NHS being recommended 1% pay rise

The nasty party in full swing. Yet the usual dickhead on here still defend them! They have shafted the nurses for years then about about it when they give them a rise, it's all about looking after themselves and their mates. Some people are just so stupid and can never see they do wrong
Some on here would defend the Tories if they ate babies for breakfast. I can’t even engage with the cnuts!
Ah the great British public strike again build up your heroes by clapping them and praising how good they are but now we are at the stage of slagging them off because they are pissed off at a 1% pay rise and rightly so as should anybody. Yes they aren’t the only ones who have worked the pandemic, I’m not getting a pay rise but I’m not jealous of the NHS staff I support them.
Of course public sector have not lots jobs, YET, but that will come as budgets are slashed to pay for things. Just like the 10/12 years of austerity, I hear the cry supermarket staff have worked the whole time, yet their employers have had record profits let’s hope they compensate them accordingly.
Lets not forget there have been millions sat on their arses on 80% as well for what could be 18 months, many claiming and still working as well, fuck all I can do about that but let’s slag off people who have been working and paying their taxes to pay for that.
The billions that have been squandered on trace and trace could’ve paid for a decent pay rise for all those public sector workers 5 times over, but let’s sweep that under the carpet and talk about those greedy public sector workers just like in 2008-2020, I hope there is a bigger outcry when you go into the pubs and prices will have increased by 10% as they try to claw back money.
I do realise the country is in the shit but the magic money tree appeared last year when apparently we didn’t have any, you know just like when Theresea May found a £1billiin cor NI. What this government needed to do was say that for example scrap car parking charges for the staff plus 1%, every little helps. The economy is predicted to bounce back significantly when they release the great unwashed back onto the streets, yet the tories will use their pandemic to bring back austerity and privatise many things for their mates, no doubt the MPs will get 5% pay rise again, yes it’s independent but they can turn it down but will they fuck.
Some on here would defend the Tories if they ate babies for breakfast. I can’t even engage with the cnuts!

To be fair, plenty would happily peddle that myth such is their constant hatred.

It’s a poor offer no doubt but millions will face far worse in the coming months re work/financially.

A newly qualified nurse starts on £24,900. That is not a poor salary. The average salary is estimated at between £33/£35k a year, again that’s decent money. Do they deserve it? Absolutely. Would I like them to have more? Absolutely but then I’d like us all to earn more than we do.

Nursing unions wanting a 12.5% rise right now is ridiculous and is never going to happen.
Never read as much shit in my life. This gap will have widened this year. The private sector has been decimated. Of course nurses deserve good pay that is why they have had a rise when so many across the county have seen income plummet And the government tax Intake will never have been lower and before alll the attacks start my daughter is a trainee nurse.
You will know then that nurses in the private sector get paid a lot more than in the nhs then, that’s why many become Bank staff, to supplement their wage. When the private sector bounces back, and it will, do you see big rises for public sector because it didn’t happen pre Covid. After 10 years of austerity the economy was taking off yet there was nothing for the public sector, I got no pay rise for 10 years paying back the bankers fuckup and then when it was all turning round (just look at the amount of cranes in Manchester) I got 1%, I was already £5k behind where I should’ve been! Do you think if Covid hadn’t happened the tories would’ve been giving the public sector at least inflation matching pay rise? Would they fuck and this is another way of not doing it. Don’t get me wrong I expect no pay rise for at least 5 years again, by which time I will be around £8k a year down on compared to 2008. Thank god I’m retiring on my gold plated pension, I can’t wait to buy my Lamborghini and 5 holidays a year!
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the people spouting the utter shit throughout this thread won’t be aware that nhs workers have had 4 consecutive pay increases over and above inflation over the previous 4 years. The last one being 4.4 percent pre covid. Never happened at that scale under the last labour government at any stage. All by this “nasty Tory government” The current estimate gap between private sector pay and public sector pay is 11.5 percent. Sheep.
6.5% over three years after 10 years of not getting a pay rise. After losing 12% over the previous 10 years.
You will know then that nurses in the private sector get paid a lot more than in the nhs then, that’s why many become Bank staff, to supplement their wage. When the private sector bounces back, and it will, do you see bid rises for public sector because it didn’t happen pre Covid. After 10 years of austerity the economy was taking off yet there was nothing for the public sector, I got no pay rise for 10 years paying back the bankers fuckup and then when it was all turning round (just look at the amount of cranes in Manchester) I got 1%, I was already £5k behind where I should’ve been! Do you think if Covid hadn’t happened the tories would’ve been giving the public sector at least inflation matching pay rise? Would they fuck and this is another way of not doing it. Don’t get me wrong I expect no pay rise for at least 5 years again, by which time I will be around £8k a year down on compared to 2008. Thank god I’m retiring on my gold plated pension, I can’t wait to buy my Lamborghini and 5 holidays a year!
Ha ha! I had to deal with a complaint at work from a person who claimed I was just lying in wait for my gold plated pension. They haven’t got a fucking clue have they?
Sounds rough on the face of it for people who’ve made a wonderful effort.

How do you draw the line on deserving occupations, though, and achieve any sort of consensus, bearing in mind the state of the economy?

And how would it be funded, assuming it contains a mixture of public and private sector employees?

We all know there would be an unseemly scramble among the usual suspects.
Sounds rough on the face of it for people who’ve made a wonderful effort.

How do you draw the line on deserving occupations, though, and achieve any sort of consensus, bearing in mind the state of the economy?

And how would it be funded, assuming it contains a mixture of public and private sector employees?

We all know there would be an unseemly scramble among the usual suspects.
I think you match inflation it’s that simple, with the freeze on the personal tax allowance etc for 4 years, you put in place an inflation matching pay rise so you are not worse off. I wouldn’t be asking for 12.5% pay rise just inflation matching is that too much to ask for?

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