Next Rail Strikes Announced.

Last I’ll say on it, firstly I’m not speaking on behalf of the public (no need to point score) I’m speaking as a regular Joe, member of the public, a family man who is working class and previously a shop steward for ten years, albeit in a different industry. Such was my passion for workers rights and fighting injustice, I ended up losing that job as I’d become a ‘problem’ for the company. I know the value of being part of a Union, I understand their need, especially with this government, and I’m all for workers rights and fair treatment.
Whether you like it or not, as a football fan I feel like I am being targeted, and it is pissing me off! That isn’t aimed at workers, it is aimed at the Unions whose policy this is. I guess the message I am trying to get across is, if I’ve had enough of the Unions targeting football supporters, then I would hazard a guess that there are far more starting to feel this way, going after me or anyone else that has the temerity to say, “well actually this is starting to get more than a bit annoying” isn’t the way, you’d get far more understanding from me if you targeted the actual institutions driving these changes, the government, TOC’s, bring London to a standstill.
That I could support, that would be the right course of action going forward, as a football fan, who’s working class & a genuine guy, I can’t help feeling targeted (because that’s what’s happening) the FA cup final was a threshold for me, that changed my outlook on the strikes, I won’t be the only one, how long is too long ? the Unions need to change tact because this kind of action is only going one way
The fact that there was no strike during the Coronation yet a strike for the FA Cup final made me stop caring. They’re targeting the wrong people.

It’s not made me oppose them or owt, but I now don’t give a shit if they get the payrise or not.
Incredible that these strikes are going on stil and causing untold misery.
This country is an absolute joke.
Last I’ll say on it, firstly I’m not speaking on behalf of the public (no need to point score) I’m speaking as a regular Joe, member of the public, a family man who is working class and previously a shop steward for ten years, albeit in a different industry. Such was my passion for workers rights and fighting injustice, I ended up losing that job as I’d become a ‘problem’ for the company. I know the value of being part of a Union, I understand their need, especially with this government, and I’m all for workers rights and fair treatment.
Whether you like it or not, as a football fan I feel like I am being targeted, and it is pissing me off! That isn’t aimed at workers, it is aimed at the Unions whose policy this is. I guess the message I am trying to get across is, if I’ve had enough of the Unions targeting football supporters, then I would hazard a guess that there are far more starting to feel this way, going after me or anyone else that has the temerity to say, “well actually this is starting to get more than a bit annoying” isn’t the way, you’d get far more understanding from me if you targeted the actual institutions driving these changes, the government, TOC’s, bring London to a standstill.
That I could support, that would be the right course of action going forward, as a football fan, who’s working class & a genuine guy, I can’t help feeling targeted (because that’s what’s happening) the FA cup final was a threshold for me, that changed my outlook on the strikes, I won’t be the only one, how long is too long ? the Unions need to change tact because this kind of action is only going one way
If this is your last word on the matter fair enough but you've now shifted from telling us what the public in general and footy fans in particular think to giving your personal opinion. That's all it is.
You suppose you know the rationale behind the choice of strike dates when you clearly do not.
I could go on at great length about the process of deciding when to strike but it would probably bore most readers shitless so I won't bother except to say that nobody from top Union officials down to the lowest paid RMT Member actually want this.
We merely want dignity, job security and fair pay on a safe, reliable and properly staffed rail network that is accessible for all.
The greedy corrupt Government and their cronies are set on downgrading all elements of that and I'm proud that the Trades Unions have had the spine to confront them.
Many disputes have led to positive outcomes (NHS, postal workers, teachers etc) but the government have dug their heels in on this and the public are suffering as a consequence but to their great credit the majority of the travelling public can see the big picture and support the workers stance.

I'm done discussing it too. I'm off to take my other half to a hospital appointment by car as there's no train station nearby since a Tory government closed it about 60 years ago.
Next strike is 00.01 - 06.00 Sunday 12th November.

Hopefully won’t inconvenience anyone on here too much.
You said the unions need to change tact. So, what do you suggest as an alternative to what they are doing now?
Stop targeting certain areas of society (who are nothing to do with this action) to create the most attention and go after the government & TOC’s, get around the table, March on London, Downing st, head offices, even Greenpeace targeted Sunak, if they feel that strongly about it then mobilise & stop looking for a soft target
If this is your last word on the matter fair enough but you've now shifted from telling us what the public in general and footy fans in particular think to giving your personal opinion. That's all it is.
You suppose you know the rationale behind the choice of strike dates when you clearly do not.
I could go on at great length about the process of deciding when to strike but it would probably bore most readers shitless so I won't bother except to say that nobody from top Union officials down to the lowest paid RMT Member actually want this.
We merely want dignity, job security and fair pay on a safe, reliable and properly staffed rail network that is accessible for all.
The greedy corrupt Government and their cronies are set on downgrading all elements of that and I'm proud that the Trades Unions have had the spine to confront them.
Many disputes have led to positive outcomes (NHS, postal workers, teachers etc) but the government have dug their heels in on this and the public are suffering as a consequence but to their great credit the majority of the travelling public can see the big picture and support the workers stance.

I'm done discussing it too. I'm off to take my other half to a hospital appointment by car as there's no train station nearby since a Tory government closed it about 60 years ago.
I never once spoke for anyone other than myself, I’m pissed off not pissed off for other people. I spoke as a member of the public and a football fan. The only person who shifted position is yourself by stating the Unions aren’t targeting football fans, then said what else do you want them to do ? Targeting weekend travel isn’t targeting the masses, that would surely be commuter time, we all know that would be an over step, so the unions target a softer target. I never once said you should cave and bend over for the government, I simply stated I’m sick of being collateral damage in these actions. I don’t understand why you can’t see I’m well within my rights to be aggrieved getting caught up in it all, you sought to downplay it as ‘it’s a bit of an inconvenience at a football match’ but it’s not, it means I won’t be able to go, and not for the first time either

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