I've always said that you can't do much about awful calls. As a professional athlete/coach, you just have to suck it up and deal. But . . . when bad calls come at the beginning or middle of a game/match, there's time to do something about them by playing harder, or faster, and working to get it back when you hit a patch of bad luck. Witness Sterling's clear pen yesterday.
When a bad call comes at the END of the game, though, it's magnified x 10 because there is not time to get it back.
I've watched all kinds of professional sports for nearly 50 years in the USA. Though I rarely watch the NFL, I am hard-pressed to remember a single call in any sport that was as colossally, un-debate-ably rancid as that one (though I'm sure a YouTube clip will be put up to remind me of others).
That official should be summarily dismissed from his job, and I'd bet dollars to doughnuts he would agree with his own sacking. In fact, he should resign immediately of his own accord.
So sad for New Orleans.