NFL season 2013/2014

pudge said:
rick773 said:
jay_mcfc said:
Michael Vick is a horrible, horrible man. If he breaks both legs against the Chargers next week I will be a happy man.

Meanwhile half the nfl is out shooting deer with a crossbow, while taking an absurd amount of drugs , cheating on their wives and whatever else pudge described. I'm not sure why Vick would be held to a higher standard than anybody else, I don't think he'll be sainted at any point , but damn if all professional athletes were judged as harshly as he was there wouldn't be professional sports. The average human is just as fucked up as him really.

As far as my once in a generation comment , 50 years from now Vick will be remembered fondly , at most Matty ice will be looked back as an underachieving playoff loser.
Vick will not be remembered fondly

You come across as an impressionable child, a naïve one at that. You asked what has he ever done to be considered a ****, I feel the list of offences I offered more than justify that label.

Just last year Eagles fans were calling for his head, one game won't change everything.

As for your Ryan comment, for whatever reason you brought him up, he has the most wins by any QB in history over the first 5 years of their career, led the league in completion percentage last year, has increased his TD production every single season, has made the play offs 4 out of his 5 season, has the most game winning drives and 4th quarter comebacks in his first 5 years than anyone else, and a better than 2:1 TD to interception ratio.

Vick's been in the league longer than Ryan and acheived less, how will he not be remembered as a failure? Vick may be remembered but it won't be for what he did on the field

Ryan will win a Superbowl before he retires, because he's a great QB, unlike Vick. Ryan led us to a blown call from the refs away from a shot at it last year.

Last night you came across as completely oblivious to what Vick had done. The drugs, the prison time, the disrespect, the obscene gestures.

Ron Mexico may have made the Falcons exciting, but Ryan makes us relevant. Give any GM in football a choice between Vick or Ryan and Vick's in the unemployment line.

With you hanging off his hinge end by the sound of it, might want to get yourself to the clinic if that's the case.

But I'm still not sure why you brought Ryan into it so let's not make this into a Vick/Ryan debate, not only because it will be a landslide but because its not the point. Maybe it was just a very, very poor attempt at a cheap shot, I don't know

The only excuse you can have for your ignorance is if you have only just started following the NFL for 2/3 years, even then you must have lived on Mars, with your eyes shut, and your fingers in your ears to not consider Vick a disgrace.

you must have an amazing crystal ball. do the bengals win a playoff game or even get to the superbowl (or even win it ????) in this future ?
AntiUnited said:
pudge said:
rick773 said:
Meanwhile half the nfl is out shooting deer with a crossbow, while taking an absurd amount of drugs , cheating on their wives and whatever else pudge described. I'm not sure why Vick would be held to a higher standard than anybody else, I don't think he'll be sainted at any point , but damn if all professional athletes were judged as harshly as he was there wouldn't be professional sports. The average human is just as fucked up as him really.

As far as my once in a generation comment , 50 years from now Vick will be remembered fondly , at most Matty ice will be looked back as an underachieving playoff loser.
Vick will not be remembered fondly

You come across as an impressionable child, a naïve one at that. You asked what has he ever done to be considered a ****, I feel the list of offences I offered more than justify that label.

Just last year Eagles fans were calling for his head, one game won't change everything.

As for your Ryan comment, for whatever reason you brought him up, he has the most wins by any QB in history over the first 5 years of their career, led the league in completion percentage last year, has increased his TD production every single season, has made the play offs 4 out of his 5 season, has the most game winning drives and 4th quarter comebacks in his first 5 years than anyone else, and a better than 2:1 TD to interception ratio.

Vick's been in the league longer than Ryan and acheived less, how will he not be remembered as a failure? Vick may be remembered but it won't be for what he did on the field

Ryan will win a Superbowl before he retires, because he's a great QB, unlike Vick. Ryan led us to a blown call from the refs away from a shot at it last year.

Last night you came across as completely oblivious to what Vick had done. The drugs, the prison time, the disrespect, the obscene gestures.

Ron Mexico may have made the Falcons exciting, but Ryan makes us relevant. Give any GM in football a choice between Vick or Ryan and Vick's in the unemployment line.

With you hanging off his hinge end by the sound of it, might want to get yourself to the clinic if that's the case.

But I'm still not sure why you brought Ryan into it so let's not make this into a Vick/Ryan debate, not only because it will be a landslide but because its not the point. Maybe it was just a very, very poor attempt at a cheap shot, I don't know

The only excuse you can have for your ignorance is if you have only just started following the NFL for 2/3 years, even then you must have lived on Mars, with your eyes shut, and your fingers in your ears to not consider Vick a disgrace.

you must have an amazing crystal ball. do the bengals win a playoff game or even get to the superbowl (or even win it ????) in this future ?
You do realise you have made predictions in this thread, and City related ones. You have said "the Patriots will be shit", you know this for a fact?

It's personal opinion and perception. He's beaten Vick, he's beaten Rodgers, Peyton, Eli, Brees, Flacco. If at the end of his career he doesn't have 1 ring, it would be a shock.

I'm sure you were confident the Bengals would beat the Bears
rick773 said:
jay_mcfc said:
Michael Vick is a horrible, horrible man. If he breaks both legs against the Chargers next week I will be a happy man.

Meanwhile half the nfl is out shooting deer with a crossbow, while taking an absurd amount of drugs , cheating on their wives and whatever else pudge described. I'm not sure why Vick would be held to a higher standard than anybody else, I don't think he'll be sainted at any point , but damn if all professional athletes were judged as harshly as he was there wouldn't be professional sports. The average human is just as fucked up as him really.

As far as my once in a generation comment , 50 years from now Vick will be remembered fondly , at most Matty ice will be looked back as an underachieving playoff loser.

I can still remember Dallas Cowboys hero Michael Irvin doing coke off a hooker's tits while married with children. I recall one or two sexual assault complaints, too.

These guys aren't saints.
Blue Haze said:
rick773 said:
jay_mcfc said:
Michael Vick is a horrible, horrible man. If he breaks both legs against the Chargers next week I will be a happy man.

Meanwhile half the nfl is out shooting deer with a crossbow, while taking an absurd amount of drugs , cheating on their wives and whatever else pudge described. I'm not sure why Vick would be held to a higher standard than anybody else, I don't think he'll be sainted at any point , but damn if all professional athletes were judged as harshly as he was there wouldn't be professional sports. The average human is just as fucked up as him really.

As far as my once in a generation comment , 50 years from now Vick will be remembered fondly , at most Matty ice will be looked back as an underachieving playoff loser.

I can still remember Dallas Cowboys hero Michael Irvin doing coke off a hooker's tits while married with children. I recall one or two sexual assault complaints, too.

These guys aren't saints.
So it's understandable if some don't see them as such, surely?
pudge said:
AntiUnited said:
pudge said:
Vick will not be remembered fondly

You come across as an impressionable child, a naïve one at that. You asked what has he ever done to be considered a ****, I feel the list of offences I offered more than justify that label.

Just last year Eagles fans were calling for his head, one game won't change everything.

As for your Ryan comment, for whatever reason you brought him up, he has the most wins by any QB in history over the first 5 years of their career, led the league in completion percentage last year, has increased his TD production every single season, has made the play offs 4 out of his 5 season, has the most game winning drives and 4th quarter comebacks in his first 5 years than anyone else, and a better than 2:1 TD to interception ratio.

Vick's been in the league longer than Ryan and acheived less, how will he not be remembered as a failure? Vick may be remembered but it won't be for what he did on the field

Ryan will win a Superbowl before he retires, because he's a great QB, unlike Vick. Ryan led us to a blown call from the refs away from a shot at it last year.

Last night you came across as completely oblivious to what Vick had done. The drugs, the prison time, the disrespect, the obscene gestures.

Ron Mexico may have made the Falcons exciting, but Ryan makes us relevant. Give any GM in football a choice between Vick or Ryan and Vick's in the unemployment line.

With you hanging off his hinge end by the sound of it, might want to get yourself to the clinic if that's the case.

But I'm still not sure why you brought Ryan into it so let's not make this into a Vick/Ryan debate, not only because it will be a landslide but because its not the point. Maybe it was just a very, very poor attempt at a cheap shot, I don't know

The only excuse you can have for your ignorance is if you have only just started following the NFL for 2/3 years, even then you must have lived on Mars, with your eyes shut, and your fingers in your ears to not consider Vick a disgrace.

you must have an amazing crystal ball. do the bengals win a playoff game or even get to the superbowl (or even win it ????) in this future ?
You do realise you have made predictions in this thread, and City related ones. You have said "the Patriots will be shit", you know this for a fact?

I'm sure you were confident the Bengals would beat the Bears

xD. That game was a farce and dalton should be flogged -_-
AntiUnited said:
pudge said:
AntiUnited said:
you must have an amazing crystal ball. do the bengals win a playoff game or even get to the superbowl (or even win it ????) in this future ?
You do realise you have made predictions in this thread, and City related ones. You have said "the Patriots will be shit", you know this for a fact?

I'm sure you were confident the Bengals would beat the Bears

xD. That game was a farce and dalton should be flogged -_-
Would you have wanted a QB drafted last year, or just signed a vet say?

Genuine question, don't know what to think of Dalton.
In terms of Michael Vick, I don't think he'll be remembered for good or bad, just a QB that done all he could on the pitch, bit of a nob off of it. Pretty much half of all athletes summed up, however what he did off the pitch makes him a bigger nob.

He made a mistake as he admitted to and deserves a chance at redemption, I personally like the guy, think he could go far if that O-Line protect him (Joe Flacco is hardly top 5 QB material and he won last year.) Vick is arguably the best rushing and passing quarterback in the league, particularly in balance of the two.

When you look back in history I think it'll only be Falcons that will hate him, I guess he kinda screwed them over.
pudge said:
AntiUnited said:
pudge said:
You do realise you have made predictions in this thread, and City related ones. You have said "the Patriots will be shit", you know this for a fact?

I'm sure you were confident the Bengals would beat the Bears

xD. That game was a farce and dalton should be flogged -_-
Would you have wanted a QB drafted last year, or just signed a vet say?

Genuine question, don't know what to think of Dalton.

Na flogged as in told to wise up and step up. Hes good and the future he just had a shit game(sign a vet would have been ideal not having kitna was a loss he was a legend or a cult hero of sorts). Dalton finally got the monkey off his back in beating Pittsburgh last year and hopefully he will take that next big step(winning a playoff game). We lost due to his 2 int but the real killer for us was AJ green losing the ball at there 20 yard line and totally fucked our momentum. The only solace i take from week 1`is the ratbirds are fukin shit and the steelers are worse and Cleveland will always be Cleveland XD.
MCFC1993 said:
In terms of Michael Vick, I don't think he'll be remembered for good or bad, just a QB that done all he could on the pitch, bit of a nob off of it. Pretty much half of all athletes summed up, however what he did off the pitch makes him a bigger nob.

He made a mistake as he admitted to and deserves a chance at redemption, I personally like the guy, think he could go far if that O-Line protect him (Joe Flacco is hardly top 5 QB material and he won last year.) Vick is arguably the best rushing and passing quarterback in the league, particularly in balance of the two.

When you look back in history I think it'll only be Falcons that will hate him, I guess he kinda screwed them over.
Vick was poor (putting it nicely) when he was our QB, but still got a $130m deal invested in him, then went to prison, came back to the league, came back to Atlanta, got a standing ovation (don't know why really)...... yet he still mocked the fans.

I think it's rather understandable that we (Falcons fans) don't particularity like the guy to be fair. I'd say neutrals will be more inclined to remember his Bad Newz days above anything else. If not for that, he'd still be our QB putting up mediocre passing numbers with little if no play off appearances but a few more Pro Bowls to his name.

I think Randall Cunningham was the best rushing and passing quarterback, to this day, but that's just my opinion. Vick's rushing numbers cover up his passing numbers. Not once did he complete more than 56% of his passes for us.

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