Next Rail Strikes Announced.

It isn’t just one match though, it’s been about 6 or 7 in the last year, hospital appointments missed/cancelled, social events etc, you don’t think they targeted the cup final then ? Of course they did, the RMT will do whatever gets the most attention and I’m honest enough to say it’s starting to piss me off, it’s your fight with the government, but you can’t expect everyone to jump on board and agree with everything you’re doing

Strikes aren't meant to be convenient, it isn't a hard concept to grasp.
It isn’t just one match though, it’s been about 6 or 7 in the last year, hospital appointments missed/cancelled, social events etc, you don’t think they targeted the cup final then ? Of course they did, the RMT will do whatever gets the most attention and I’m honest enough to say it’s starting to piss me off, it’s your fight with the government, but you can’t expect everyone to jump on board and agree with everything you’re doing
What do you expect RMT to do? Strike when fewest people are inconvenienced and hardly anyone notices? What's the point in that?
The industrial action is not just about pay. We would have accepted the offer long ago with no strings, but the bosses want to drive through a load of changes to terms and conditions none of which will benefit the workers. Closure of ticket offices is just the tip of the iceberg and you have already seen the publics reaction to that proposal.
My advice to you is keep your mind open about this matter and see the bigger picture rather than just how it affects football fans on matchdays. This is about far more than just money, it's about trying to protect an industry and ultimately the travelling public from a government and their cronies who care only for profit and winning this dispute no matter the cost to all.
The travelling public frequently offer their support. Don't pretend that you are speaking for them you're only expressing your own views.
Last I’ll say on it, firstly I’m not speaking on behalf of the public (no need to point score) I’m speaking as a regular Joe, member of the public, a family man who is working class and previously a shop steward for ten years, albeit in a different industry. Such was my passion for workers rights and fighting injustice, I ended up losing that job as I’d become a ‘problem’ for the company. I know the value of being part of a Union, I understand their need, especially with this government, and I’m all for workers rights and fair treatment.
Whether you like it or not, as a football fan I feel like I am being targeted, and it is pissing me off! That isn’t aimed at workers, it is aimed at the Unions whose policy this is. I guess the message I am trying to get across is, if I’ve had enough of the Unions targeting football supporters, then I would hazard a guess that there are far more starting to feel this way, going after me or anyone else that has the temerity to say, “well actually this is starting to get more than a bit annoying” isn’t the way, you’d get far more understanding from me if you targeted the actual institutions driving these changes, the government, TOC’s, bring London to a standstill.
That I could support, that would be the right course of action going forward, as a football fan, who’s working class & a genuine guy, I can’t help feeling targeted (because that’s what’s happening) the FA cup final was a threshold for me, that changed my outlook on the strikes, I won’t be the only one, how long is too long ? the Unions need to change tact because this kind of action is only going one way
You really think a National Trades Union look at City's fixture list before choosing their dates? Get real.
Saturdays are targeted because the TOC's are subsidised by the DFT for running services midweek but not for weekends when passenger revenue is their only source of income.
The RMT are not picking on City fans, working class or any other group of people other than the twats who run the country and are stripping us of our dignity and expecting us to thank them for keeping us in employment.
They're trying to turn hard working dedicated people into wage slaves or get rid of us and we're not going to take it lying down.
We could have taken the blood money offered us months ago and sold our colleagues down the river but chose to fight the injustice but if all you care about is a more problematic trip to a football match I really can't help you.
Well said.
My next door neighbour is part of the strike but he told me about six months ago that he doesn’t want to strike but feels like the union gives them no choice. Not sure what the rights and wrongs are here because all I seem to have read / heard is conflicting POV. Not sure why those on both sides don’t just sit in a locked room and don’t leave until everything is sorted, it can’t be that hard can it.
Last I’ll say on it, firstly I’m not speaking on behalf of the public (no need to point score) I’m speaking as a regular Joe, member of the public, a family man who is working class and previously a shop steward for ten years, albeit in a different industry. Such was my passion for workers rights and fighting injustice, I ended up losing that job as I’d become a ‘problem’ for the company. I know the value of being part of a Union, I understand their need, especially with this government, and I’m all for workers rights and fair treatment.
Whether you like it or not, as a football fan I feel like I am being targeted, and it is pissing me off! That isn’t aimed at workers, it is aimed at the Unions whose policy this is. I guess the message I am trying to get across is, if I’ve had enough of the Unions targeting football supporters, then I would hazard a guess that there are far more starting to feel this way, going after me or anyone else that has the temerity to say, “well actually this is starting to get more than a bit annoying” isn’t the way, you’d get far more understanding from me if you targeted the actual institutions driving these changes, the government, TOC’s, bring London to a standstill.
That I could support, that would be the right course of action going forward, as a football fan, who’s working class & a genuine guy, I can’t help feeling targeted (because that’s what’s happening) the FA cup final was a threshold for me, that changed my outlook on the strikes, I won’t be the only one, how long is too long ? the Unions need to change tact because this kind of action is only going one way
Any suggestions in relation to your last sentence?

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