tedious race agenda.
Earlier you implied that BWTAC was racist when he clearly wasn't,but then someone is invariably accused as soon as you start prattling on.
You have a history of doing exactly this,and everybody knows it by now.
In fact,I take it back - you don't have a chip on your shoulder.
You have Harry Ramsden's biggest fucking deep fat fryer full of them.

Sorry that you have to look at yourself and examine where you really stand in this world.

You're of the "You're all right, it's the others I don't like" variety. Meaning you think you're not what you are.

Let me get this straight,before I rip you a second fucking arsehole.
Are you implying that I am racist with that statement above?
Because it looks very much like that to me.
So I'm a racist too now,am I?
You really are an utter fucking tool.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Bigga said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
You are a boring busted flush,bigga - all you ever do is either start race-related threads,or hijack the threads of others to push your tedious race agenda.
Earlier you implied that BWTAC was racist when he clearly wasn't,but then someone is invariably accused as soon as you start prattling on.
You have a history of doing exactly this,and everybody knows it by now.
In fact,I take it back - you don't have a chip on your shoulder.
You have Harry Ramsden's biggest fucking deep fat fryer full of them.

Sorry that you have to look at yourself and examine where you really stand in this world.

You're of the "You're all right, it's the others I don't like" variety. Meaning you think you're not what you are.

Let me get this straight,before I rip you a second fucking arsehole.
Are you implying that I am racist with that statement above?
Because it looks very much like that to me.
So I'm a racist too now,am I?
You really are an utter fucking tool.

Funny how 'racism' is the 'N' word for White people, isn't it?
Bigga said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Bigga said:
Sorry that you have to look at yourself and examine where you really stand in this world.

You're of the "You're all right, it's the others I don't like" variety. Meaning you think you're not what you are.

Let me get this straight,before I rip you a second fucking arsehole.
Are you implying that I am racist with that statement above?
Because it looks very much like that to me.
So I'm a racist too now,am I?
You really are an utter fucking tool.

Funny how 'racism' is the 'N' word for White people, isn't it?

Just answer the fucking question.
Are you stating that I am racist?<br /><br />-- Sun Oct 28, 2012 12:54 pm --<br /><br />
de niro said:
be nice gang.

bond is white btw.

Sorry mate,but I copped a ban off Ducado for calling a poster who has had threads and posts removed for racism a racist.
So I take it it's ok for black posters to do the same thing?
de niro said:
be nice gang.

bond is white btw.

In this current incarnation; I agree.

But, Bill, this is a FICTIONAL character.

In the current re-examining of 'Sherlock Holmes', played by Jonny Lee Miller in the series "Elementary", 'Holmes' is pretty much a tattooed former smack head and 'Watson' is a woman.

It took a short while to get used to but, actually, it has opened up a new and interesting dynamic.

This is all I've been saying to the Dinosaur.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Bigga said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Let me get this straight,before I rip you a second fucking arsehole.
Are you implying that I am racist with that statement above?
Because it looks very much like that to me.
So I'm a racist too now,am I?
You really are an utter fucking tool.

Funny how 'racism' is the 'N' word for White people, isn't it?

Just answer the fucking question.
Are you stating that I am racist?

de niro said:
be nice gang.

bond is white btw.

Sorry mate,but I copped a ban off Ducado for calling a poster who has had threads and posts removed for racism a racist.
So I take it it's ok for black posters to do the same thing?**

Let's be correct; for ** I haven't called you anything.

You're of the "You're all right, it's the others I don't like" variety*

I will, however, maintain that * was somewhat harsh. Somewhat.

It still asks the question why would someone still be a stick-in-the-mud about a character of imagining?!! Why do people continually confuse fact and fiction on here??

And why 'racism/ racist' is, indeed, the White 'N' word?!! Of course, I write as I'm thinking here. But, I find it all rather amusing to know that people can freely use the word 'n*gger', as they have over the past few weeks and "it's just a word", whilst woe betide anyone who might infer/ accuse someone of being 'racist'.

Just thinking/ writing out aloud.

All quite interesting...

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