NHS Crisis

At Macclesfield A&E you are met by a triage nurse who determines whether to send you home or not.
I was when I broke my right shoulder last year.
She was all for sending me home with "bad bruising". Luckily she opted for a recommendation of a precautionary X-ray.
The rest is history.
Until the NHS actually understands what "efficiency" means, throwing more and more money at it will not fix it.

NHS had its highest EVER approval rate in 2010. No service in the world will ever be perfect and the problems we currently have are because the Tories are purposely under funding it so that when it collapses they can make most of it private. It's not really a secret.
Probably the most disgraceful headline I've ever seen from an English newspaper.

The public are now under attack from the media and government.

the problems we currently have are because the Tories are purposely under funding it so that when it collapses they can make most of it private. It's not really a secret.

Really? If true, then good news. PROPERLY privatising the majority of it would be an enormous improvement since it would bring some real efficiency improvements.

Or maybe they are underfunding it because every department - health, education, defence, welfare , policing etc etc are ALL desperate for more money that we haven't actually god with our huge deficit and even more gigantic debt. Just a fucking thought.
Probably the most disgraceful headline I've ever seen from an English newspaper.

The public are now under attack from the media and government.


All true though. There is of course the question WHY people go to A&E when they should not be there and the answer is because in some cases they have nowhere else to go, because we only run a 9-5, weekday only service for much of the NHS. And because people are too dim to call 111.

But nevertheless I am sure it is still true - there are lots of people in A&E who should not be being treated in A&E.
Really? If true, then good news. PROPERLY privatising the majority of it would be an enormous improvement since it would bring some real efficiency improvements.

Or maybe they are underfunding it because every department - health, education, defence, welfare , policing etc etc are ALL desperate for more money that we haven't actually god with our huge deficit and even more gigantic debt. Just a fucking thought.

This government is quite clearly choking the life out of the normal people of this country.

If you had anything about you, you'd at least notice that it's papers like the Mail and the Sun which are putting out these defensive headlines. Does that not ring alarm bells with you? The Sun and the Mail? These are some of the most racist, xenophobic and staunch government mouth pieces in western society. Anything they come out with should automatically be treated with suspicion.

We're one of the richest countries in the world. One of the problems we have is that the rich and big business' aren't paying their fair amount of tax. We lose out on billions a year because of it. More tax cuts are on the way for these types as well while the disabled have their benefits taken away.

As for you being happy about the NHS being made private. I guess that's good for you if you can afford it but not for those that won't be able to pay out thousands and thousands of pounds for basic operations. Think about those being handed bills on their way out of chemo.

A health service is a right and not a privilege.
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I should add that yes we do have a debt, but we have done for decades and decades. It's grown a huge amount in the last 6 years alone.

It will never EVER be paid off. We only finished paying off our WW2 debt to the US a few years ago.

It's all a bunch of bollocks and it's bit of a con in my opinion but that's another topic for another day...
This government is quite clearly choking the life out of the normal people of this country.

If you had anything about you, you'd at least notice that it's papers like the Mail and the Sun which are putting out these defensive headlines. Does that not ring alarm bells with you? The Sun and the Mail? These are some of the most racist, xenophobic and staunch government mouth pieces in western society. Anything they come out with should automatically be treated with suspicion.

We're one of the richest countries in the world. One of the problems we have is that the rich and big business' aren't paying their fair amount of tax. We lose out on billions a year because of it. More tax cuts are on the way for these types as well while the disabled have their benefits taken away.

As for you being happy about the NHS being made private. I guess that's good for you if you can afford it but not for those that won't be able to pay out thousands and thousands of pounds for basic operations. Think about those being handed bills on their way out of chemo.

A health service is a right and not a privilege.

I started writing a response to the above, but it was too lengthy for this forum, so I'll just say that I fundamentally disagree with you on many, many levels.

But I will say two things:

First, a health service is a privilege, not a right. You have a right to exist and a right to own possessions and that's pretty much it. What on earth makes you think that you have a RIGHT to demand that someone else should care for you? What bizarre and utterly wrong thinking. I am not saying that a free health service is a bad thing, but a right, it most definitely is not.

Second, I don't have private health actually. I want the best possible treatment by the NHS and that means I want them to be as efficient and effective as possible and the ludicrous levels of inefficiency and waste endemic in the system, benefits no-one.
I remember being in Wythenshawe A&E for 5 hours with Kidney Stones (twice) and only got seen to when I collapsed and passed out on the floor!

At one point I was trying to piss myself so I'd get seen to but then though against it because they would probably only assume I was drunk.

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