NHS Crisis

Are perscription drugs allowed to be sold that way? Surely that chemist is breaking some law?

Sometimes a doctor will prescribe an over the counter medicine, in which case the pharmacist can sell it to you at it's retail price rather than using the prescription. Basically something doesn't have to be prescription only for it to end up on a prescription.

It all started when hospitals began beng run by accountants...

I predicted this 5/6 years ago when I went into the private sector, make no mistake,'the corporate conglomerates are here and here to stay...

I died a little inside when I was told 'virgin want to be the Coca Cola of the mental health sector'....

I envisage the day of me living in the woods away from 'normal society'!

It all started when hospitals began beng run by accountants...

I predicted this 5/6 years ago when I went into the private sector, make no mistake,'the corporate conglomerates are here and here to stay...

I died a little inside when I was told 'virgin want to be the Coca Cola of the mental health sector'....

I envisage the day of me living in the woods away from 'normal society'!

I thought the same but my reasoning was TTIP, when that started to be negotated things started looking down for the NHS, it will be interesting to see how things pan out with that post brexit.

It all started when hospitals began beng run by accountants...

I predicted this 5/6 years ago when I went into the private sector, make no mistake,'the corporate conglomerates are here and here to stay...

I died a little inside when I was told 'virgin want to be the Coca Cola of the mental health sector'....

I envisage the day of me living in the woods away from 'normal society'!
Can you whittle spoons from felled logs?
Until the NHS actually understands what "efficiency" means, throwing more and more money at it will not fix it.
Until the NHS actually understands what "efficiency" means, throwing more and more money at it will not fix it.
Patients need to understand what efficiency is first, I'm afraid. Seeing a million patients every 36 hours, dancing to the ever changing tune of politicians, having to go through countless 'public consultation' exercises for changing anything (even though the public never turn up)even though the evidence is overwhelming, whilst balancing the budget every year, makes efficiency a particularly difficult trait to promote.
Then, when you realise that over 80 members of the Lords and plenty of MP's have interests in private healthcare companies and or pharmaceutical companies, you get a small clue as to why a few of the problems with the NHS are not open to being solved. And don't even get me started on the doctors...
Hunt's comments bizarre today. 4 hours was always for non-urgent cases, urgent meant you were seen straight away. He is effectively now saying urgent cases could face 4 hour waits.
4 hours is/was for everyone though. That leads to people being admitted at 3 hours 45, because the department of health thinks fining hospitals for missing the 4 hour target was a good idea. What Hunt is actually saying, and about time to is, that if there is no need for you to be in A&E you will be there for as long as it takes. If people worse than you keep coming in, you'll be kept waiting.
4 hours is/was for everyone though. That leads to people being admitted at 3 hours 45, because the department of health thinks fining hospitals for missing the 4 hour target was a good idea. What Hunt is actually saying, and about time to is, that if there is no need for you to be in A&E you will be there for as long as it takes. If people worse than you keep coming in, you'll be kept waiting.
Indeed. Unfortunately, triage doesn't allow clinicians to tell people to sod off home! All the evidence says triage should be done by the most qualified person (consultant) who should be able to hand over for treatment, send for investigation, admit or get rid of. With the last option not available it leads to the failure of the system.

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